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Blog #283 / It Was Only A Test...Thank Zeus!!!!! :D

First of all...I'm sorry about the last blog I made...mainly because I felt like crap and thought that what Jenna had told me was actually true and then I came on this site all miserable and vented in my blog and probably made all of you somewhat depressed and feel bad for me and try to think about my feelings and whatnot. I apologize for that. But...I needs to tell you something right now...which gets to the title: IT WAS ONLY A TEST!!!!! :D What I had wished with all my heart had really been true...THANK ZEUS...I was so happy!!! :D I found this out on Sunday actually...Jenna told me then...she would have told me later but she saw that I was an emotional decided not to let me stay that way any longer. :P Well...when I heard that it just made my day...I honestly don't care about anything that I went through for that short period of time...I don't care...Jenna and I aren't breaking up and it was just a test (I apparently passed it with flying colors. :P Is that expression used anymore? :P I've heard it in a few cartoons before I think... :P ) Well...before I talk about today or Monday, I needs to tell you about Sunday... :P

But before that... LISTEN TO ONE OF THESE SONGS BY ICED EARTH OR PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Okay...I'll give you a choice of three songs my Iced Earth to listen to from their album Burnt Offerings and here they are with the links for them on YouTube:

"Brainwashed" : you immediately listen to this song because it's the first one...just keep in mind that this song might be somewhat offensive to some kinda bashes the corrupt Christian churches and hypocrites. If you don't mind's an AWETHUM song and I personally love it! :D )

"Creator Failure" : LOVE this song as well...although when I felt terrible and thought that Jenna had dumped me...I got some really disturbing images in my head while listening to it. :P I'd rather not go into too much detail but it made me think of Jenna in Hell being tortured and killed by demons. But...aside from that...I LOVE this song...ESPECIALLY when Barlow gets into like the flute register! :D )

"Burnt Offerings" : song is EPIC!!!!! :D :P I love the beginning...Barlow has this epicly demonic voice and the entire rest of the song is just amazing as well! :D Oh, and if you wanna know what the heck he's saying in the demonic voice it's: "I was betrayed. Look, what your god has done to me.".)

So...just pick one of those and listen to it and tell me what you think. :P I don't haveta...but I would love it if you did. :P Now getting to what the heck happened to me on Sunday... :P the morning I didn't get to sleep at all so I just got out of my bed at around 6 and went on this site and then after a little while I went onto the porch and had my radio and Iced Earth CDs and was playing music by them full blast and singing/screaming them (is there really a difference with some metal songs? :lol: :P ) and after I was done listening to music full blast for two hours I turned it off (the last song I listened to was"Creator Failure"...after that I couldn't even listen to music anymore) and I started crying and talking to myself about how much I missed Jenna and got yelled at by some random dude and went inside to cry in my bedroom until 1, when Jenna came over, and even then, I was too busy crying to let her inside, my dad had to let her in the house and then she came into my bedroom and caught me still crying, like an idiot. Then we had this conversation for a while and she told me that it was all a test and she isn't straight and isn't really breaking up with me and I passed the test...I guess she wanted to know if I really loved her. She promised she would never do that to me again though, but I don't really mind, I was just happy she is still a part of my life. :D And then we went on a walk and then we went our separate ways and I called her later that night and we had a somewhat long conversation. :P That's about all I haveta say about Sunday. :PI was just so happy when I found out it was only a test. :D When she first told me I thought it was a lie actually. :P Well...I shouldn't get into more detail...I wrote more about it in the SECOND EDIT of my last blog. :P

Monday was okay...nothing special really was just a normal school day. :P So...I'll just get to today. :P I got to miss English and History (AWETHUM!!! :D :P ) to take the Biology final, and then in PE we did nothing was just a free period and after that I got changed into my outfit for Latin Declamation (I had Latin Declamation today and I didn't wanna miss PE. :P ) and then in Math we did pretty much nothing...but we got assigned a "project"...we needs to graph a conic section! :P Yeah...that's gonna be SO HARD!!! :P And I'm's the easiest thing ever! :P Then in Italian we did nothing so I did my Math "project". :P In Latin I did my Declamation and then we did nothing. :P I did quite well on my Declamation actually...more peoples asked me if I was fluent in Latin. :lol: :P Yeah right...NO ONE is fluent in Latin except Latin teachers! :lol: :P And then in Biology we did nothing. :P was just so productive! :lol: :P That's sarcasm! :P Although...I did kinda annoy Jenna today. :P She had not seen me for the entire first half of the day and then she just ran into me when I was dressed up for my Declamation and didn't know that I had Declamation so she was a little freaked out...mainly because I don't dress up unless I haveta...I only dress up for presentations at school and I kinda sorta dress up for a date...but that's it. :P She said something like: "Are you my girlfriend's evil twin or something?'re the "good" one. Seriously...why are you dressed up like that? You have no presentations today.". :P My response to that was: "Oh, well...I don't have any presentations today...I just decided to dress up nicely today. I thought you would like that better...considering that you almost broke up with me a few days ago...I thought you would like this better.". :P That DEFINATELY threw her off (that's what I wanted to do...I like to annoy peoples. :P ) and then she said: "You're kidding, right?"...and I said I would tell her on the train ride home why I'm dressed up. :P So...on the train ride I told her that I had Latin Declamation and she wanted to kill me. :lol: :P Not really...I'm sure she knew it was a joke. :P Anyways...Jenna did come over my place after school (we took the train home usual.) and thenI had to basically explain what the heck I was doing when I felt terrible and was being tested...she was just curious and wanted to know what I was doing. I showed her that blog I made and my ridiculously angsting comments...when she got to the part where I first said that I deserved to get AIDs or some other fatal STD and die and then have the WBC would say that I was "cured". Immediately after she read that she felt bad for me and hugged me and said something like: "What the heck is this?! That's a don't deserve any of that!". And I had her listen to some of the music I was listening to and in the meantime (while we were listening to that music...I could tell Jenna hated the music...she doesn't seem to like metal. :P But she wanted to know what I was doing with myself. :P ) I was explaining what I was doing with myself when I was heartbroken. Then the last song I had her listen to was "Creator Failure" and told her about the image it had put it in my mind. I actually had not described it to her...I told her it put a disturbing and depressing image into my mind but I told her no more...I had her listen to the song. After the first stanza, she immediately knew what image I had in my head...and I knew she did. So then I kinda sorta described it and left it at that. I could tell she felt bad for me and knew I was a wreck at that time. :P She did apologize again but I told her she didn't need to and I was fine and over the way I had just felt and I was just glad it was only a test. So...that's over and done with and after I said I was fine Jenna seemed fine so...I was glad she didn't feel bad about what she did...I don't want her to feel bad about anything. :D's over and done with and we're just gonna leaveit at that. :D After that we just kinda did nothing because neither of us had any homework that night...I just was kinda screwing around on my flute for a while (so...just playing random crap and scales. :P ) and Jenna hasn't heard me play the flute in a while and in that time I've gotten much better so...she was impressed. :D :P Oh, and then at 6:30 Jenna was gonna leave but I wanted her to stay and watch something on TV with me. :P Wanna know what it is? :P Uh...I'd rather not but it's My Little Pony, Friendship Is Magic. :P Yeah...I'm officially a if I wasn't one already. :lol: :P's an okay of my friends wanted me to watch it on Monday so I did and I actually liked it...I could I not? One of them is a prankster and Rainbow Dash is a tomboy. :P Rainbow Dash is the only cool one in my opinion...Pinkie Pie is okay...and Twilight is AWETHUM. :P Well...I made Jenna watch it...she found it wierd that I would be watching something like that but said that it wasn't that bad and might watch it again...sometime...but probably not. :P And when I told her that Rainbow Dash was my favorite and she realized that Rainbow Dash was a tomboy she said: " wonder you like Rainbow Dash.". :P So her mom came to pick her up at 7, and Jenna's excuse for having her mom come 30 minutes later than she would have was: "Yeah...I would have had you pick me up 30 minutes earlier but Alicia wanted me to watch My Little Pony, Friendship Is Magic with me because one of the ponies is a tomboy with a rainbow mane."...yeah...thanks a lot, Jenna! :lol: :P Kidding. :P After that she left and then I did some stuff and came on this site to make a blog. :P That's about it...I'll go to bed soon... :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Oh, did you know that today is the longest day of the year? :P I did...because I'm AWETHUM like that, yeah! :lol: :P Don't believe me? :P is so don't doubt me! :P Well...anyways...sorry about my last blog and thanks for all of your concern but it was all a test and now I am over it and perfectly fine and I'm still together with Jenna and happier than ever! :D Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia, who only has 5 days of school left! :D )