Well...before anything else...when I get to Blog #300 I will do something special...I dunno what yet and to be honest...I have absolutely no idea as to what I'll do. :P I'll come up with something though... :P If you have any ideas or suggestions for what the heck my 300th Blog should be...you can mention it when you comment on this blog. :D :P And if not...oh well...I'll figure out something...or I could ask Jenna...she actually has common sense (for the most part. :P No BLS student has a ton of common sense if you ask me. :P ) and could probably help me think of something. :P Well...anyways...getting to other part of the title...I only have two days of school left!!!!! :D The last two days are half-days that not too many peoples come to. :P I come just for the heck of it and to get perfect attendance (I've been keeping up this streak for three years now! :D ) and most of my friends come to the last two days. :D :P So...I just can't wait to be out of school and the last two days are going to be a total joke so we'll end up just watching movies and playing card games and having parties and whatnot. :P Okay...next paragraph now... :P
Before I go on with this blog, however...I have something that I would like to confess to. It's nothing major (at least...I hope it's not. :P )...I just wanted to say that before I came to BLS...I wasn't the most open-minded person in the world...I was very closed-minded and I guess I couldn't accept certain things that weren't the "norm" because I had little experience with those things. And, of course, having my parents (mostly my dad) saying stuff that basically meant: "LGBT people are freaks" and whatnot doesn't help. And since I didn't have much experience with certain things...I relied heavily on stereotypes, which is a terrible thing to do in my opinion. Once I came to BLS, I managed to eventually get all those stereotypes out of my head, I think that took just a few months for me actually. That's really all I wanted to say...I wasn't always open-minded, and that was just out of my own ignorance. I'm honestly glad though that I managed to get out of that mind-set I used to have...and it really helped later down the road (like this year) and now I honestly don't care about a person's race or sexuality or anything like that, all I care about is that they're a good person and if they are then I will be nice to them, if not, well...you needs to put up with me and all of my annoying-ness. :lol: :P But even then...I just love annoying peoples...and I still do make some jokes that involve stereotypes...but...those are just jokes and me being stupid. :P Well...that's all I really wanted to say...I hate the fact that I was so ignorant a few years ago but I'm glad that I managed to change some views of mine after coming to BLS. Next paragraph... :P Wait...no...I still have something else to say. :P If it weren't for coming to BLS, I'm not sure if my views would have ever changed, and then I would have had a much harder time being able to accept myself when I finally knew that I was a lesbian and I would have had a way harder time coming out. So...I guess BLS has so far helped me out academically and is preparing me to go to some amazing college, but it's also helped my life outside of school. :D Okay...NOW I'll type the next paragraph. :lol: :P
The last time I made a blog was on Tuesday. :P In the meantime nothing special has really happened. :P I finished up my finals, did a History project, did a Math project, finished up my Summer Math Homework (Yeah...we have that and Summer Reading...isn't BLS wonderful?! :D :P That's sarcasm! :P ) , made Latin vocabulary flash cards, filled out forms and crap so I can rent my flute over the Summer, did my Latin Declamation, cleaned out my locker, and a lot of other boring school-related crap. :lol: :P I don't have much to say about the rest of the week...I was busy with school stuff. :P However, tonight I have some plans since I'm not busy with school stuff and I can't wait for later today. :D Oh, and I'm spending the weekend at my mom's place...mainly because right now I can't stand my dad lately. :P Oh well... :P Anyways, earlier this week I was watching this episode of My Little Pony, Friendship Is Magic (Yeah...I'm officially addicted to it now. :lol: :P DON'T KILL ME!!! :lol: :P ) and it gave me this idea...probably the most girly thought I'll have in years. :P Anyways...I'd rather not go through my thought process, the point is that later today I will be going to a sleepover at Jenna's place...along with a few of our friends...not too many other peoples, there will be a grand total of anywhere between 8 and 10 of us...two peoples might not show up.:P We didn't want too many peoples there...if we did we would've invited half the people in our grade. :lol: :P Yeah...we know a lot of peoples... :P Anyways...it should be okay...the thought randomly crossed my mind thanks to My Little Pony, Friendship Is Magic and I randomly brought it up in a conversation and Jenna actually liked the idea of it. :P So...it should be fun...although somewhat girly...hopefully no one kills me later on... :lol: :P And I am NOT some evil, girly-girl twin of MightyBFan25 either...I am MightyBFan25...and my twin would be "good"...not evil...I'm the evil one! :lol: :P I don't have much else to say in this paragraph... :P I actually can't wait for later tonight. :D
Oh, I actually have a good idea for once in my life!!! :D :P No...I'm serious...I ACTUALLY have a good idea now! :D :P Starting on my 300th Blog I should start up another Random Game thingy...it would be the third one I've made! :D Haha, yeah...I like that idea! :D :P Wait...maybe I can come up with another good idea...yeah...I should listen to more music by Iced Earth andget my radio and blast the music in a Church! :lol: :P YEAH RIGHT!!! :lol: :P The Church-goers would wanna all kill me and say that Iced Earth is "Anti-Christian" or something. :lol: :P Okay...I've run out of good ideas... :P And that epic prank I've been planning to do over the Summer shall begin this upcoming Wednesday! :D It should be fun...but I'll get into all the detail later...and after I'm done with this epic prank I needs to go on a massive rant about something. :D :P Oh, and my reasoning behind it? :P Well...if society can't really accept peoples like me, why the Hell should I listen to society's rules?! :P That's my reasoning behind it. :P
Oh, last night I had the dream where I was at the evil charm school again, by the way. :P This time, however, was a bit different. Okay, so I was sent off to the evil charm school and the evil headmaster there HATED me and thought I was going to be very hard to "fix", seeing that I'm a tomboy, a lesbian, and ridiculously smart. She took away most of my trading cards, my piccolo, my heavy metal CD's, and pretty much everything that actually made me happy. I had to dress up "nicely" every single day...the evil headmaster made me wear a dress! NO ONE puts me in a dress or a skirt...EVER!!! It's just like...against the law or something...I know it isn't but it's just SO WRONG!!! She made sure that I never got to see Jenna ever again and I couldn't even write letters to her or anything and she could never come to visit me. This headmaster lady even forced me to go out with some guy! That was the final straw for me in the dream...I decided to make this robot that looked exactly like me (Yeah...I was thinking about that Mighty B! episode Bess-E before I went to bed. :P ) but decided to make it act like some total girly-girl that was straight and not as smart (At the school they also tried to make me less smart) and then I escaped from the evil charm school and returned home. But...when I got home, the robo-me was already there! But now it was acting like me...only better than me at everything and less annoying and stuff. I was trying to convince my family that robo-me was a robot...but they didn't believe me...or...at least...they didn't wanna believe me. I remember then I went to Jenna's house...and I asked her if she could convince my family that robo-me was not really the real me. She agreed to it. And then we went to my place but the robot was outside. Its eyes glowed red and then it said: "I SHALL DESTROY YOU!!!" and then I woke up. I didn't like that dream...I wish I was in that dreambending state...then I would've ruined that evil charm school or tested robo-me by saying something like: "You know...if you're really me, why don't you go play in the mud? I do that quite often. You're not worried about getting a little dirty, are you? I'm not a girly-girl...and it's not like you'll short circut or anything!". Oh well... I wish I could dreambend more often...it's SO FUN when I get to do that actually! :D :P
Ooh...I just came up with something...I wanna ask you peoples a question. :P Don't worry...it's multiple choice. :P Okay...what song are these lyrics from: "Judge me not my shallow friend, lest ye be judged yourself. You abuse the words you preach, mold them for yourself. Brainwashed hypocracy justifies the life you lead. Forgive me Father, I have sinned, lay my head to rest again. Lay my head to rest." ? It's quite easy actually...if you don't get this right YOU SHALL PERISH!!! :twisted: :P Yes...Robo-MightyBFan25 has just hacked this blog!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah right...there is no Robo-me. :lol: :P Here are the options for the question:
A.) "Diary" by Iced Earth.
B.) "Creator Failure" by Iced Earth.
C.) "Burnt Offerings" by Iced Earth.
D.) "Brainwashed" by Iced Earth.
E.) None of the above.
It's quite an easy question...the answer is there if you look deep within the lyrics. :lol: :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)