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Blog #285 / Finally On Summer Break!!!!! :D

Yes...I am indeed finally on Summer Break and I'm SO HAPPY about that...I've been looking forward to over two months of no school since I've went back to school after last Summer Break. :D :P Before I get on with anything else...I think I should just reflect upon this school year. I honestly don't know where to much has happened this's hard to keep track of it all. :P But...I remember that during the eigth grade I was in Sigma Cluster (the "easy" cluster where all the band geeky peoples go. :P ) and since it was easy, I thought that I would be screwed for ninth grade, my first year of high-school. I thought it would be really hard to juggle six major subjects instead of just five and I thought I wouldn't be able to manage my time with only two studies every six days as oppose to the seven studies every sixdays I had during the eigth grade. I thought that it was going to be really hard and that my grades would go down and I would just be struggling a lot. But...I felt that Band would be my escape from it all...and then when I found out that Mr. Harper was retiring and Ms. Dougherty was taking over, Band would no longer be my escape from the stress of BLS. After just the first few days of school I felt really stressed out and didn't think I could manage this year. But...after a month or so...I got back into the swing of grades were better than they had ever been at BLS, I was managing to stay on top of all my homework, projects, papers, and flute practicing and studying and whatnot. :D I was just doing better at BLS than I had for the first two years and I was really glad about that. :D times I would slack off and I did get too cocky and then my grades would slightly go down...but then I would work even harder and get them right back up to where they were! :D This was definately the hardest I've ever worked during a school year...and I accomplished so much because of that. :D I actually got Approbation WithDistinction for the first timeever at BLS...and Ididn't get it just once...I got it twice this year! :DBut...this year I also did something else that didn't involve schoolwork and studying and stuff. :P I managed to finally come to terms with myself...mainly my sexuality...which I was wondering about ever since when I was 12 (yes...even then I had my suspicions)...but at that time I never really bothered with it andI just pushed it aside and felt that I was too young to be concerned withthat kinda stuff. I really began wondering about it and having my suspicions of it last year...but this yearI finally got an answer! :D This year...I finally knew that I was a lesbian (you have no idea how happy I was to just finally know my sexuality), and I managed to accept myself and then come out and tell everyone I knew. :D And...what more? I got to meet Jenna and we're going out! :D Oh, and I got addicted to heavy metal music...I'm glad about that as well! :D :P So...overall...I worked really hard this year, did well, got good grades, found out that I'm a lesbian, fell in love with Jenna, and got addicted to heavy metal music. :D :P Sounds like a good year if you ask me! :P I could go into even more detail and make this paragraph ridiculously long but I won't do that...I'll leave this sappy reflection at this. :P

Now...before anything else...LISTEN TO "ATTILA" BY ICED EARTH OR PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P It's's the link for it: LOVE this song...amazing riffs and great lyrics...and chorus is epic, and well...who doesn't like Attila The Hun?! :D :P So...LISTEN TO IT OR PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P "Hell awaits behind Gaul's gates. The Romans stand only to fall. They will die by his sword. The barbarian lord. Attila hears victory call." I love this chorus. :P And now I'll just give you a quick recap of the past few days and then get to today. :P

I last made a blog on Saturday if I remember right. :P The sleepover at Jenna's place was actually pretty nice. :D We didn't really do anything special...just typical sleepover stuff...watching movies, board games, talking about nonsense, video games, etc... :P We did play truth or dare...that say the least. :P I'd rather not say one of the things Jenna made me do but I know you'll probably get a kick out of it so...she made me wear a pink dress for an hour (if she made me do that for any longer that dress would have been getting thrown in the mud. :P ). :P I HATED THAT SO MUCH...but I know she got a kick out of seeing me like that. :P Later on in the gameI got her back. :lol: :P I had this evil grin on my face before I even said of course she knew I was gonna do something. :lol: :P So...let's just say that tomorrow when Jenna comes over my place she's going to play in the mud with me. :twisted: :P Of course...if she would rather not...I will not make her...I could never do that. :P But...I doubt she would back out of something like that...she's not a girly-girl. :P Anyways...I managed to stay up until midnight...mainly because one of my friends said that I couldn't because I have a bedtime of 9 on school nights. :P But...I managed to stay up past midnight and then annoyed my friend so much. :lol: :P Oh, and at midnight Jenna and I went into the backyard and we kissed. :D We all went to bed at like 2 in the morning. :lol: :P The next morning when everyone else leftI stayed at Jenna's place to help her and her parents clean up from the sleepover. During the rest of Sunday I didn't really do much productive. :P Monday and Tuesday were not productive AT ALL! :lol: :P They were my last two days at school...and half days for that matter. :P So I got home at around 11:30 and then just relaxed and did nothing productive because...well...there's no schoolwork to worry about. :P On Tuesday after school I took the train home with a few of my friends and one of my friends brought a confetti gun. :P I kept bothering her to fire it off on the train and right before she got off at Park Street she fired it off and confetti went EVERYWHERE!!! :lol: :P Now I'll get to what happened yesterday. :P

So...yesterday was my first day of no school. :P I slept until about 9, then I did some random stuff, practiced my flute, studied some Latin vocabulary, took a shower, and stuff like that. :P Then I just kinda did nothing for a while and then I called Jenna. :P We stayed on the phone and talked about random stuff for about two hours. :P At around 3 I finally began my epic prank! :twisted: :P It's honestly ridiculously easy! :D :P Just a few minor changes and going by the name of Dan and I easily passed off as a guy and will continue to do that for two weeks! :D Yeah...I think I'm crazy. :P Well...I'm not a transgender if that's what you're wondering...I'm just a tomboy and a lesbian and this is just an epic prank on society. :P I just spent some time outside on a walkand went to a coffee shop. The wierd thing was that while I was outside, NO ONE shot me any wierd glances or cast me any dirty looks like I sometimes get when I go outside...I probably normally get those glances because those peoples know that I'm a girl and they think that I'm a total freak. :P But...when I was glances like seemed like I just fit in perfectly and no one thought I was a freak or anything like that. But...I'll save this for my little rant that I'll do when this entire prank is will be over next Sunday. :D Oh, and in case you're parents know about it and Jenna knows about it and my mom thinks I'm crazy and my dad thinks I'm acting like a freak but they seem fine with it. :P Jenna really doesn't care either...she actually said it was brave of me to do something like that for the heck of it. :D She just said that when I'm Dan...if she sees me she is NOT kissing me...and that makes sense and is perfectly understandable. :D :P So...anyways...when I was in the coffee shop...some girl who looked like she was about 15 (my age) came up to me and started talking to me. She actually gave me her phone number and said that I should call her soon so we can go on a date or something. :lol: :P If you ask me...that girl was a total slattern...just throwing herself at me and giving me her phone number when she had only talked to me for like five minutes. :lol: :P Well...I have her phone number...but I am NOT calling that girl...I already have a girlfriend and uh...she's straight and thinks that I'm Dan. :lol: :P Other than that...nothing special really happened yesterday. :P

Now getting to today. :PI haven't really done much...I slept until about 8, watched some TV, went on this site, practiced the flute, studied Latin vocabulary, and that's about it for productiveness. :P Later during the day I was going to play in the mud but since I knew I was going to do that tomorrow (that is why MightyBFan25 doesn't wear dresses...and anything that's the color pink, Jenna! :lol: :P ) I decided against doing that today. :P I'll probably call Jenna before I go to bed tonight. :P Once I'm done making this blog I'm going back to being Dan and going outside to do what I did yesterday. Hopefully I won't run into that girl again...I don't want to...I don't even know her name. :P That's all I haveta say about today. :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I can't wait until Jenna comes over tomorrow! :twisted: :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia...yes...Alicia is making this blog...not Dan...Dan will not be making any blogs. :P )