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Blog #286 / Can't Come Up With A Title For This Blog... :P

I know I just made a blog yesterday but I got kinda bored and I feel like making another one for the heck of it. :P Sorry I couldn't really come up with a title for this blog...I literally spent five minutes trying to come up with one while listening to Iced Earth music but I couldn't come up with anything. :P So...sorry about that...hehe. :P Anyways...I think that for my 300th blog I'll start the third part of the Random Game (you know...that stupid thing I made up where I tell you parts of a story and ask you questions and stuff and you get points and then the winner gets absolutely nothing? :P ) and I'll call it...The Random Game: Part Three...yeah...I's just SO CREATIVE. :lol: :P But...if you have any other ideas or something you would rather have me do instead, you can just say that when you comment on this blog or PM me or something. :D :P That's all I really haveta say in this paragraph. :P

Oh Zeus...I just found another AWETHUM Iced Earth song and I'm ridiculously happy about that! :D :P It's called "Slave To The Dark"'s the link for it on YouTube if you actually wanna listen to's should...come know you want to! :twisted: :P Here's the link for it: would never make you listen to it if you didn't wanna...that's not how I act...but...LISTEN TO IT OR PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P's thrash/power metal...I doubt you'd like it...don't listen to it if you're not a metalhead like me. :lol: :P I know this song will give me some ridiculously scary nightmare tonight. :P Oh well... :P Next paragraph. :P

Now I guess I'll get to today since I just made a blog yesterday. :P Today was pretty good actually. :D I woke up at like 10 (THAT'S sleeping in for me. :P ) and then I just practiced the flute, studied some Latin vocabulary, and then I did nothing productive for a while. :P My little brother was visiting a friend's house so I had the entire place to myself all day. :D :P Jenna came over at around 2:30 (a little past that time if I remember right. :P )...we didn't really do anything special for a while, just watching some TV and talking about random stuff. :P (Oh Zeus...I just found a song MORE EPIC than "Slave To The Dark" called "Violate"...THIS will be what gives me that nightmare tonight! :D :P) Then at around 4:30...well...that game of truth or dare on Saturday night came back to haunt her. :twisted: :P But...before we even went into the backyard, I told Jenna that she didn't haveta play in the mud with me if she didn't wanna (I could never force that upon anyone...especially not her) but she said that she didn't really mind and would do it anyways. I was actually surprised by that...I mean...I know that Jenna isn't a girly-girl but surprised me. :P So...yeah...then we played in the mud and went inside and got cleaned up. :P Oh, and Jenna did say that it wasn't as bad as she thought it would's good...kinda sorta...I guess. :P I doubt I could get her to ever do that again and I won't try to. :P Jenna's mom came to pick her up at around 6:00 and shortly after that my dad came to pick me up. In the meantime I got dressed up as Dan and packed up my stuff. After I got to my dad's place and unpacked my stuff,I left and went on a walk back to the coffee shop I've gone to for the past two days, as Dan. But...I'll get into detail about that in the next paragraph. :P Then I came home at around 8:30 and now I'm on this site, making a blog, and I'm not Dan anymore in case you're wondering. :P

Now I guess I'll tell you how my epic prank as Dan is going. :P You already know how the first day went, I felt like I was fitting in much better and I didn't get any wierd glances when I would walk around and some crazy slattern girl gave me her phone number. :P Yesterday I did pretty much the same thing that I did on Wednesday and the same thing happened. :P Only, that girl was at the coffee shop again and she was talking to me and saying that we should go on a date and stuff...she actually made me feel uncomfortable to be honest...she was too crazy and seemed to like me a bit too much...I'm sure part of it was knowing that she was straight and knowing that she thinks I'm Dan. :P Oh, I did find out her's Jessica. I'd rather not think about her at the moment though...just the thought creeps me out a little. :P After a little while I said that I had to leave and go help out my mom with something and left. Today I spent some time outside as Dan, but I didn't go back to that coffee shop, I didn't wanna run into Jessica again. :P Nothing special really happened as Dan today. :P For the next few days I plan to spend more time outside as Dan. Oh, and I plan on calling Jessica and telling her that I already have a girlfriend (which really isn't a lie when you think about it...I DO have a girlfriend, I'm just a lesbian. :P ) and hopefully then she'll leave me alone...that is...if I run into her again. :P Maybe if I tell her it'll be safe for me to go back to the coffee shop. :P I don't have much else to say about this epic prank... :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I think I'm gonna go to bed's kinda late where I live and I'm starting to get a little tired. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)