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Blog #289 / Now I Have A Lot Of Thinking I Need To Do...

Well...sorry for being so repetitive but now we're 11 blogs away from the beginning of The Random Game: Part Three and I'm still working on the plotline...I have the basic plotline down but I need more detail in order to make a story. :P The story shall be ready in there is no need to worry about that. :D :P Hopefully you'll like the plotline...and I'm hoping to have at least 15 questions in total that will be asked over the course of 15 blogs. :D Of course...there could be random bonus questions and some hard questions might be worth more than one point. :P But...I'll worry about the Math at the should be easy...I'm good with numbers...Math is my best subject. :P Anyways...that's all I wanted to say in this paragraph...I guess I'll get to the second part of this title in this next paragraph...

Well...I'm not sure if anyone on this site read my last blog but now I have a lot of thinking to do. During my epic prank as Dan...I've kinda realized that I really like being Dan...and the epic prank is supposed to end tomorrow but I'm not really sure if I'm ready to give up being Dan. I know that when I started this I said to myself: "I'm not a transgender and I probably never will be. This is only an epic prank on society to later use as evidence so I can go on a massive rant and prove a point." but now I don't feel like I can really say that to myself. I seriously like being Dan...I'm not sure if it's just that I like the fact that I'm epicly pranking people and they don't know it (because I do get a kick out of that) or if I really do like being Dan...but usually when I get a kick out of a prank I don't feel the way I have been lately. And's not that bad when I'm Dan...I don't get any dirty looks from people when I'm outsite like I normally would and it seems like my behavior is somewhat more acceptable and seems like the people I've met as Dan have been nicer to me than normal peoples usually would be to me. And I'm thinking now...maybe it's not my personality and sexuality that are off...maybe it's my gender...but...I dunno...that's what I'm thinking about. But...I know that if I were a transgender and stayed as Dan forever...Jenna would break up with me, when other people found out about me I found face constant persecution (because it seems like being a transgender is much less socially acceptable than being a lesbian) and I know both my parents would probably hate me. Oh would I even know that being Dan were the path that I'm supposed to take?! I've been Alicia for...well...since I was born...and everything has been pretty good I guess.'s not like I've ever had a problem with being a female or felt that something like that was "wrong". Oh Zeus...I'm still not sure. But...I think that I should just stay the way I am...I've been perfectly fine being Alicia for 15 years and I'm fine with that...I'm a tomboy and a lesbian...if people like that...well, so what? I'm sure if I were a transgender it would have been obvious and would have been obvious many years ago probably. Yeah...I think that's actually a good conclusion...that's what I've been thinking but seeing it all typed out makes it seem more official and stuff. :P I think I just am reluctant to give up being Dan because it was fun and I felt like I fit in more with society...not because I'm a transgender. Oh Zeus...that's good to know! But...I'm gonna talk this over with my parents a little sometime tonight or tomorrow. I know it's gonna be very awkward for them to talk about this...they probably never would have seen this coming. :P Well...I guess now that I have some stuff sorted out in my mind I should end this paragraph. Oh, and sorry if any of what I just said freaked you out a little...that's not what I'm meaning to do and if that did happen I'm very sorry.

Other than that...I haven't really been up to much today. :P I've just been at home most of the day online or watching TV and I don't have any plans for tonight. I haven't bothered to go outside as Dan...I don't wanna do that anymore...I don't think I should ever be Dan ever that I think about it...being Dan was almost like lying to was...and I hate lying...I was pretending to be something I'm not. Well...I don't really have much to say about today because I didn't do much. :P Tomorrow night Jenna and I are going to that carnival in Winthrop and I can't's gonna be so much fun! :D I know there's something else I plan to do tomorrow but I can't remember what it was...I just had it in my mind and now I forget it...oh well... :P I don't have much else to say in this blog and it's actually one of the shortest blogs I've made in a while...mainly because I just made a blog yesterday. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Still don't wanna put a name in's not guaranteed that Dan's going bye-bye forever yet. )