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Blog #290 / Carnival Tonight!!! :D

And now we are only ten blogs away from the beginning of The Random Game: Part Three. :P That means I legit haveta start working on the details of the plot...I've been busy with other the website and practicing my flute and...actually...that's pretty much what I've been using tons of time doing. :P I wouldn't say the time has been wasted...far from that...a few of my friends on the Mighty B! forums and I are making a website and the flute practicing is going amazing...I have my B Flat Major, E Flat Major, F Major, and Chromatic scales all I just need to work on my C Major (scary...this one's THREE OCTAVES!!! :P ) , G Major, A Major, and D Major scales...those are gonna be a pain...the sharp scales...I've started them but it's not going that well...they're kinda tricky actually...especially when they're double octave. :P Well...I guess I'm boring you all to death with my band-geeky talk...I'll put and end to it. :lol: :P I get to think of the plot for the should be fun. :D I have a random question to ask you all... :P Next paragraph... :P

RANDOM QUESTION: In The Random Game: Part Three, who do you think is going to be the major villian in it all? :P I'll tell you right now that it's NOT going to be the evil wizard again! :P It's someone you know...and who you left with the Dragon Proudia in The Random Game: Part Two... :P I think you know who it is... :P far today I haven't really done too much and I haven't gone outside as Dan at all...I don't wanna be Dan least...I think I don't wanna be...or I'm just willing to give it up. I'm still gonna talk things over with my mom when I get home from the carnival tonight and with my dad over the phone after I'm done talking with my mom...I think it's good that I tell an adult about my feelings even if I think that everything is sorted out in my mind. far as I'm concerned...Dan is going bye-bye forever. :D I'm a little upset about it and being Dan was fun but...that's not who I am and it was like I was lying to society and well...I hate lying. Well...aside from coming to that conclusion...nothing special has happened today really. :P I'm going back to my mom's place at around 5 and unpacking my stuff and at around 6 Jenna's mom will be picking me up and dropping us off at the carnival in Winthrop for a few hours. :D Then she'll come back at around 9 and drop me off at my place. It was honestly very nice of her to offer to do that for us. :D So...I guess once I'm done on this site I should take a shower and get dressed up somewhat nicely...I's only a carnival...but...I'll be with Jenna...I might as well look decent. :P That's all I really haveta say about today. :P Oh Zeus...I can't wait for's gonna be so much fun! :D

I don'thave much else to say in this blog because I made one yesterday. :P Oh, wait...I do have one last thing to say...over the weekend I kinda got addicted to deathcore music. :P If you wanna know what the heck deathcore is...listen to this: song is called "The Diseased And The Poisoned" by Carnifex...pretty good song...I still would much rather listen to power or thrash metal over deathcore's pretty good. :D :P Yeah yeah...I'm crazy because I have such a wierd taste in music...I've heard it before. :lol: :P Okay...NOW I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia (Yeah...I can FINALLY put my name back in! :P ) )