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Blog #291 / Finally Managed To Come To A Conclusion... :D

Now we're only nine blogs away from the beginning of the Random Game: Part Three...and I can't wait for that to start up! :D I can laugh at all you peoples for your lack of Bakugan knowledge. :lol: :P Kidding...I'll try not to have many Bakugan-related questions...and if there are any they'll probably be bonus questions or something. :P Oh, and I'll be sure to have questions concerning some of my favorite music as well...they'll be bonus questions as well! :twisted: :P Yeah...NOW I bet you wish you were a metalhead like me! :lol: :P Kidding...I doubt anyone will get those questions right. :lol: :P The plot is coming along quite nicely actually though...I'll probably start majorly working on it later tonight...or I could read a on a plot for the Random Game: Part Three...or read a book about a sociopath who murders someone...I think I'll read the book about the sociopath who murders peoples. :lol: :P Kidding...I'd MUCH rather work on the plot. :D :P And if I finish early I can start reading this book I've been wanting to read. :P paragraph... :P

Well...I might as well say that yesterday I had an AWETHUM time at the carnival in Winthrop with Jenna! :D We stayed there until around 8:30 (By then we had done everything we wanted to) and then Jenna's mom came to pick us up and she dropped me off at my place. The carnival was actually really fun...some of the rides were actually pretty cool...which I wasn't expecting. :D Oh, and let's just say that I'm amazing at that game where you need to throw the darts and pop balloons. :P It's like a hidden talent of mine...I've always been good at that game...dunno why. :P And...those skills helped me out and I managed to win a giant teddy bear and gave it to Jenna. :D It sounds cliche...I the time it didn't seem nearly as cliche. :P I remember when Jenna's mom came to pick us up and she saw the giant teddy bear she was like: "What the hell?!". :lol: :P So...yeah...overall...pretty good day. :D Oh, and when I got home I had a talk with my parents...which leads me to the next paragraph... :P

Well...when I got home that night I had the conversation that I was planning to have with my parents...about the whole issue that came up during my epic prank as Dan. Before I had even talked to my mom I knew that I'm not a transgender and I was ready to give up being Dan. I just talked things over with my mom. She was definately surprised by that...but after I said everything that I needed to...she hugged me and said that it was okay and she wasn't mad at me for feeling the way I did and stuff like that. That was the nicest thing she could have done...and I really appreciate it...especially when no parent expects that to happen or even come least...I don't think they do. mom advised me not to tell my dad about it...mainly she was worried about what he would think and that he would hate me. I did tell my dad despite her warnings though...and my dad definately was surprised by what I had to tell him...but he was okay with it and wasn't angry at me for what I felt. So...once everything was all talked about and I thought everything through...I decided that Dan is going bye-bye was just an epic prank to start off with and that's all it ever was...I guess I had my judgement blinded by how fun it was. So...Dan is officially gone forever...I can't entirely say I'm entirely glad about it but I'm glad all that confusion is finally gone and that it's over. :D

So far today I haven't really done much. :P I've been been relaxing for a while, then I studied some Latin vocabulary, practiced the flute, took a shower...and that's about it. :P Later today I'll probably work more on that plot for the Random Game: Part Three, work on the website a little...and read some of that book. :P That's about it for the day. :P Oh, and I might go ona walk. :P That reminds me...I should call Jenna tonight... :P Yeah...that's about all I haveta say in this paragraph and I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)