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Blog #292 / Random Game: Part Three Plotline Finally Done!!! :D

Before anything else...the Random Game: Part Three will not begin until Blog #300 like I've said before. :P I personally can't wait for it to start...the plotline is finally done...I finished it last night and I think it's epic! :D I hope you peoples will think the plotline is epic as well...and if not...well...sorry if the plotline disappointed you. :P So...that's about we're eight blogs away from the Random Game: Part Three beginning! :D Oh, and in the plot there's the most epic villian EVER...can you guess who that villian might be? It's someone you know. :twisted: :P paragraph. :P

Since I just made a blog yesterday I don't really have much to talk about. :P Today I haven't really done much...mainly because I didn't wake up until like 10 today...and that's sleeping in for me. :lol: :P Later today I just wanna practice the flute a little and start reading this book called Lights Out sounds really's about a sociopath lady in the theatre business who eventually murders a bunch of peoples or something. :P It sounds interesting and like something I'd read. :P And tonight Jenna and I have some plans...nothing major...we're just gonna go see a movie...I have no idea which movie...over the phone we just figured we'd see a movie...I honestly don't care what movie it is as long as it's not one I've already seen...but...I doubt that'll be the case...I haven't been to a movie theatre in a while actually. :P So...I honestly can't wait for later tonight. :D And since I don't have much planned for the rest of the day until tonight...I'll have a fair amount of time to relax...which is good...even though I slept for over 12 hours last night. :lol: :P I don't have much else to say about today... :P

Whoa...this is actually a really short blog but I don't have much else to really say so I guess I just haveta end it now. :P In my next blog or the one after that I hope to go on a massive's the whole reason I went through the two week long ordeal. :P That reminds me...I want to get a new icon...probably one of Spawn because Spawn is AWETHUM. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)