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Blog #294 / I Guess It's Time For My Massive Rant... :P

And now we're only six blogs away from the beginning of The Random Game: Part Three. :D :P The plotline is already done so there's nothing to really worry about. :P Oh, that reminds me...Girlygirl24 made a blog and it basically tells you how to change your profile page thingy so it doesn't say your full name. :D I ended up doing that...I really don't care if people know my last name...I'll go ahead and say it now... :P My full name is Alicia Summa...well...I guess that's if you don't include my middle name...but...I'd rather not say my middle name...if you ask me that's a little too much information. :P Anyways...I changed my name and replaced it with my username and a stupid title that means nothing. :lol: :P But...I guess it's a bit of a clue when the Random Game: Part Three begins. :P you better not get the first question wrong or you shall perish! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P And this time you really will perish...and as you perish I will listen to "Burnt Offerings" by Iced Earth. :lol: :P Kidding. :P I don't have much else to say in this paragraph. :P

Since I made a blog yesterday I don't really have much to say in this blog. :P I honestly haven't done too much today. :P So far I've just practiced the flute a little, finished reading Lights Out Tonight, took a nap (I didn't get much sleep last night either. :P ) and I went outside in the backyard for a while...just to get some fresh air (if that's possible in Boston. :lol: :P ) and do some thinking...and then I drew a picture outside...I felt in the mood to draw something involving Hell...or the concept of Hell. :P I ended up drawing something that scared myself...I just got carried away and wasn't even really thinking about what I was drawing...and I ended up drawing myself in the Abominable Sands...and in the Abominable Sands I was being tortured by demonic creatures that had pitchforks. Oh Zeus...that managed to freak me out a lot! Why did I draw that? I have no idea to be honest. I'm not gonna throw away the drawing...but I'm not hanging it up on my bedroom wall or showing it to anyone. Anyways, then I went inside for a while and relaxed and now I'm on this site. :P Later today I think I'll go outside for a's just so nice outside today and even though that drawing threw me off a little...I'm still in a very good mood. :D

Oh, and before I end this blog...I'm ready to just forget about Dan and I've already gone on my massive rant multiple times to multiple peoples. I really only have this site left to go on my massive rant. :P But...I might as well tell you peoples how I even managed to do it...even though I wanna forget about it all. Well...first of all...I didn't even haveta get a haircut before any of it began. Remember how I said about a year ago that my mom was finally letting up on me having my hair go down to my shoulders? Well...when I said I got my hair cut really short...I meant it...I got my hair cut as short as a guy would and I've kept it that way for about a year and plan on keeping it that way for a long time. As for clothes...I hate clothes shopping but it was easy and I didn't mind it that much. Oh, and the whole ordeal meant I had an excuse to get some new sneakers (even though I just got new ones a month or two ago. :P ) because well...just in case...I didn't want anyone to figure out what I was doing. :P Oh, and I pretty much acted the wayI normally would...just a few minor changes. And there were a few other minor changes...but I'd rather not mention those. :P So really...just a few minor changes and no one could really recognize me and I could easily pass off as a guy for about two weeks. It's really least...I thought it was. And it would've been easy for me to stay Dan shouldn't let that thought cross my mind again...

And now I guess it is time for my massive rant. :P I did all of that mainly to prove a point so I could go on this rant. But...I guess this whole thing only makes for a few maybe I didn't haveta go through that whole ordeal...oh well... :P Now I'll go on my rant... This whole thing is mainly why what Icall "gender expectations" are a load of crap and society is being unreasonable and wanting more people to be in the norm. Well...personally I think that what I call "gender expectations" are a load of crap and they're just overall a terrible thing. And what I mean when I say "gender expectations" is when most people in society will say something like: "Oh, you're a girl. You should like the color pink and be playing with barbie dolls while you wear this pink, sparkly dress." when peoples say that if you're a girl or a guy you need to do X, Y, and Z. Now...I personally think that it's very wrong of people to do that...and I think they do it because they're scared or anything and anyone that strays from the norm and dares to be a little different from most. Now...why is this entire thing wrong?'s like people don't want any diversity...the expect every single female or male to act the same way and like the same things and crap. With thinking like that...there is no diversity...and in my opinion that's a bad thing...because there needs to be diversity. But the big thing is that I think that for anyone, especially a teenager, being a little different will make them feel uncomfortable at times (and even though I hardly ever get embarrassed...sometimes I can feel a little uncomfortable about certain things like that) and having people breathing down their neck saying crap like: "You're different. You're a freak. Why can't you act NORMAL for a change?! Why can't you act like a girl/guy for once in your life?!" is going to make them feel even more uncomfortable and then they're gonna try very hard to change who they are. And NO ONE should haveta hide who they truly are! And if that person can't change or doesn't wanna...everyone will think negatively of them and try to make that person feel like a failure. If you ask me it's wrong to put people down like that for acting like their true self and it should be a crime or something. And honestly...times have changed...people should be more accepting of diversity and not rely on stupid stereotypes. You need to judge each individual by who they are, not stereotypes...and you need to look at each person individually...not compare them to others! And when you really think about it...what decides if you're a guy or a girl? ONE CHROMOSOME...which is in the gamete provided by your father during sexual reproduction! So...when you really think about it...that's NOT a big difference at all...and if people think it is and wanna let that one thing determine a person's entire life...they're very stupid and ignorant...and probably didn't pay too much attention when they were learning miosis in Biology class. :P Oh, and when you really think about it...with all of the modern medicine and surgery and stuff...gender doesn't even mean too much anymore. And...if I could manage to pass off as the opposite gender without that much effort...I think that proves my point very much so. So...overall...I just feel that "gender expectations" are terrible...they make no sense anymore and your gender shouldn't determine your way of life. And for those who are a little different and can't live up to those unreasonable's definately gonna make them feel terrible and put them down. I could go on forever about this stuff...but those are the main points in this rant. Oh, and you don't haveta agree with any of this...this is just my opinion. And I think I feel strongly about this because I myself have never managed to live up to many "gender expectations"...if's kinda hard to do that though when you're a tomboy and a lesbian give me a break. :lol: :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Oh, and I REALLY hope I didn't offend anyone with that rant of mine and if I did I'm REALLY sorry...I honestly don't mean for any of that to happen. And you don't haveta agree with any of my rant can tell me you hated it and virtually kill me or something. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)