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Blog #297 / Hopefully This Glitch Will Be Fixed Soon... :P we're only three blogs away from the beginning of The Random Game: Part Three and it shall be epic! :D :P I honestly can't wait for it to start...the villian in the plotline is the most epic person ever! :D :P Oh...and I'll tell you that modesty isn't my's more of my mezzo-piano. :P Yeah...nerdy joke involving dynamics in music...get used to them...I'm a Band geek. :lol: :P Getting to the second part of the title...I still can't log into for some odd reason on my account but I can on my banned account and on the other one I randomly made to torture someone but I never did. :P So...if this glitch isn't fixed by later today I think I'll use that other account when I go on the'll know it's'll be a Mighty B! related username with the number 25 in it. :lol: :P But...I'm gonna keep blogging from gamespot on this account because I'm almost at 300 blogs and I don't feel like losing all that progress. :P Besides...the Random Game: Part Three MUST begin when I get to blog 300! :P Hey...I just realized something...that's kinda cool...Part Three will begin on the numbered blog that's the 100th multiple of 3. :D :P Yeah...that's AWETHUM!!! :D :P Glad I thought of it! :lol: :P paragraph. :P

Okay...well...on Saturday night I had my date with Jenna and we went to see a late movie. :D My dad drove us there which was very nice of him to do...we were just planning on taking the train to Boylston...because the movie theatre is right there when you get off the train stop...but...getting a ride is quicker. :D :P Anyways...the movie was pretty good...but I was paying more attention to...other things...yeah...that works and it doesn't give away the fact that I was staring at Jenna throughout the entire movie. :lol: :P Yeah...never mind...I just gave it away. :P Fine...I was staring at Jenna for a long time. :P Are you happy now?! :lol: :P Anyways...after the movie my dad came to pick us up and drove Jenna home. I decided to walk with Jenna to her house but before she left and went inside her place...we did kiss. :D It wasn't a big deal because we've done that many times before but...doing it more and more times doesn't take away how much I enjoy it. :P And I think my dad did see it though. After we got home I went to bed. :P Then that brings me to Sunday. :P Well...I didn't really do anything special on Sunday. :P But...I did talk to my dad a little before we were going back to my mom's place and asked him if he saw Jenna and I kiss. He said that he did see that and he does realize that I love Jenna and she loves me and that I definately am a lesbian (that shows that he did have some doubt before...but...whatever. :P ) and he's perfectly fine with that. So...does my dad approve of it yet? No. But...can he accept it? Yes! :D Oh, and after I got to my mom's place I did call Jenna and asked her if she wanted to come over my place on Monday to watch the Degrassi season premiere. She said that she would love to but she would rather have me come over her place because that's what usually happened with the last season of Degrassi. :P So...of course I agreed to that and tonight I'm going over Jenna's place and we're gonna see the Degrassi season premiere at 9! :D I can't wait for that and it's gonna be AWETHUM!!! :D paragraph... :P

Now getting to today. :P I don't have anything to really say about today because's about 1:30 where I live and I woke up at 12:30. :P Yeah...I slept for 15.5 hours last night. :lol: :P So...I guess later today I'm gonna practice the flute, study some Latin vocabulary, take a shower, clean up my room a little (Hah! :P Yeah right! :P My mom wants me to but I don't feel like it so I'm not gonna. :P ) , and that's about it for productiveness. :P I've done pretty much everything I've wanted to do over the Summer so far...I just need to really work on my flute/piccolo practicing. :D :P Oh, but before I take a shower I should probably play in the mud. :twisted: :P Yeah...that sounds like a good idea. :twisted: :P And then at around 8:30I should go to Jenna's place. :D Now...I would get dressed up and stuff...but this isn't a'm not dressing up...and I know Jenna won't either. :P Oh Zeus...I REALLY wanna see the new Degrassi episodes right now...all the commercials are driving my crazy! :P Who are those peoples that wanna kill Drew? What's gonna go wrong at graduation? Who is that girl Fiona's in the dimly lit room with? :P There are so many other questions but I care most about the third one...Fiona NEEDS to get a lesbian girlfriend. :P And she's one of my favorite characters in the show. :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Wait...I have one last thing. :P I'm actually a little nervous about going outside to go to Jenna's place...if Jessica really does know that I was Dan a lot of peoples probably already know this and going on that walk I will probably find out about some people who already know. I'm kinda dreading that. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)