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Blog #298 / Okay...Now Dan Is Coming Back To Haunt Me...

Okay...before anything else I needs to remind you peoples that the next blog I made will be Ze Blog Of Absolute Randomness. :P Yeah...not really a good title but it's all I could think of for Blog #299 which will be where I type whatever the heck pops into my sick and twisted mind. :twisted: :P Yeah...that's mind is a very dark and scary place! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P And two blogs from now will be blog #300 and that will be the beginning of The Random Game: Part Three. :D :P So...don't forget about that blog...but if you're scared of my dark and scary and disturbed mind you might wanna forget about blog #299 or just remember not to read it. :lol: :P Kidding...I'll try to refrain from thinking of anything evil as I type that blog. :lol: :P So...that's all I need to say in this paragraph. :P And now I'll talk about yesterday which brings me to the second part of the title. And...if I seem like I'm in a good mood as I'm typing this's fake...I'm pretending to be in a good mood...I really feel terrible at the moment. :P Next paragraph... :P

Well...I made my last blog yesterday morning so I guess I should talk about yesterday. :P I didn't do much yesterday really...I just practiced the flute, studied Latin vocabulary, I played in the mud...and then I obviously had to take a shower. :lol: :P But...other than that...nothing special or productive. :P That night though I did walk to Jenna's place (it's actually a pretty quick walk to her place from where I live) and we planned to see the new Degrassi episode at 9. By the way, I LOVED the was epic if you ask me! :D It was so interesting seeing Drew and Bianca involved in all that gang violence crap. At the end of the episode I thought Drew was gonna shoot Dave's father with the gun actually...I felt like an idiot when that didn't happen though. :P And I was really happy to see that Fiona did find a girlfriend...but they did put the breaks on their relationship because they did take things too fast...and that was pretty obvious...they had only known each other for a few days and then they're alone in Fiona's apartment and start making out...yeah...I think that's taking things a bit too fast. :P But...I wouldn't know much about that matter. :P Anyways...after the Degrassi episode I did tell Jenna who I ran into on my walk to her place and what happened. And after that we did talk for a little while and Jenna's mom gave me a ride home. Jenna did kiss me before I left though. I was glad about that and I know she could tell that Dan coming back to haunt me was really bothering me a lot. Now I guess I should say what happened. Next paragraph... :P

Well...on my walk to Jenna's place I kinda ran into VD and Jessica. How wonderful, right? (I'm being sarcastic in case you didn't realize it. :P ) I actually didn't notice them until VD called me by my last name and then they walked up to me. I asked VD why she called me by my last name. She said: "Well...I'm not really sure how else I should address you. If I try to call you by your first name...I don't know which one to use. Should I call you Alicia or Dan?!". I remember then they were just being total jerks and I'd rather not repeat anything that they said. And they did make a lot of mean "jokes" about transgender people. I tried to seem like it wasn't bothering me...and I think it worked because they eventually stopped and then I just continued walking to Jenna's place. Oh Zeus...I'm such an idiot for thinking that passing off as the opposite gender for two weeks was a good idea! These next few weeks are gonna be terrible if I choose to go outside and I don't think I'll live this down. I'm actaully afraid to leave the house...I'm worried that I'll run into them again or that more people might know and I'll run into those people. Or I could get beat up or something. I would deserve it...what I did to Jessica was wrong and she didn't deserve that. Today I'm not leaving the house except at around 8:30 to go to Jenna's place so we can see the new Degrassi episode at 9. Other than that I'm staying in my dark bedroom and I'll be blasting deathcore and death metal and playing video games. There's nothing I can really do to make things better...I guess I should just own up to what I did and I definately should apologize to Jessica...I do have her phone number after all. Maybe I'll do that later today. Or not...she'll probably just yell at me and hang up...or she'll just ignore my calls. This is just so annoying...after wondering if I was a transgender and then finally coming to the conclusion that I'm not and I'm ready to give up being all comes back to haunt me. I'm such an idiot. I don't have anything else to say in this blog. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (I can't put a name in at the moment though. )

EDIT: I'm still upset at the moment and don't feel like leaving the house. But...I was watching the news a few minutes ago and I found out that starting on Sunday New York is allowing gay marriage. :D That's REALLY good news if you ask me...I can only imagine how happy the gay/lesbian people in New York must be. :D's not justa win for the gay/lesbian people in NY if you ask's a win for the entire LGBT's one more step towards equal rights and ending this war against homophobia. :D So...I'm still upset...but this has made me less upset. If I were actually in a good mood and Dan wasn't coming back to haunt me this would've made my day. That's all I wanted to say. Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Still can't put in a name...I wish I could but Dan's coming back to haunt me and I don't want to anger him.)