Yes...indeed this finally is blog #300 and this is the beginning of The Random Game: Part Three!!!!! :D And the plotline was taken care of weeks ago...although I have made a few changes so that hot demon lady from the cover of Iced Earth's album Days Of Purgatory can somehow be in the plotline...and a few other things. :twisted: :P But...I shall say no more of the matter because the story is already commencing. :P I remember when I did part two of this last summer I put all the Random Game stuff at the end of the blog...I'm thinking it's a better idea to but it first in the blog after my stupid intro paragraph where I ramble on and on about absolutely nothing. :lol: :P Oh, and this blog won't be NEARLY as long as my last blog...I just have Random Game: Part Three stuff, then I'm gonna talk about random stuff that no one cares about, and then I haveta find the symbolic meaning behing the song "Stormrider" by Iced Earth for a certain wizard who I met on this site. :P paragraph... :P
And now...THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE shall finally begin!!!!! :D :P All the Random Game stuff will come right after my stupid introduction paragraph in each blog. :P And on each blog I'll first give you the answer to the previous question and criticize all the other answers. :P Then I'll do that scoreboard thing I did last time...and then I'll tell you the next part of the story. :P And then they'll be a multiple choice question at the end of it and you needs to choose the best answer. :P And if there's a choice that says "None of the above." need to tell me the right can't just choose that one. :P I wanna make things hard this time. :twisted: :P Since there was no previous part of the story or is Part One of 16 of The Random Game: Part Three!!! :D
The year? 2068, exactly three years after the last world crisis, and six years after the one before that. After you defeated the evil wizard once and for all, the world was saved, and the survivors began to come together and rebuild society to the best of their abilities. Three years later, you and the other survivors have rebuilt a blossoming, self-sufficient society. notice that there are constantly small disputes, and there is no centralized government of anykind. You realize the need for a leader, someone to take control of this society to help it rebuild at an even faster pace, someone to help stabalize society, someone to provide a centralized form of government. You tell everyone of this idea, and they agree. An election is held to vote for someone to hold the title "Emperor Of Ze World". Everyone has voted, except for you, and the number of votes for each candidate is even. You basically are about to decide who is Emperor Of Ze World. You walk into the voting booth and look at the ballot. You see four names, and you are to check a box next to only one of the ballots, deciding who shall be Emperor Of Ze World. Which person shall you vote for?
A.) Deval Patrick.
B.) MightyBFan25.
C.) Matt Barlow.
D.) Tim "The Ripper" Owens.
So those are your choices and you needs to pick the best answer. :P And just tell me your answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P The next thing I wanted to do was talk about what's been going on in my life. :P Well...I just made a blog on Monday so there's not too much to really talk about. :P On Tuesday nothing special happened...I spent a lot of time inside reading a book on gematria, playing video games, on this site, watching tv, practicing the flute, and some other stuff that I can't remember. :P Oh, but I did go outside for a little while...just to go on a walk...and nothing bad happened. :D And...when I went to Jenna's place...the same thing. :D Nothing bad has been happening to me lately...Jessica did tell her friends to leave me alone and they have been doing that so far. :D I mean...I'm still gonna stay inside a lot but I'm not that scared to go outside now. :D I'm just so happy because of this right now! :D I mean...I haven't even been getting sent those scary messages anymore. :D Now I guess I'll get to today. :P I haven't done anything that special yet either...just practicing the flute, reading more of thatbook, and now I'm on this site. :P Later today I'm gonna go outside for a little while though...I wanna go on a walk to that place Jenna and I went before...the place with the tower that we carved our names into. I dunno why...I just feel like it. :P And then I'll be in the backyard for a while...probably either playing with my little brother or drawing disturbing pictures of myself in Hell. :twisted: :P And then I'll be going over Jenna's place to see the new Degrassi episode tonight. :D Oh, and I'm not feeling that sore from when I got beaten up on Thursday...and the cuts and bruises on my body are starting to go away. :D So...I'm hoping that this all really is true and everything's fine now and I can really put this whole Dan thing behing me! :D I just seems almost too good to be true...I was planning on not being able to leave the house for months. :P But...hopefully things will stay this way. :D Now I needs to find the symbolic meaning behing the lyrics to "Stormrider" by Iced Earth for a certain wizard who I met on this site. :P
Okay...first of all...there are two versions of the song "Stormrider" by Iced Earth. :P One version is from their album Night Of The Stormrider...the other from their album Days Of Purgatory. :P The one from Days Of Purgatory is the remake of the song and it's apparently better...but it's not as heavy...I like the one from Night Of The Stormrider better. :P are the links for both versions of the song:
"Stormrider" by Iced Earth from the album Night Of The Stormrider:
"Stormrider" by Iced Earth from the album Days Of The Purgatory:
Did you listen to both versions of the song yet? :P No? :P Well are you at least listening to them as you read this blog? :P You better be...and if I find out that you're not...YOU SHALL PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Now...can you understand most of the words of the song? :P If not because you're not used to listening to thrash metal as epic as are the lyrics:
As I travel through the astral plains
I see the break ahead
As though the sky has burst in flames
Before the storm I dread
Lightning breaks across the sky
Blackish blue at night
Riders ride on dismal clouds
I scream at heavens light
Storming demons travel through the night
The time is almost here
I lay in a jacket of steel
My scream no one hears
I can feel the storm approaching
The pain is its' reality
The death I breathe is in the air
I feel no more, no longer care
The trumpets sound as I break free
This vision I see just can't be me
What is this that I have done
Why am I the chosen one
Fight on, grab on
Now the rider rides through the night
The time is almost here
As I lay wrapped in steel
My scream no one hears
Help me, through this hell inside
My life's my own, it's my pride
Carry on my solid dream
Save me from this horrid scream
Fight on, grab on
So those are the lyrics to "Stormrider" by Iced Earth. :P But...I will say that the first stanza of lyrics is only in the version from Night Of The the other version they cut this part and just started with "storming demons travel through the night". :P Now...this is the hard part of this whole thing. :P Now...what is this song really about? :P I'm not entirely sure just sounds cool. :lol: :P But seriously...I'm thinking that it has something to do with someone who is about to die and then his shade is going to some place beyond and he is admitted into the good place but this storm and the demons are pulling him towards Hell. I'm not exactly sure...but that's what I got from the lyrics...and if this paraphrase means anything...I think it would symbolize people's doubts and fears before they die about what's gonna happen to them...that or the constant struggle to live...or the constant struggle between good and evil. Something like I sound smart. :P That's all I wanted to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)
EDIT: Sorry...I finished the book I was reading and then I practiced the flute some more and then I was blasting metal and then Googled random stuff and came up with a very cynical question. :P So...the book I was reading about mathematical crap in the Bible was interesting...but I don't believe that the Bible is true...the math is right in front of me but it's probably just dumb luck...or if not...every scholar back during the time the Bible was written knew about Gematria and probably did it on purpose. So...the book doesn't make me believe anything I was forced to learn at my old school in Religion. I still think it's all abstract and pointless. :P Of don't haveta agree with can completely disagree with me...I don't really care. :P Now...for something interesting... :P
Earlier today I was blasting metal and I found out about this band called I The Breather...and then I started listening to some of their songs...they sound like a mix of heavy and death metal and they're EPIC!!!!! :twisted: :P If you wanna hear them here's a link to their song "The Common Good": Googled this band and found out that their first gig was in a CHURCH BASEMENT!!! :twisted: :P Yes...I know! :P Heavy metal is apparently "the hymn of Satan" music. What is "Satanic music" doing in "The House of "God""...or whatever people call churches?! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P The cults of devil-worshipping metalheads like myself is expanding and slowly corrupting what little good is left on this planet! :twisted: :P Kidding...but I did find this fact interesting. :P As for the demonic question...
EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: "I am the one. I am your antichrist, destroyer of mankind. Forged in sacred flames, my power is divine. I am your coming curse, hellfire in my eyes. For your crimes on my kind, the human race will die." From what Iced Earth song do these song lyrics come from? ANSWER CORRECTLY OR PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P's multiple choice. :P
A.) Something Wicked, Part Three
B.) Coming Curse
C.) Framing Armageddon
D.) Burnt Offerings
So...just try to answer the question...if you get it right you'll get 5 bonus points towards your score in The Random Game: Part Three. :P That's all I wanted to say. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)