Sorry I'm still counting the number of blogs I make...I just enjoy doing it and it's convenient...then I know when I'm approaching a really special number and I needs to do something special with a blog. :P All those special numbers are multiples of 25. :lol: :P Now...I last made a blog on Wednesday and today is Friday so I have a little bit to talk about concerning my life...I doubt anyone cares though. :lol: :P My life isn't that interesting. :P this blog I just wanna do all the Random Game: Part Two stuff, ask my Epicly Cynical Question again since no one answered it in my last blog, and then talk about my life and then about metal. :P And if I get off topic I might start talking about that book I finished reading on Wednesday with all the math and biblical stuff. :P paragraph... :P
And now...Part Two of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P First...which answer was right...? :P I shall tell you...and criticize the wrong answers while I'm at it. :P Who should you have voted for? :P
A.) Deval Patrick (WRONG! :P This is like...the worst answer you could've picked. :P In case you don't know...Deval Patrick is MA's governor and from what I've seen (I live in Boston, MA...I would know. :P ) ...he's done absolutely NOTHING productive. :P I don't mean to talk about politics but if he were Emperor Of Ze World...we'd all be doomed. :P )
B.) MightyBFan25 (This should have been so obvious. :P This is the correct answer. :P I'm the major villian in the story and you should realize that I'm going to hold a high position of power during most of the story. :twisted: :P I even gave you a clue when there was that glitch and I replaced my name with "MightyBFan25: Soon-to-be emperor of ze world". :P )
C.) Matt Barlow (Oh Zeus...I would love it if Barlow were Emperor Of Ze World...METAL WOULD DOMINATE THIS PLANET!!!!! :twisted: :P But seriously...the only reason this isn't the right answer is because I'm supposed to be Emperor Of Ze World in this story. :P )
D.) Tim "The Ripper" Owens (This is wrong for the same reason C is wrong. :P )
Oh, and Barlow and Ripper are both singers for Iced Earth if you didn't know. :P So...B was the right answer and now I'll start my scoreboard thingy. :P I won't put anyone's name on this until you get a point though...I don't feel like wasting my time typing something like "MightyBFan25: Points - 0. ". :P So...this is the official scoreboard as of right now:
Speckledorfed: 1 Point
Spongegirl1029: 1 Point one else got that question right. :P What do you peoples have against me being Emperor Of Ze World?! :lol: :P Kidding. :P here's the next part of the story:
You finally decide to vote for MightyBFan25 and she gets the title of Emperor Of Ze World. When MightyBFan25 realizes this, she walks up to a podium on stage.
MightyBFan25 says, "Wow...I really didn't expect this. I'm probably supposed to have a speech ready or something but I don't. Well...I promise that as Emperor Of Ze World I will turn this planet into a utopia! But...I will need lots of help from all of you. It will be challenging...but I promise that this planet will be a utopia...and it will be rid of all poverty, ignorance, and war. So...this will be challenging, but we can do this! And now I need to recruit some specific people who I'll need to work with this entire time. And the next time I talk to you all...I will actually have a speech prepared."
MightyBFan25 steps down from the stage, laughing at the last thing she said. Then she notices you and remembers you, the hero who saved the world from the evil wizard with her knowledge of Bakugan brawling. She walks up to you.
MightyBFan25 says, "I remember you, you're the person who saved the world from the evil wizard with my help! I really liked working with you. Would you like to be my second-in-command, or...Vice-Emperor Of Ze World...or whatever it would be called? I'd really appreciate it...I could use the help."
And here is where you're left with your next decision. Will you agree to help MightyBFan25, the new Emperor Of Ze World? Choose the best answer...
A.) Of course I'll help MightyBFan25, I want to help make the world a better place!
B.) Yeah...I'll help MightyBFan25, then I can abuse my power. :twisted:
C.) I'm not helping MightyBFan25, she can take care of things by herself.
This time there are only three answer choices and I think the answer is obvious. :P So...just answer the question. :P And now...since no one answered my Epicly Cynical Question inmy last blog...this time I'm making it a bonus it is:
BONUS QUESTION: (It's my Epicly Cynical Question from my last blog that no one answered. :P ) "I am the one. I am your antichrist, destroyer of mankind. Forged in sacred flames, my power is divine. I am your coming curse, hellfire in my eyes. For your crimes on my kind, the human race will die." From what Iced Earth song do these song lyrics come from?
A.) Something Wicked, Part Three
B.) Coming Curse
C.) Framing Armageddon
D.) Burnt Offerings
If you get this bonus question right you'll get an extra 6 points added to your score...I said 5 in my last blog but I think 6 is a better number...this is a cynical question is 6 is a cynical number. :twisted: :P I'm hoping someone can get this question right. :P The answer is there if you look at the lyrics closely. :P
Now this is the part where I start talking about my life. :P I last made a blog on Wednesday so...I have some stuff to talk about. :P Well...on Wednesday I did say that I was gonna go outside for a while and I was in a much better mood. :D I did go outside to go on a walk and nothing bad happened to me and I didn't get sent any scary messages either. :D And then when I got home I just had to play in the mud. :twisted: :P Then I went over Jenna's place to see the new Degrassi episode and it was really good. :D Nothing bad happened when I went to or from her place. :D Other than that nothing special happened on Wednesday. :P Yesterday I didn't do anything special either...I just practiced the piccolo, went on this site, watched TV, took a shower, and that's really about it. :P Oh, but I couldn't go over Jenna's place yesterday night...she was kinda busy that night...but we did both see the new Degrassi episode and we called each other during the commercials to talk about it. :P And I didn't get sent any scary messages and nothing bad happened when I went outside...I mean...I was just in the backyard drawing disturbing pictures...but still... :P As for today... :P I haven't really done much yet...I've just been on this site, taken a shower, practiced the flute...and that's about it...I woke up at like 10:30 this morning and it's now noon. :P After I'm done making this blog I should practice the flute a little more and pack up my clothes because I'm going to my dad's place this weekend. :P I really don't feel like going there... Oh well... :P And later tonight Jenna and I have some plans...we're going on a date...and I'll be at her place at around 6. :D I can't wait for that. :D I don't have much else to say in this paragraph. :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog but...this whole Dan thing is dying down pretty quickly...I's been about two weeks since Jessica found out that I was really Dan and now everything's pretty much back to normal. :D I'm really glad about that. :D I should call Jessica and thank her or something. :D And...I guess this whole thing did reveal who really cares about parents, my friends at BLS, Jenna, and all the peoples I've met on this site. :D I'm really glad that this whole thing hasn't changed any of their opinions of me and they all still care about me just as much as they did before. :D So...I just wanted to thank all you peoples on this site for not thinking any differently of me and still being nice to me even while this whole Dan thing was coming back to haunt me and I felt terrible. :D Oh I'm getting kinda teary eyed...I needs to end this paragraph...I don't feel like crying at the moment. :P
Oh, and I found out about this new band called I The Breather and they're a mix of heavy and death metal and they just sound AWETHUM in my opinion!!! :D :P My favorite song by them is called "Forgiven"'s a link if you wanna listen to it: LOVE this band and they just sound AWETHUM!!! :D :P Listen to the song and tell me what you think of it...and if you hates metal...just say you hated it and you don't even haveta listen to it and I'll think you actually did listen to it. :lol: :P That's all I wanted to say. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)