...Or not! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah right...did you actually think I'd EVER stop listening to metal?! :twisted: :P I LOVE METAL!!!!! :twisted: :P I love the heavy, powerful, fast-paced riffs...I love all the high-pitched screams...I love all the Satanic lyrics...I just love everything about metal! :twisted: :P Why the devil emoticon? :P Well...metal is apparently Satanic...I read it in a book so it must be true. :P Kidding...I don't believe everything I read. :P Anyways...now I'm addicted to a bunch of metal bands and I can't stop listening to metal...I mean...there are so many good bands...Iced Earth, Metallica, Beyond Fear, Iron Maiden, Testament, Clandestine, Whitechapel, Suicide Silence, Carnifex, Trivium, August Burns Red, Anaal Nathrakh, I The Breather, Behemoth...and so many others! :twisted: :P Now that I'm done rambling on about metal like someone who should be in a cult of devil-worshippers...I should get on with this blog. :P I just wanna talk about my life which no one cares about, all the Random Game: Part Three stuff, andI know I did this in my last blog but...I just wanted to thank you peoples for not thinking any differently of me during this whole Dan thing and for still treating me the same way...I really appreciate it and even though I've never met any of you peoples in real life...it's nice to know that even the peoples I talk to online care about me. :D So...thank you for that...I really appreciate it and even if it doesn't seem like a big deal...it really helped me out a lot...and I'm really starting to realize how much I appreciate it now that this whole Dan thing has died down. :D Now before I sound like I'm actually a nice person who doesn't deserve to go to the Abominable Sands...I'll end this paragraph. :P Next paragraph... :P
Now...The RANDOM GAME: PART THREE crap begins. :P So...what was the right answer to my last question? :P Here are the answer choices that I shall now criticize. :P
A.) Of course I'll help MightyBFan25, I want to help make the world a better place! (This was the right answer actually. Although B sounds fun...MightyBFan25 doesn't want another evil mastermind taking away from all her evil-ness. :P And abusing your powers are wrong...you shouldn't do that...only MightyBFan25 can do that...and even then...she shouldn't be...but she's going to Hell anyways...so it doesn't matter. :P )
B.) Yeah...I'll help MightyBFan25, then I can abuse my power. :twisted: (WRONG!!! :P Although this sounds like SO MUCH FUN...you shouldn't be abusing your powers or taking away from MightyBFan25's evil-ness. :P And it's wrong to abuse your powers...like I already said. :P )
C.) I'm not helping MightyBFan25, she can take care of things by herself. (WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!!! :P If you don't help MightyBFan25 you shall perish...either that or the story just won't continue...and that's BORING! :P Do you wanna be a boring peoples? :P )
So...A was the right answer is now I shall edit ze scoreboard thingy. :P Here it is... :P
Speckledorfed: 1 Point
Spongegirl1029: 1 Point
Larxenerabbit: 1 Point
Wow...only three peoples have scored so far. :P If you want lots of points ANSWER MY EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION!!! :D :P It's worth 6 points if you get it right. :D :P And no...I'm not being cynical when I say this...only the question is cynical...well...maybe I'm cynical too. :twisted: :P Here's the question again:
BONUS QUESTION: (It's my Epicly Cynical Question from my last blog that no one answered.:P ) "I am the one. I am your antichrist, destroyer of mankind. Forged in sacred flames, my power is divine. I am your coming curse, hellfire in my eyes. For your crimes on my kind, the human race will die." From what Iced Earth song do these song lyrics come from?
A.) Something Wicked, Part Three
B.) Coming Curse
C.) Framing Armageddon
D.) Burnt Offerings
And now for Part Three of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P Here it is... :P
You tell MightyBFan25 that you would be happy to help her out as Vice-Emperor Of Ze World and she seems pleased by this and gives you your position. You start working together and within a few months of working with her, you have managed to turn the world into a utopia. All the survivors of the last ordeal are happier than ever. MightyBFan25 walks up to you after you have finished this major task.
MightyBFan25 says, "You know...I really appreciate all this work and how you've been helping me...I couldn't have done this without your help. I think you've been workingvery hard...and that's why I think you deserve a break...I'm giving you the next two weeks off from work...I can take care of your work until then."
At first you decline this offer and say, "MightyBFan25, you really don't need to do that. I don't need a vacation."
MightyBFan25 insists upon you going on vacation for a few weeks and you eventually say, "Fine, I guess some rest and relaxation would be good for change. I haven't gotten to do that for a while. Thank you, MightyBFan25."
You leave MightyBFan25's office and now you are free to do whatever you want to for two whole weeks. What is the first thing you shall do with this newly found time off?
A.) I'M GONNA GO BLAST METAL!!!!! ALL HAIL ICED EARTH!!!!! *devil horns*
B.) I'm gonna go assassinate MightyBFan25...she's crazy and evil...she should be killed! This shall be like ze assassination of Julius Caesar...it shall be by means of a conspiracy!!! He he he! :twisted:
C.) I'm gonna go home and sleep for two weeks...
D.) I think I'll go on a walk...
So...choose your answer when you comment on this blog. :P And...please also answer my Epicly Cynical Question...just tell me which answer is which so I don't need to guess. :P My favorite answer is A...ALL HAIL ICED EARTH!!!!! :twisted: :PI just forgot what I was gonna say...oh wait...now I remember...now I'm addicted to Anaal Nathrakh as well. :P LISTEN TO PARAGON PARIAH BY ANAAL NATHRAKH OR PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P Here's a link for it on Youtube...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XoPYfGkcWc&feature=related:P And the chick on the album cover is kinda hot...but I doubt she's a lesbian...you know...not every girl with short hairis a lesbian.:lol: :PThis band is epic too...although...Iced Earth still reigns supreme in my mind...and it probably always will. :P Now I shall end this blog...but before that I wanna talk about my life. :P
Well...I made a blog on Friday so I don't have much to really talk about. :P On Friday I practiced the flute a little more and I went to my dad's place...then I quickly unpacked my stuff and went to Jenna's place and then we went on our date. :D It wasn't anything special...just dinner and then we went on a walk to that place that has the tower that we carved our names into...it was a pretty nice night...oh...who am I kidding? I was an AWETHUM night!!! :D :P I got home really late that night and my dad and little brother were both asleep...glad I took the house keys with me. :P And I did call Jessica when I got home...she was still up and answered my call...I thanked her for talking to her friends because it worked and the whole Dan thing was dying down. :D The said it was no problem and was glad things were getting better. :D Oh, but she said she had something to tell me and that she wanted to meet me at that coffee shop on Sunday at around 2:30...I wonder what though... I know Jessica isn't that smart...it's probably help with summer math work or something. :P Or it could be something serious but she has no clue about...I've kinda noticed that ditzy peoples like her can sometimes jump to conclusions about crap they don't even know about...like she could wanna tell me that she's a lesbian because "she had a crush on me as Dan" or something. :P I doubt that's it though. :P I guess I'll just haveta see. :P Anyways...today I didn't do anything too special...I just watched some TV, went online, played video games, oh...and my dad took me to see that last Harry Potter movie...it was REALLY good. :D And I practiced the flute for a little while and I've been listening to metal and that's about it. :P Later today I'll call Jenna, go on this site a little more, blast metal, and I might go play in the mud...I know I just did a few days ago but oh Zeus...not being able to go outside while not in constant fear for over a week was driving my ABSOLUTELY CRAZY and I'm just SO GLAD I can go outside and I'm just in such a good mood and I just wanna thank everyone for being so nice to me and thank the universe for letting this whole thing die down so quickly and I just wanna go outside...of course...I could just go on a walk or go to the park...but if I go to the park I'm gonna get filthty anyways. :P Yeah...I'm gonna go outside and play in the mud and get absolutely filthy right after I'm done typing this blog! :twisted: :P Oh, and I know I've been trying to get out of this habit and I managed to go over a month without playing in the mud but right now I just can't help it. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P LISTEN TO ANAAL NATHRAKH!!! :twisted: *devil horns* Vale, foolish mortals! :P -MightyBFan25 (Emperor Of Ze World!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Fine...I'll put my real name too...but I'll include my last name to be cocky. :P Alicia Summa. )