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Blog #303 / RG3 Continues / Someone Answered My Epicly Cynical Question!!! :P

Yay...someone FINALLY answered my Epicly Cynical Question...and there shall be many more of them to come! :twisted: :P But...I needs to add 6 Points to someone's score now...I think Girlygirl24 got it right because she's obviously a wizard and can read my mind. :P Ooh...I just thought of another epicly cynical question...but...this one shall NOT be multiple choice! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I'm having fun doing this Random Game: Part Three stuff...I'm sure you can tell. :twisted: :P Sorry...I'm not Satanic if that's what you think I might be Satanic...I listen to metal. :lol: :P Anyways...I made a blog yesterday afternoon so I don't have much to really talk about. :P So I shall do all the Random Game: Part Three crap...and I have another Epicly Cynical Question...and then I wanna talk about my life...and something that's bothering me...and a wierd dream I had last night. :P I'm hoping this will keep me busy until about 2:30...then I'll start going to that coffee shop to talk with Jessica...she called me earlier today and said she was kinda busy today so she'd meet me there at I'll leave 30 minutes early and I'll probably get there early but I'd rather be early for something than late. :P paragraph... :P

Now for all the RANDOM GAME: PART THREE crap. :P So...what was the answer to my last question? :P I shall tell you the right answer and criticize all the others. :P

A.) I'M GONNA GO BLAST METAL!!!!! ALL HAIL ICED EARTH!!!!! *devil horns* (Although I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this's wrong. :P If you just go home and blast metal the story isn't gonna go anywhere. :P And I doubt you peoples even like metal. :P )

B.) I'm gonna go assassinate MightyBFan25...she's crazy and evil...she should be killed! This shall be like ze assassination of Julius shall be by means of a conspiracy!!! He he he! :twisted: (Dude, if you picked this answer you must have something against me! :P Kidding. :P It seems like a good idea to kill me before I go mad with power but I haven't done anything wrong yet...and then all the survivors who like me as Emperor OF Ze World might wanna kill you or something. :P )

C.) I'm gonna go home and sleep for two weeks... (What would this accomplish? :P NOTHING!!! :lol: :P Sleep is great...but the story won't go anywhere. :P )

D.) I think I'll go on a walk... (This seems boring but this is what continues the story and doesn't get you arrested or in major trouble. :P So...this is the right answer. :P )

So...D was the right answer. :P And I needs to update the one got this question right in my last blog but...Girlygirl24 got my Epicly Cynical Question right so now I needs to update it...and I wanted to be Satanic and like I said the Epicly Cynical Question was worth 6 points and I have another one to ask and it shall also be worth 6 points. :twisted: :P

Speckledorfed: 1 Point

Spongegirl1029: 1 Point

Larxenerabbit:7 Points (I thinks you read my mind to get this question right too...I thought you'd all be foolish mortals and pick Coming Curse because the words are in the lyrics. :P )

Girlygirl24: 6 Points (I still thinks you read my mind because you're a wizard. :P )

Now for Part Four of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!! :P Here is the next part of the story followed by a multiple choice question worth one point and then another Epicly Cynical Question worth 6 points. :P

You decide to use the first few moments of your two weeks off from work to go on a walk. You walk through the city and all the citizens recognize you as the official Vice-Emperor Of Ze World. They are all happier than ever and glad to see you. Then on your way home you pass by City Hall. You see MightyBFan25's office and look through one of the windows out of curiousity because you have never seen her office before. As you look through the window into MightyBFan25's dimly lit office, you see MightyBFan25 sitting in front of a bunch of computer monitors, and you can faintly hear the song "Dante's Inferno" by Iced Earth playing. You know MightyBFan25 is blasting the song in her office. She is wearing a helmet, armor, and a cape. MightyBFan25 is also holding a pitchfork and a wierd crossbar is placed through the shaft of it. She looks at one of the computer monitors, laughs demonically while making the sign of the horns, and turns around to see you spying on her. She closes the window blinds and draws the curtains, leaves her office, and walks outside. She begins to approach you, still holding that menacing pitchfork. What will you do?

A.) I'm gonna run away...MightyBFan25's crazy and evil...she's probably kill me with that pitchfork!

B.) I'm gonna turn off that horrible Iced Earth music right now!

C.) I'm gonna take out a knife and stab MightyBFan25. (Oh Zeus...please don't stab me...I don't wanna die! :P )

D.) I'm gonna stay and talk to MightyBFan25. Hopefully she didn't see me spying on her...

So...just choose the best answer and tell me whatyou chose when you leave a comment on this blog. :P Oh, and now I have another bonus question that's worth 6 points. :P

EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is a dodecahedron? And you needs to tell me what it is, how many faces it has, how many sides are on each face, and how it relates to the Satanic pentagram. If you tell me all that you'll get 6 points...if you tell me part of it you'll still get some points but not all 6. :P And this is NOT multiple's open response...I needs to make this harder since soneone already got one Epicly Cynical Question right. :twisted: :P all I needs to do is talk about my life...that thing bothering me...and this wierd dream I had last night. :P

I just made a blog yesterday afternoon so there's not too much to really talk about. :P But...after I went to see Harry Potter and made that blog I did call Jenna and we talked for a little while. Then outside for a walk and then I got home and went into the backyard and I just had to play in the mud. :twisted: :P I'm sorry...I've been trying to get rid of this habit of mine for a little while but I doubt that will ever really happen...I mean...I went over a month without playing in the mud before...but...the weather outside has been pretty nice lately and I've just so happy because I can leave the house as Alicia (not Dan) and not be in constant fear like I was about a week ago. So...I've been working on getting rid of this habit...but I doubt that'll ever fully work...until I'm an adult at least. :P Even then though...I know I'm gonna be a strange adult...I can't really picture myself growing up actually...I can picture myself being extremely smart and successful and even getting married to a girl (maybe even Jenna...who knows?) but I really just can't picture myself growing up...I dunno why. :P I think I'll always remain somewhat immature and a kid at heart even when I am an adult...but...I'm only 15...that's WAY down the road. :P I haven't really done anything too special...I just practiced the flute, went online, watched TV, took a shower, and that's about it really. :P Later today I haveta meet Jessica at that coffee shop where she first met Dan because she wants to talk to me...after that I'll go back to my mom's place and then I'll probably call Jenna and we'll talk for a while if she's not too busy...and I wanna tell her about meeting Jessica at the coffee shop because she wanted to talk to me...I'd rather tell her than have her find's nothing bad...but I just feel like I should tell Jenna everything...I mean...she is my girlfriend...she has absolutely every right to know what's going on in my life if she wants to. :D And if not...I don't blame life is boring. :P And then I'll probably just relax and blast metal to annoy my mom. :P Don't get me wrong...things have been getting much better with my mom lately...and I'm having a much better relationship with her lately and I'm so grateful that she's been completely accepting and supporting of me ever since I came out but at times I just like to annoy her. :P And I love metal...I'm addicted to it. :P I guess I'd rather be addicted to metal music than something illegal though. :lol: :P Now getting to the thing bothering me...

Well...I was watching something on tv earlier today and it was on was very interesting and informative and got me thinking again. I mean...I'm pretty sure I'm not a transgender but...some people who are female-to-male transgenders said that when they were younger they were tomboys and then they thought they were lesbians but then they just knew it was something else...and...what if I go down that path? What if Alicia ever became no more? What if Dan took over again? I mean...I guess I shouldn't be too worried about it...I'm only 15...and if it did turn out that I really were a transgender...there's nothing wrong with it. I mean...I'm pretty sure I'm not a transgender though...but it just got me thinking. Well...right now Dan is bye-bye and I'm back...and I guess I won't know who will really ultimately take over until later on. I shouldn't be worried about it now though.

Now getting to this wierd dream I had last night. :P I can't give away too much of it because it actually was my mind recreating the entire plotline I've constructed for The Random Game: Part Three. :P The only major difference was I was the hero in the story...not the villian...Dan was the villian in the story! And in the end...I wasn't able to save the planet...but I found out that Dan (in case you don't know Dan was my kinda sorta alter-ego when I was passing off as a guy for two weeks) wasn't really blowing up the planet...he just wanted to kill me so he could take over! Oh Zeus...then Dan took a pitchfork and threw me on the ground...and he was about to jab me in the throat with the pitchfork...and then I woke up. Oh was just such a scary dream...but I can't talk about it without giving away the plotline and I won't do that...the only difference was that Dan was the villian, I was trying to stop him, and he ultimately didn't blow up the planet but killed me instead to take over. Dan, PLEASE GO BYE-BYE...I HATE YOU...I HATED BEING YOU!!!!! I just want Dan to leave me alone once and for all! I hate him and I hate what I did while I was Dan! I don't ever want him to take over again! I don't have much else to say in this blog...and this is really bothering me but I'm gonna try to just forget about it. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Oh Zeus...I can't fill in my real name again...Dan will be angered. Sorry. )