Well...before I go anywhere with this blog...there's a confession I need to make...it's something that's been bothering me for a while and I realized that I should just tell you in a blog and hopefully you won't all hate me for it. Well...you already know a lot about me...you know I'm a tomboy...you know I'm a lesbian...you know that I live in Boston, MA...you know that I go to BLS...you know that my parents are divorced...you know I'm 15...you know I'm addicted to metal...you even know that I'm somewhat scared that I might be a transgender someday...you know I've chosen not to have anything to do with religion...but...that part...me not having anything to do with any form of religion...that's something I used to cover up for what I'm about to tell you. I actaully do follow a form of religion...I worship Satan...I'm a devil-worshipper. I've kept this hidden from my parents because they're both somewhat religious but they'll probably eventually find out about this...especially when they find out that I've been gone all day. Later today I need to go and preform the sacred rites at our meeting...today is Lammas Day, one of the holidays we celebrate. So...I won't be online too much. I'm sorry I lied to you peoples by saying that I didn't follow any religion and had nothing to do with it anymore...I didn't want to tell you what I am a devil-worshipper...I was worried you might all hate me for it because all religious people seem to think negatively of it. I don't know why though...people worship "God" and think nothing of it...why is it so bad if I worship Satan?! So...I do have something to do with religion...I'm a devil-worshipper. I hope you all don't hate me for this. Well...now I should get on with my blog......
Before anything else...hahahah, I'm almost certain you fell for this! :lol: :P I got this idea during another conversation with someone on this site and I just had to do this! :lol: :P I'm sorry...I couldn't help it. :P All that stuff I said in my first paragraph about being a devil-worshipper isn't true. :P I really have nothing to do with religion. :P I mean...devil-worship DOES sound fascinating but I promised myself I'd never have anything to do with religion for the rest of my life a while ago and I don't feel like breaking that promise and contributing to more barbaric crap like the Crusades. :P Sorry about the prank...I just couldn't help myself. :lol: :P And I bet you all fell for it...I'm sure you wouldn't find it surprising if I did worship Satan. :lol: :P So...now I should get on with all the Random Game: Part Three crap...and then I wanna ask my Epicly Cynical Question again...and then I shall talk about my life. :P Sorry about that prank...if you fell for it...and if you didn't...sorry I wasted your time. :lol: :P
Now...getting to THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P So...first I'll tell you the right answer to my previous question and criticize all the wrong answers. :P
A.) I'm gonna run away...MightyBFan25's crazy and evil...she'll probably kill me with that pitchfork! (This answer is WRONG!!! :P If you try to run away MightyBFan25 will know that you're up to something and kill you with the pitchfork...she is a fast runner. :P )
B.) I'm gonna turn off that horrible Iced Earth music right now! (Uh...what?! :P If you chose this answer HOW DARE YOU TURN OFF INFERNO!!! :twisted: :P For that YOU SHALL PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P This answer is WRONG...if you turned off the music MightyBFan25 would probably kill you. :P )
C.) I'm gonna take out a knife and stab MightyBFan25. (This answer is WRONG!!! :P First of all...I don't feel like being stabbed. :P And second...I haven't done anything wrong yet...if you killed me you'd be put in jail. :P )
D.) I'm gonna stay and talk to MightyBFan25. Hopefully she didn't see me spying on her... (This is the right answer...mainly because it's the only one that doesn't involve immediate death or getting put in jail. :P )
So...D was the right answer. :P And now I shall update the scoreboard thing. :P And I think I'll rearrange the names just so you know who has the most points and crap. :P
Larxenerabbit: 8 Points
Girlygirl24: 7 Points
Speckledorfed: 1 Point
Spongegirl1029: 1 Point.
Yay...peoples are actually getting points. :P Now for the bonus question from my blog that no one answered. :P
EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is a dodecahedron? Be very specific OR PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...if you leave out something you won't get all 6 points...you'll probably get 4 or 5. :P So...if you get this right you'll get 6 points. :P I just want you to tell me what it is, how many faces it has, how many sides each face has, and how it relates to Satanism. :P I read it ina book...it was in the same chapter with the "Cube Of Truth" and the isoahedron. :P
Now...time for Part Five of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE. :P Here it is... :P
You decide to stay and talk to MightyBFan25 as she approaches you. She pretends to ignore the fact that you were spying on her and goes on a walk with you. You decide it would be best not to ask her too many questions.
MightyBFan25 asks, "By the way, what did you see in my office? I know you were looking inside it."
You answer, "Nothing. Just some computer monitors and the strange clothes you're wearing right now. And I know you were blaring metal in your office."
MightyBFan25 says, "Good. You don't know anything of my master plan. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
MightyBFan25 continues walking with you and then stops you for a moment to say, "You know...we've known each other for a while. I want to ask you five questions about myself. If you get them right you win a prize!"
So MightyBFan25 begins asking you these five multiple choice questions. How will you answer them? You know it's crucial to answer correctly...if you don't, MightyBFan25 might kill you! Here are the questions. Answer them accordingly.
1.) What is my favorite metal band ever?
A.) Testament
B.) I The Breather
C.) Iced Earth
D.) Metallica
2.) What subject am I best at in school?
A.) History
B.) Math
C.) Latin
D.) Science
3.) What is my new favorite number?
A.) 666
B.) 25
C.) 2500
D.) Phi (If you don't know what Phi is...Google it. :P )
4.) What is the best metal song ever?
A.) Distorted Lives
B.) Something Wicked, Part Three
C.) Coming Curse
D.) Forgiven
E.) None of the above. (If you answer this you need to give me your alternative answer for this question.)
5.) What will I be doing after you take this quiz?
A.) Giving youa prize.
B.) Sending you to Hell.
C.) Blasting metal.
D.) Playing in the mud.
E.) All of the above.
So...please answer all these questions when you comment on this blog. :P This is the perfect opportunity to get 8 points...1 for each letter answer, and if you get them all right you get 2 bonus points. That makes 7 points...the last one...well...I'm not telling you how you get that one! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P That is actually a hint though...there's a hidden point that you can earn and I'm NOT telling you how to get it. :P It must mean something. :P But...you're all smarticle peoples...I know you can figure it out. :P
Now I shall talk about my life. :P Well...I just made ablog yesterday so there's not too much to talk about but what I do have to talk about is actually somewhat interesting. :P Well...I met Jessica at that coffee shop at around 3 and she said she had something important to tell me. I did thank her for talking to her friends who were giving me a really hard time and told her that nothing bad has happened for about a week. She was glad to hear that actually. But...the important thing she had to tell me was that she is pretty sure she's a lesbian. I kinda thought that was what she wanted to tell me...but I didn't wanna jump to irrational conclusions like an idiot. :P After that I said: "Wait...how do you know for sure that you're a lesbian?"...and she said something like: "I don't know for sure. But...I can just kinda tell. You should know what I'm talking about."...and of course I knew that feeling...when you just know it...and for me it all made perfect sense after Jenna and I started going out. Then I was thinking that maybe she had a crush on me or something but...that shouldn't be the case...I'm a nerd. :P And I asked her who she had a crush on. It wasn't me (THANK ZEUS!!! :P )...she said it was a girl who she goes to school with. And then I said: "Wait...if you're a lesbian...how come you had a crush on Dan?". She said that this was a very very recent revelation. So...that would explain a lot. :P And she said that it wasn't because of Dan either and that it wasn't my fault or something like that. So...I was really glad to hear that. :D So...to summarize...apparently Jessica wanted to tell me that she's a lesbian and it's not because of Dan or any of that ordeal...and she doesn't have a crush on me and she knows I have a girlfriend. So...yeah...I'm actually pretty happy for her and I'm glad she managed to know this already as well...I know for some peoples they don't know this stuff for certain until they're much older.And then we just talked about random stuff for a while and then we left at around 4. Then I went back to my dad's place and shortly after that he brought me and my little brother back to my mom's place. My mom's "friends" were coming over apparently and I had absolutely no idea until they had already come over. :P This paragraph is too long...I'll make a new one right now. :P
Well...when I got back to my mom's place I called Jenna and told her about the thing with Jessica. At first she seemed a little surprised but then she said she was fine with it (I was relieved...I mean...Jessica is just a friend but...I would never wanna risk a break-up with Jenna) and she wanted to come over my place later for a little while. So I got back to my mom's place and unpacked my stuff a little after 5 and Jenna came over my place shortly after that. She seemed kinda angry at me actually. She wanted me to come in the backyard with her and told me to take off my glasses. (I was so scared she wanted to kill me at the time. TRUST ME...Jenna could easily beat me up...I think anyone could to be honest...I wouldn't really bother to fight back...I never did when I was bullied at my old school. :P ) Then she pushed me in the mud pit in the backyard and started laughing (no...not evil laughter like I do. :P I prefer evil laughter...it's evil. :P ) and then I said: "So before you kill me you want to get me filthy and laugh?". Jenna then said she wasn't angry at me at all and it was just a prank. :P (Oh Zeus...I really thought she was angry at me. :P ) And then we got kinda carried away...and we both came back inside the house filthy...and my mom came up to us and said: "Go get cleaned up now! My friends will be over soon." or something like that.:P If I knew her friends were coming over I woulda went out of my way to get even more filthy. :twisted: :P Then we got cleaned upand my mom's friends came over shortly after that. Before that we were just in my room talking about random stuff and I was trying to persuade Jenna to listen to "The Common Good" by I The Breather on my iPod. :P Then when we heard them come inside we just had to talk to them! :twisted: :P So we talked to my mom's "friends" and told them that before they had come we were playing in the mud and then we were making out (which was the truth...we can't lie to them. :P ) and then we mentioned how gay marriage is now allowed in NY and Jenna threw a party to celebrate that...and then it was time fora massive rant on homophobia. :twisted: :P Oh Zeus...we tortured them so much! :twisted: :P (Jenna's good at torturing mean peoples like them actually. :P ) But they're lucky...if we wanted to freak them out we coulda started making out in front of them...but...neither Jenna nor myself would want some straight couple making out in front of us...so we decided against that idea. :P Anyways...my mom's "friends" left a little while later...I think while I was blaring "Burnt Offerings" on my radio. :lol: :P Then Jenna and I continued our conversation and were talking about some of the teachers and classes we'd be taking next year and stuff. :P Jenna left at around 8...her mom came to pick her up. When Jenna left my mom didn't seem mad at me for making her friends leave...she was actually nice to me. Maybe she just likes me or something...or she's glad Jenna and I made her homophobic friends leave. :P I think it's the second one. :P I should call Jenna later today and thank her for helping me torture my mom's friends. :D :P Oh Zeus...I love her so much! :D
Later today I don't have much to do. :P I'm just gonna be on this site a little...and I'll practice the flute, go on a walk (this time I won't be playing in the mud...I just did that yesterday with Jenna. :P I doubt I'll ever get rid of that habit. :P Oh well... :P ) and I'll be over Jenna's place to see the new Degrassi episode (Oh...so I don't need to call her...I can thank her in person. :D :P ) and there's some other stuff that I needs to do that I wrote down. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P I should probably get started on that to-do list I made for myself. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)
EDIT: Well...I'm kinda bored at the moment so I might as well edit this blog and talk about other stuff. :P I might as well say that I really enjoyed playing in the mud with Jenna (don't ask why...I'm wierd and I'ma lesbian...that should speak for itself. :P ) but the whole thing kinda threw me off guard. :P I mean...I remember after the first time she said that it was okay but she'd never do it again. :P I should ask her when I go over her place later today what was up with that...now I'm kinda curious. :P Oh Zeus...tonight when I go to bed I'm gonna be thinking of some sick and twisted things...I haven't been able to stop so far today...I'd rather not say what...but I'm ridiculously smart, a lesbian, I'm in love with a girl, I'm wierd, and I have a dirty mind...I'm sure you can figure out the kinda crap I've been thinking about. :P Oh well...I'm an impulsive teenager...I can't help it. :P Oh, and I'm working on forgetting about the possibility that someday I might go down the path of a transgender...my mom came home a little while ago and I told her about my fear of that...she immediately hugged me and said that no matter what happens she just wants me to be happy and she'll still be accepting and supportive of me no matter what happens. :D Oh Zeus...I'm SO GLAD she's my mother and will love me even if it turns out someday that I am a transgender...that's all I could ask for...it really relieved me and now I can know that no matter what it'll be okay. :D That's all I could ever ask for...and now I can put that issue somewhat to rest and just forget about it...it'll only get brought up again if need be. And Jenna already knows of my fears of that...I remember when I first told her she immediately kissed me and said that it didn't matter. Well...I'm just glad if it ever were the case everything would be okay. :D But...I don't think Dan shall ever come back. Oh Zeus...I feel like such an idiot...as I was explaining my fears to my mom I was getting teary eyed...I hate crying...especially when I'm in front of people...I dunno why...I just don't like to. :P Well...anyways...now my mind is somewhat cleared of that issue and I'm really glad about it. :D And I'm seeing Jenna later tonight. :P I really wanna see her and thank her for helping me torture my mom's "friends. :D :P I really appreciated it. :D :P I can't think of anything else to say in this edit...although I would love to play in the mud later today...but I shouldn't...I just did that yesterday...and I already took a shower earlier today...I don't feel like getting clean twice in one day. :P I THE BREATHER IS SO EPIC!!!!! :twisted: :P *devil horns* Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)
SECOND EDIT: Sorry...I got bored again. :P I don't have anything to really talk about but right now I have such an urge to play in the mud and I think I'm going to do that the second I'm done on this site! :twisted: :P I'm sorry...I just can't help myself...I don't care if I need to take my second shower today afterwards...I just really feel the urge to goplay in the mud and get completely filthy. :twisted: :P I'll never kick this bad habit of mine. :P I needs to go outside NOW! :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)