Before I go ANYWHERE with this blog...I have something that I need to tell all of you just in case you didn't read the edit in my last blog. I just want to apologize to all of you for what I did a few days ago...I was being really stupid when I did that and I didn't mean for any of this to happen and I didn't mean to have any of you worried about me or something. What I did was wrong...and I'll never do it again...I'll never hurt myself again. And after talking to some people I realized that no matter how much I may not like it...Dan is a part of me and could eventually take over someday. I just need to accept it. And I realized that if Dan took over...not much would really change and the people I care about wouldn't judge me for it.Not much would really change if Dan took over also because Dan is a part of me...not a crazed alter ego or something like guess Dan is basically the male version of myself and if he took over...nothing would change for the most part. I mean...I'd dress up a little differently, I'd be considered a transgender, I'd be straight, and I'd go by the name of me those just seem like minor details. After this realization I apologized to everyone I know for this whole thing and for the most part everyone seems fine with it as long as I never hurt myself again. I hope to slowly earn back my parents' trust. I don't think my mom thinks I need therapy... :P for the most important thing...I just need to accept Dan as a part of me...and I've already done that. I also need to realize the possibility that Dan might eventually take over...I'm still trying to get that through my head...but I'm working on it...and honestly...if Dan takes's not a bad thing because nothing will really change. So...once again...I'm just really sorry for this whole ordeal but I'm trying to make things right and I'll never let this happen again. Now...before I get to The Random Game: Part Three...I guessI should talk about my life and how things are going...right now to me that's more important than The Random Game: Part Three...mainly because I'm still going through a lot even though things are getting better.
I last made a blog on Tuesday morning so I have a fair amount of things to talk about. :P So...on Tuesday I had told my parents that I had cut myself on Monday night, in an attempt to destroy Dan. During that entire day I was so depressed and angry with myself and I was just in a terrible mood. After talking with some people (especially Jenna and my mom) I had realized that what I did was terribly wrong and I had not only hurt myself...I had hurt the people I care about...and that's just terrible. And I also realized that if Dan took over nothing would really change and no one would judge me for it...and that Dan is a part of me and could take over and I just need to accept it. And I found out that my parents didn't really trust me and some people were angry with me and my mom had locked up anything I could possibly hurt myself with. Then on Wednesday I was in a somewhat better mood and after I had realized how wrong hurting myself was...I felt thatI should apologize to everyone for what I did and everyone seemed fine with it as long as I don't hurt myself again. And my mom probably doesn't think I need therapy...she even said that she was okay with what I did because I realized that what I did was wrong and I'll never do it again. The last person I apologized to was Jenna actually. I went over her place last night (about an hour earlier than usual...she wanted me to come over her place about an hour early) and I remember I was about to apologize for what I did but before she let me do that she did let me have it...she was telling me that what I did was wrong and it wasn't the way to solve my problems and stuff of that nature. After that rant I did apologize to her and (I knew Jenna would say this) she said that it was fine as long as I never do anything like that ever again...then she'd be p*ssed off at me. :P But...then she said something like: "Even though you apologized...I'm not letting you get off the hook that easily. For now...I am a police officer and you're on "probation" and owe me 30 hours of your time.". :P I found that I'm on "probation" and owe Jenna 30 hours of my time. :P After that we did kiss and then we had a random conversation and then later that night we saw the new Degrassi episode. :D So...I guess things worked out pretty well. :D :P I'm just so glad everyone I care about understands what I'm going through and can be so forgiving...I really appreciate it all. :D Oh, and just to be clear...Jenna's not a police officer...and I'm not really on probation...and I don't officially owe anyone my time. :P But...I'm sure you already knew that...and if a book or something! :P that you're caught up with how things are getting better...I should get on with what I plan to do today... :P'll save that for the end of this blog. :P Now I'll get on with The Random Game: Part Three crap. :P Oh, and just so you know...I'm in a much better mood now...I mean...I'm still somewhat disappointed with myself for what I did on Monday night and I still have a lot going through my head with this whole Dan thing but...I'm feeling WAY better than I did on Tuesday. :D
Now for THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE crap. :P That reminds Ineeds my notebook. :P *leaves and comes back with a notebook* Okay...NOW I'm ready. :P Now I shall tell you the correct answer to my last question and update the scoreboard thingy. :P
A.) I'm just gonna wait here until there is some form of divine intervention. (Even though this might seem like a good's wrong. :P Dude, haven't you read Dante's Inferno?! :P The pilgrim wanders around in the dark forest and THEN he meets Virgil! :P )
B.) I'm gonna come up with a plan to kill that freak, MightyBFan25! (WHAT?! :P Why do you want to kill me?! :P What the hell will this accomplish?! :P I'll answer that...NOTHING!!!!! :lol: :P You need to get out of Hell first...THEN you can kill me! :P Wait...I don't like that idea...I don't wanna die! :P )
C.) Hmmmmm.....MightyBFan25's sword is here for some odd reason. Maybe I should use it to commit suicide if I'm not already dead... ( no. :P If you kill yourself the story doesn't continue. :P Although it might bea smart idea to take the sword with you just in case something stupid happens. :P )
D.) I'll just wander around here for a while. *looks around* Ooh, a squirrel! No...I don't have ADD...I can focus! :P (This is actually the right're supposed to wander around the dark forest until you reach the hill with the three beasts and you can't pass the she-wolf. Then you meet Virgil. :P I added the ADD thing to throw you all off...usually stupid answers aren't the right one. :twisted: :P Yeah...I WANT you to get the answer wrong! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P )
So D was the right answer to my last question...but I don't think anyone got it right. :P I'll just show you the leaderboard thingy again anyways. :P
Girlygirl24:10 Points (By the way...I get're not a wizard. :P are some sort of magical being...I just can't figure out what it is. :P )
Larxenerabbit: 9 Points
Speckledorfed: 9 Points
Spongegirl1029: 1 Point
FZeroBoyo: 1 Point
Now that all that is taken care's time for Part Seven of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE. :P I say that in all caps so it gets your attention if you're absent reading this blog because it's so long. :P Here's the next part... :P
You decide to wander around the dark forest and look for a way out. You are still questioning if this is really Hell or if MightyBFan25 was just bluffing when she said that. Maybe this is just the edge of Hell? With all these thoughts racing through your mind, you eventually find a clearing and in that clearing you see a hill that leads to the sun, but the path is blocked by three beasts, a Leopard, a Lion, and A She-Wolf. You manage to by the Leopard and Lion, but the She-Wolf stops you from getting to the top of the hill and reaching the light. You realize that you are now exhausted and any future efforts at this would be pointless so you then leave and sit at the bottom of the hill, waiting for something to happen. Maybe the She-Wolf will fall asleep or something of the sorts.
Meanwhile, MightyBFan25 has gotten the mud pit in her office. Her publicist walks into her office and says, "MightyBFan25, come on! We need to get you ready for that's going to take place in a few hours."
MightyBFan25 says, "A few hours?! We have tons of time...we have 3 hours. I don't need that much time to get ready. I'm only being interviewed. And I'm Emperor Of Ze World...I can do whatever I feel like."
Her publicist responds, "Fine. But you need to keep in mind that you should dress up somewhat nicely and you have to get your hair cut in two hours."
MightyBFan25 says, "That's better. Wait...can you get me six tigers? I would like at least one to be a white tiger."
MightyBFan25's publicist says, "Why do you need six tigers?"
MightyBFan25 says, "You dare question my authority?! Just get the six'll know my reasoning behind it soon enough!"
MightyBFan25's publicist leaves the room and makes some phone calls, trying to get six tigers to City Hall as soon as possible. As she is doing this, MightyBFan25 takesa remote control and turns on all the computer monitors. She sees you still in the dark forest and says, "Hahahah! My plan is working perfectly! Our pathetic hero shall never get out of the dark forest and even come close to the Vestibule! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! And while I'm at it...I should just go into the mud pit to annoy my publicist. Why did I even hire her...? Maybe those six tigers she orders will eat her. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
MightyBFan25 continues watching you on the computer monitors and goes into the mud pit she just put in her office.
Meanwhile, a few hours have passed in the dark forest. You begin to wonder if there is even a way out of here or if this is just a cruel trick that MightyBFan25 is playing on you. Suddenly, the poet Virgil appears and says, "I see you've been trying to get up this hill and reach the light. You cannot get up the hill...but there is another way, it will be much harder. You will have to journey through all nine circles of Hell. I will be by your side the entire time. Do you accept this offer?"
So...what will you say to Virgil? Choose the best answer.
A.) Screw this offer! It's probably one of MightyBFan25's tricks! She wants me to go to Hell and I'll probably rot there for all eternity!
B.) I accept this's better than sitting around in this dark forest. Maybe I can get back to Earth and stop MightyBFan25!
C.) This is probably just a mirage or something...I'm gonna take a nap. Go away mirage Virgil. *passes out*
D.) I'm gonna take MightyBFan25's sword and kill that stupid She-Wolf!
And now that the Random Game: Part Three stuff is taken care of...I guess I should talk about what I plan to do today. :P Well...I don't have anything special planned...I just wanna go on this site, watch TV, practice the flute, study Latin vocabulary, blast metal, I might play in the mud, and I need to come over Jenna's place at around 6 today...I dunno why...she called me this morning and told me to be at her place by 6 tonight. What does she want me to do with her that takes 3 hours? :P It's not a date...if it were a date she would tell me so I'd actually dress up somewhat nicely. :P Oh well...I guess I'll find out in exactly 5 hours and 39 minutes. :P That's all I wanted to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (I really can't put in a name but...hopefully I will be able to do that again eventually. )
EDIT:I might as well say why Jenna wanted me to come over her place at 6 yesterday. :P first we were just goofing around and stuff but then she went online for a little while to look for some Latin stories that we could translate just for the heck of it...we could use the practice...we're both going in Latin Prose next year (I still think Jenna did that for me...she could have done perfectly fine in AP Virgil...she's better than I am at Latin...and I got A's with Ms. Foley who's really hard...Jenna got better grades than I did with Ms. Miller, the hardest and most feared Latin teacher at BLS. :P ) and we ended up translating Pliny for about 2 hours until the new Degrassi episode came on. :P Pliny is SO EASY. And I know it might seem like a very nerdy thing for me to be translating Latin for the heck of it with my girlfriend was fun and I really like's my third favorite subject at school...second being science and first being math. :P Anyways...I might make a blog later today but I don't really feel like making another ridiculously long blog at the moment. :P Later today I wanna practice the flute (I got some new practice books so I'm REALLY happy about that...this will take my playing to the next level...and it's good to learn new stuff to help me get better when Ms. Dougherty doesn't teach us anymore...she just yells at us and crap. :P ) and the piccolo (What I learn will apply to piccolo as well. :D ), I wanna blare metal, I wanna draw a picture (I'd rather not say's not good. :P ), and I wanna go outside for a while...I probably won't play in the mud...I might...but I just really wanna go outside. :P I needs to go outside NOW! :P I should finish typing this edit thingy. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (I still can't put in a name and probably won't be able to for a while but it's not a big deal. )