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Blog #308 / RG3 Continues / It Looks Depressing Outside Today... the weather where I live sucks. :P It's just really dark and rainy outside and I hate's depresing outside and I doubt either of my parents will let me go outside today...they'll probably think I'll just get sick or something. :P I don't get it...they let me play in the don't...I just do that on my own without any permission and then my parents want to kill me. :lol: :P Never mind. :P Well...I won't be going outside today for the most part...I might go over Jenna's place later today though if it stops raining so we can translate more Latin stuff...I still owe her about 25 hours of my time or something. :lol: :P Anyways...I don't have much else to ramble on I'll just get to all the Random Game: Part Three stuff and talk about my life and stuff. :P I shall tell you the answer to my last question and criticize all the incorrect answers. :P Here it is... :P

A.) I'm gonna turn around and leave. This IS too hard! (Dude, this answer is the worst one...if you don't get past the Gate Of Dis you're stuck in Hell for all eternity and then MightyBFan25 can blow up the planet or whatever she's planning! :P You can't let her get away with that! :P )

B.) I'll leave and come back with religious artifacts to scare those demons away! (Uh...dude, you're stuck in can't leave to go get religious artifacts. :P And who's to say they'll even work. :P This answer's wrong. :P )

C.) I'm gonna stick around and wait for some form of divine intervention. (This is the right answer. :P Even though it seems stupid this is how Dante and Virgil got into the City Of Dis and continued their journey in Dante's Inferno. :P So there! :P )

D.) I'm gonna wait for a while...I could use a nap. *passes out* (In this entire story sleeping has never been the answer to anything and it isn't the answer this time either. :P )

So C was the right answer to my previous question. :P And now I shall update the scoreboard thingy. :P

Larxenerabbit: 11 Points

Girlygirl24:10 Points

Speckledorfed:10 Points

Spongegirl1029:2 Points

FZeroBoyo: 1 Point

If you ask me this is still ridiculously close. :P Before the next part of my's an Epicly Cynical Question that's worth 10 points. :P

EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What's my favorite New Vestroia Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll score 10 points because it's really hard since there are so many NV Bakugan. :P There must be like 100 or something. :P But...I'll tell you that it is a Bakugan that Mylene used in a duel once. That might help you out if you know something about Bakugan. :P for Part 9 of 16 of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P Here it is... :P

You decide to wait in front of the Gate of Dis for some form of divine intervention to let you into the City of Dis. Suddenly, a ray of light shines through the pitch black clouds hovering over the City of Dis. You don't know what's going on. You think this could be a trick, and you ask Virgil, "What's going on?"

Virgil responds, "We are on a divine quest and Zeus has realized this so he is letting us pass through the Gate of Dis I believe. Just wait a few moments and see what happens."

A few moments later, the Gate of Dis opens. You and Virgil continue on your journey. After some time, you arrive in he inner ring of the seventh circle of Hell, the Abominable Sands.

Meanwhile, MightyBFan25 has been watching your journey through Hell this entire time and says to herself, "This is impossible! I cannot believe that our pathetic hero got through the Gate of Dis and is already in the Abominable Sands! The Abominable Sands...where I'll go when I die...nothing I can do about it... It's all because of Virgil...I need to get rid of him! Wait...what is this?! They're going to walk around the Abominable Sands! I won't stand for this...I wish to have our hero experience the pain and suffering that my shade will feel for all eternity once I die! I guess I need to leave my office and stop playing in the mud to do that...oh well. I guess I shall pay our hero a visit! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

MightyBFan25 gets out of the mud pit in her office and gets cleaned up. She changes into a black hooded robe. As she is doing this she notices a scar on her left arm that is the number 666. She doesn't seem surprised by this, she just laughs demonically. She puts on a silver necklace with a pentagram on it and grabs her pitchfork and spellbook. She says a Latin spell and suddenly arrives in the Abominable Sands. She says another Latin spell and Virgil's shade is locked in a cage suspended in the air in the Abominable Sands. You turn around and see MightyBFan25. You're somewhat creeped out by the outfit she's wearing, and wonder what she's up to. You notice that her eyes are glowing crimson and wonder what's up with that.

MightyBFan25 says, "You seem somewhat intrigued by me at the moment. Is something wrong?"

You answer, "Well...why are you wearing a black hooded robe and pentagram necklace and holding a pitchfork?'re eyes are glowing bright crimson. Are you okay...?"

MightyBFan25 responds, "Oh...I've never felt better in my entire life. This place...all if gives me my powers...I'm right at the source of all my power! I feel amazing right now...I feel so close to my master right now...I can sense his power...but you wouldn't understand."

MightyBFan25 approaches you and puts her pitchfork against your throat! What will you do now?

A.) I'mgoing to try and save Virgil!

B.) I'm going to run away so MightyBFan25 doesn't kill me or make me go into the Abominable Sands. The Abominable Sands look scary!

C.) I'll run through the Abominable Sands...MightyBFan25 won't follow me there!

D.) I'll just talk to MightyBFan25 and see what she wants. I mean...her eyes are glowing bright red and she has a pitchfork against my throat but maybe she means well or she's just stressed out from being Emperor Of Ze World. :P

So...choose the best answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P Now I shall talk about my life. :P

I don't really have much to say about my life at the moment. :P I just made a blog last night and I don't plan to do much today. :P I'm probably just gonna be doing stuff that I normally do and if the weather clears up a little I might go to Jenna's place so we can translate more Pliny. :D :P And if not I might just go on a walk to p*ss off my mom because I know she won't want me going outside when it's raining. :P Jenna and I need to go on another date soon...we haven't gone on one for a while and I enjoy going on dates with her. :D Anyways...for the next few days (until next Friday) I might not be online at all because the computer at my mom's place isn't working and she's planning on getting a new computer since the one we have has been having some problems lately and my nana's letting us use her laptop until we getthe new computer but if it doesn't work for some odd reason I won't be online at all until next Friday. And even if it does work I won't be online as much as usual...I think I need to spend more time thinking and figuring out this whole Dan thing...I'm lucky I have the opportunity to learn this stuff about myself now at this point in my life and I don't feel like wasting it or just casting it aside. :D So...this might be the last time you hear from me for the next few days and if not I won't be on as much but don't worry...I'm not dead or something. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (I want to put in a name so I'll just put in both my names. Alicia/Dan. I can't pick one yet...hopefully I can soon though. :D )