Yeah...I know in one of my previous blogs I said that the computer at my mom's place wasn't working because the hard drive broke or something like that but my nana is letting us borrow her laptop until we get the new'm still gonna be on this site until we get the new computer. :D :P Aren't you so glad about this?! :D :P I am...I get to torture you all even more with my ridiculously long blogs. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Seriously...this site is kinda dead...I doubt anyone would miss me too much for a few days anyways. :P Besides...I'm annoying...I'm sure you'd all be glad to get rid of me for a few days. :lol: :P mom's gonna be getting the new computer on Tuesday and it will probably be set up by Wednesday night at the latest...I know I'll probably end up helping my mom set up the computer...or at least help her out with a few things...even though I suck with computers for the most part...I'm okay with certain things...any my mom thinks that since I'm a teenager I should be good with computers. :lol: :P I'm lucky if I press a key and the thing doesn't catch on fire or something. :lol: :P But seriously...I'm okay with computers and I helped my dad set up his computer...I actually did most of it...I really only needed my dad to help move the ridiculously heavy stuff. :lol: :P I said before...even though we're gonna be getting a new and ridiculously AWETHUM computer...I'm still not planning on being on this site as much as I have been lately. :P I mean...I'll still be on this site and I'll still make my ridiculously long blogs because we need to finish The Random Game: Part Three but I won't be checking this site for my PM's and comments on my blogs and stuff as much...I'll do it a few times a day but not as often...I want more time to just be by myself and think about this whole Dan thing...I actually had a wierd dream involving Dan a few days ago...but I'll talk about that later. :P Right now I shall get to all the Random Game: Part Three stuff and then I'll talk about my life and then I'll get to that wierd dream I had last night and how things concerning Dan are going. :P
Now I shall tell you the right answer to the question in my previous blog and criticize all the incorrect answers. :P
A.) I'm going to try and save Virgil! ( should be worried about saving yourself from MightyBFan25 at the moment. :P Never mind Virgil...he's safely locked inside a cage suspended in the air. :P )
B.) I'm going to run away so MightyBFan25 doesn't kill me or make me go into the Abominable Sands. The Abominable Sands look scary! (Running away is no way to solve your problems. :P If you even try to run away MightyBFan25 will probably kill you. :P )
C.) I'll run through the Abominable Sands...MightyBFan25 won't follow me there! (Uh...she's probably working for Hades and is dressed up like a devil-worshipper...she would follow you into the Abominable Sands...MightyBFan25 probably enjoys the pain or is immune to it somehow. :P )
D.) I'll just talk to MightyBFan25 and see what she wants. I mean...her eyes are glowing bright red and she has a pitchfork against my throat but maybe she means well or she's just stressed out from being Emperor Of Ze World. (Even though this might seem like a very stupid idea this actually is the right answer. :P And this is the only one that probably won't get you killed by MightyBFan25. :P )
So D was the right answer to my last question. :P Now I shall update the scoreboard thingy... :P
Larxenerabbit: 11 Points
Girlygirl24:11 Points
Speckledorfed:10 Points
Spongegirl1029:2 Points
FZeroBoyo: 1 Point
These scores are ridiculously close and I don't feel like seeing a tie for first in the end of this whole thing. :P Here's my epicly cynical question that's worth 10 points... :P
EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is my favorite New Vestroia Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll get 10 points added to your score. :P I'll give you a hint...Mylene has used this Bakugan before in a brawl. :P Okay...fine...I'll give you an easier Epicly Cynical Question as well... :P
SECOND EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: This is another Bakugan related question but this one is multiple choice. :P What's my favorite attribute of Bakugan ever?
A.) Pyrus
B.) Sub-Terra
C.) Haos
D.) Darkus
E.) Aquos
F.) Ventus
There...are you happy now? :P If you get it right you'll score 6 points. :P If you get the first one you'll score 10 points...and you can answer both just so you know. :P Now it's time for Part Ten of 16 of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P Here it is... :P
You decide you ask MightyBFan25 what she's doing in the Abominable Sands.
MightyBFan25 responds, "Well...I saw that Virgil was helping you this journey through Hell and back to Earth. I wasn't expecting that and I thought that was making thingsmuch too easy for you. But...I was okay with that...because you would have one final test to face at the end of your journey that Virgil couldn't help you out with. But then I saw that you were about to walk AROUND the Abominable Sands. I won't stand for that! I want you to walk through the Abominable Sands with me...I want to watch you experience the pain that my shade will feel for all eternity once I die! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh, and now I shall dispose of your pathetic little friend. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
You have no idea what MightyBFan25 will do to Virgil and you wish you could do something but she is still holding her menacing pitchfork against your throat and will more than likely kill you if you try to run away and help Virgil. MightyBFan25 says a Latin spell and suddenly Virgil has disappeared! You then ask MightyBFan25, "What have you done to Virgil?!"
MightyBFan25 says, "Oh...nothing...I just sent your little friend back to Limbo. He's perfectly fine. He just won't be helping you out anymore! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I shall be your guide for the rest of your journey through Hell! Now...I want you to walk across the Abominable Sands with me or I will kill you right here and now! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Make you choice...I don't have all day!"
You respond, "I guess I have no choice...I'll walk through the Abominable Sands with you, you sick and twisted freak! What pleasure are you getting from this?!"
MightyBFan25 answers, "Oh...I shall get a lot of pleasure from watching you in pain and agony! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
You begin walking across the Abominable Sands with MightyBFan25. You are in a lot of pain during this entire walk and the place is very scary. The sands are ridiculously hot and there are dark clouds looming over you. Fiery flakes are falling from the sky and they are very painful as well. You now begin to regret agreeing to do this with're in so much pain that you would rather just have her kill you at the moment. And you would like MightyBFan25 to shut the Hell up because she's going on a massive rant about don't know what haven't been paying attention. Maybe it's somthing about how unfair this punishment is for being a homosexual... That would make sense...
As you reach the edge of the Abominable Sands you ask MightyBFan25, "What happened to that girl you used to like, MightyBFan25? What was her name...? I believe it was Jenna..."
MightyBFan25 immediately stops walking and puts her pitchfork against your throat again! She says, "HOW DARE YOU MENTION HER IN MY PRESENCE!!!!! NEVER SPEAK OF IT AGAIN!!!!!"
You notice that MightyBFan25 is about to cry and you realize that something is wrong. You ask her, "Are you okay? Did something happen to her?"
MightyBFan25 says, "Yes...something did happen to Jenna...the girl who I loved with all my heart. Three years ago she died...during that series of natural disasters! It was terrible...I'm still not over it...I'll still love her...and she's dead! She's probably somewhere her in the Abominable Sands. I was hoping to find her but...I couldn't! I have no reason to live...Satan will hate me for doing this but..."
MightyBFan25 reaches for something tied to her ankle. You don't know what this is and you think it might be another weapon. You see that she has a knife in her hand now. You think she's about to kill you! However...MightyBFan25 hands it to you and says, "Satan will be most displeased knowing that I did this but...I just handed you a knife. I want you to kill me with it! I have no reason to live...Jenna's gone!"
You are really surprised by this and are about to stab MightyBFan25 with the knife but then you stop and say, "No...I won't do this to you. You want me to kill you...that's what you want! I'm not letting you get what you want! I think it's more of a punishment to let you live in this state of emotional pain that you're in than just let you die! But if you want me to stab you so badly..."
You take the knife and stab MightyBFan25 in the arm. Then you throw the knife on the ground.
MightyBFan25 approaches you and says, "All I want to do is die and now I can't even do that! YOU SHALL DEARLY PAY FOR THIS, FOOLISH MORTAL!!!!!"
You say, "I don't really care, you freak. How about you stay around here and look for the shade of Jenna...or you can just stay here and cry all day! I don't really care. I have a planet to save from YOU!!!"
You leave the Abominable Sands and continue on your journey, leaving MightyBFan25 in the Abominable Sands. She is probably crying at the moment. You think it is pathetic that she would be so upset over a girl and that she actually wants to die. You have no idea what MightyBFan25 will do now...probably nothing good!
MightyBFan25 is still in the Abominable Sands and is upset at the moment. After about an hour she says a Latin spell and returns back to Earth, goes back to her office, and continues watching you on her computer monitors in her office. She puts on a new black hooded robe and puts bandages on her arm in the place where you stabbed her with the knife.
After a few more hours of travelling through Hell, you reach Judecca in Cocytus and see Satan himself! What will you do now?
A.) I'm gonna wait around and see if anyone comes to visit me here...
B.) I'm gonna kill Satan right now! I mean...I don't have a weapon but I can do this, right...?
C.) I'm gonna go visit Ugolino and watch him eat someone.
D.) I'm gonna go beat up some of the shades here! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted:
So...choose the best answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P Now I shall talk about my life. :P I just made a blog yesterday so there's not much to really talk about. :P I haven't done too much so far today...I just practiced the flute, took a shower, went on this site, watched some TV, and that's about it really. :P Later today I'll be going over Jenna's place so we can translate more Latin stories and then we'll see the new Degrassi episode. :D We should go on a date again soon...maybe tomorrow if she's not too busy or something. :D Oh, and last night I had a really wierd dream. :P the dream I met Dan and we were having a conversation about some random stuff and then Dan said: "Wait...before you go, can I ask you something? I want you to put me in control for a few days and see how things work out. Trust's not a bad thing. And I won't take over unless you want me to." guess I should let Dan take over for a few more days before I go back to school...maybe sometime next week...I should probably tell everyone I know what I'm doing before I even start so no one's freaked out or something like that. :P I'm actually not too worried about letting Dan take over for a few's not like it's a bad's probably a good thing actually. :D And maybe this will better help me accept the possibility that I might be a transgender eventually and deal with Dan...he doesn't deserve to be locked up somewhere forever. I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (I still can't put in a name but that's okay for now. :D )
EDIT: I thought I'd be able to come up with something to talk about when I made an edit on this blog. :P I guess I can' I'll just type a pointless paragraph that means nothing because I'm bored. :P I guess this EDIT is just a test...I remember yesterday I tried to make a blog but it didn't work for some reason...maybe it's the new I put this site on compatability view...maybe the computer is too new for this site or with that on hopefully this edit will post...and if it posts maybe I can make my new blog today. :P Hopefully...but that logic seems to make sense...and if not I can still blog from my dad's place. :P Yeah...I'll see if this edit works...and if you're reading it...compatability view worked. :P -MightyBFan25 (I still can't put in a name. Oh well... :P