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Blog #310 / RG3 Continues / New Computer!!! :D

Okay...I tried to make this blog yesterday but it didn't work...I dunno why. :P Wait...that's a lie...I do know why it didn't work...this site was made years it was made to work with older internet mom just got the new computer on Tuesday so we have a very new internet browser that has some problems with this site...that would explain why I couldn't made my blog yesterday. :P So...I have this site on compatability view now which fixes any and all of those problems...I am just so smarticle, aren't I? :D :P Seriously...I had to do this with this site on my dad's computer as well. :P Anyways...getting to the third part of the title now that I have apologized for not making a blog yesterday...we got the new computer at my mom's place and it's freaking amazing! :D :P Okay...I'm not good with this kinda stuff at all so I don't even know the name of the computer. :P But it's runs so quickly and everything is in the computer monitor itself so we don't need the tower thing and the computer screen is like a touch screen but you can also use the mouse (I'm just using the mouse...if you ask me a touch screen computer is AWETHUM but a bit too crazy for my liking...and eventually if we keep up this kinda crap robots will eventually take over the universe. :P So there...I'm not using the touch screen thingy. :P ) and the keyboard and mouse are all wireless and it's just AWETHUM!!! :D It runs so quickly and playing games on this thing is amazing as well...and the speakers are I can blare more metal! :twisted: :P *devil horns* ALL HAIL ICED EARTH!!!!! :twisted: :P Oh, and this thing will be good for all my school work has tons of programs and stuff that I'll be needing for my schoolwork. :D So...I love the new computer and it's just AWETHUM!!! :D there is something that I want to tell you all...somethingactually somewhat serious. paragraph. :P

Well...I've thought about this for a few days and this dream convinced meto do this even more. What the heck am I talking about? a serious decision on my own part...I really want to let Dantake over for a few days starting next week...I want to see how things go and maybe this will help me figure things out better...or just help me cope with things better...I dunno...I just feel that it will helpme out in some way. :D And...I would love to blog every day and say howthings are going as Dan...but the thing is...I'm worried that I might offend someone on this site or freak them outor something andI REALLY don't wanna do that. So...I just really wanna knowif everyone on this site is okay with Dan. If notPLEASE tell me...I'd rather you be brutallyhonest with me than just say the nice thing to make me feel good or something. :D And...if anyone would be offended by this whole thing...I probably won't be making any blogs as Dan to avoid that but I guess that's not too big of a deal. :D Anyways, I already told my parents and Jenna and my close friends at BLS about this and they're all fine with it...they might not completely like it...but they're all fine with it...which I really appreciate...that's all I could ask for. :D And now I shall tell you the correct answer to the question in my previous blog and criticize all the incorrect answers. :P Here it is... :P

A.) I'm gonna wait around and see if anyone comes to visit me here... (Even though this might seem like a stupid idea and a total waste of time...this is the correct answer. :P You have no idea how to get out of Hell or what you're supposed to do need someone to help you out and tell you how to get back to Earth! :P )

B.) I'm gonna kill Satan right now! I mean...I don't have a weapon but I can do this, right...? ( can't kill Satan! :P First of all...he's it's impossible to kill him. :P And second...if you try to attack Satan...he'll just kill you. :P And third...even if you did kill him...when MightyBFan25 finds out she'll probably be angry at you! :twisted: :P )

C.) I'm gonna go visit Ugolino and watch him eat someone. (Even though this sounds fun...watching cannibalism unfold won't help you get out of Hell in any way, shape, or form. :P )

D.) I'm gonna go beat up some of the shades here! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: (Same as C...this sounds like super evil epic fun but this won't help you get out of Hell either. :P Sorry. :P )

So...A was the right answer to this question. :P And now I shall update the scoreboard thingy and then I have some Epicly Cynical Questions to ask all of you! :twisted: :P Here it is... :P

Girlygirl24: 12 Points

Larxenerabbit: 11 Points

Speckledorfed:10 Points

Spongegirl1029:3 Points

FZeroBoyo: 1 Point

Katywishing100: 1 Point

If you ask me the scores are still too close for my liking so here are two epicly cynical questions...feel free to answer both. :P

EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is my favorite New Vestroia Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll get 10 points added to your score.:P I'll give you a hint...Mylene has used this Bakugan before in a brawl.:P Okay...fine...I'll give you an easier Epicly Cynical Question as well... :P

SECOND EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: This is another Bakugan related question but this one is multiple choice. :P What's my favorite attribute of Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll score 6 points...not 10...this one is easier...and it's 6 because 6 is an evil number and there are 6 choices. :twisted: :P

A.) Pyrus

B.) Sub-Terra

C.) Haos

D.) Darkus

E.) Aquos

F.) Ventus

Now for Part Eleven of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P Here it is... :P

You decide to wait for someone to visit you, not knowing what to do next. You wish you could leave Hell, but right now you would like to be anywhere else in Hell. Cocytus is horrible! You are really cold at the moment, and you are beginning to get a headache from listening to all of the shades howling in horrible pain. You sit down on the freezing cold ice and wait for a while...


MightyBFan25 has been watching you on her computer monitors and says, "Wow...that is impressive. Our pathetic little hero has managed to traverse the final two circles of Hell without Virgil or anyone else's help! Our her could be of some use to me. I shall go congradulate our pathetic little hero! Our hero is probably freezing to death in Cocytus as I speak! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

Then MightyBFan25 grabs her pitchfork and spellbook. She says a Latin spell and arrives in Cocytus. She approaches you and says, "Congradulations. You have managed to traverse the last two circles of Hell on your own. What you have done is rather impressive that I might not leave you to rot here for all eternity! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You might actually be of some use to me. But...before I take you back to must prove your must defeat my master in a fight! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

You ask, "So...who's your master?"

MightyBFan25 answers, "Oh...I'm sure you have heard of him. I doubt you will manage to defeat my master though...he is quite formidable...Zeus is such a coward...encasing my master in this icy chamber for thousands of years like this!"

MightyBFan25 takes her pitchfork and turns a dial on it that is located on it's shaft. MightyBFan25 points the pitchfork at the ice surrounding Satan. Flames shoot out of the pitchfork, melting the ice and releasing Satan from is icy clumber.


MightyBFan25 responds, "He is my master, you fool!"

Satan awakes from his icy slumber and says, "Why have you awakened me before my time?"

MightyBFan25 responds, "Almighty Satan, this foolish mortal has challenged you to a fight. Please defeat him, my master. And do not call me by my sacred number at the moment, this mortal knows nothing of our master plan."

You ask, "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!?!?!"

MightyBFan25 says, "You honestly don't have a clue? really are stupid. No wonder fight for the side of good. You're pathetic! Well...I'll fill you won't live to tell anyone of our plan anyways! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! After I found out that Jenna had died, I felt that I had no reason to live. I wanted to get back at the world for it...I wanted to get back at Zeus for doing this to me...and I wanted to get back at humanity. I felt that if Jenna died everyone should die...including myself! One night Satan transported me here, in this exact spot...and asked me to serve for him. I accepted his offer...he promised me that I would rule Hell alongside him and I would not go to the Abominable Sands. So...I work for Satan! He bestowed his sacred number upon me. That number is...666! It has been burned onto my left arm by the flames of Hell!!! So...I work for Satan...I worship him...he is my god...and I AM THE ANTICHRIST!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! The pain of these wretched souls gives me my power!!! Satan gives me my divine powers!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

You are absolutely shocked by this. You know that you need to defeat Satan in this fight. You know that you need to get back to Earth and warn everyone of MightyBFan25! She is going to destroy all of humanity somehow! You need to stop her! But, you are even more shocked that you are looking at Satan and the Antichrist right now!

MightyBFan25 says, "I see you seem rather shocked. I guess it is a lot to take in for someone as stupid as you! You see...I was meant to do this...I was perfect for this! And I live to serve Satan! Now...choose your weapon to fight Satan! You can have any of these four weapons or anything else lying around doesn't're dead anyways!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I love torturing these pathetic mortals!"

So...which weapon will you choose? Choose wisely...this could be the difference between life and death!

A.) A sword

B.) MightyBFan25's pitchfork

C.) A gun and some silver bullets

D.) A crucifix

E.) None of the above

So...choose the right answer. If you choose E you need to tell me what you would choose instead. :P If you get this question right you'll score 6 for the right letter answer and 5 for something else that I won't tell you! :twisted: :P I shall talk about my life. :P

I last made a blog on Monday but I really don't have too much to talk about. :P On Tuesday I just did stuff that I've been doing all Summer Break. :P Then on Wednesday it was pretty much the same thing. :P I have some plans with Jenna. :D She's coming over my place at around 6 and we're gonna go see a movie and get some coffee. Then we're gonna go back to her place and see the new Degrassi episode at 9. It should be fun. :D Other than that today I just watched some tv, went on this site, practiced the flute, studied Latin vocabulary, and listened to metal. :P I can't wait for tonight. :D Oh, that reminds me...I should start getting ready for my date with Jenna at around 5. :P After I'm done typing this blog I think I'm gonna go play in the mud. :twisted: :P Oh, and this is completely unrelated but next week I haveta go shopping with my mom to get stuff for when I go back to school in a few weeks...that's gonna be fun. :P And I'm being sarcastic. :P It's gonna be torture. :P Oh, but one good thing will take mom will haveta be seen in public with Dan! :D :P That's good in my opinion...hopefully my mom will be okay with that...but I think she will be. :D One last thing before I end this blog...I was listening to this song called "Zombies March" by GWAR and it's such an epic song and I really wants you all to listen to it! :twisted: :P Here's the link for it on YouTube: you listen to it? :P You did? :P Wasn't it EPIC?!?!?! :twisted: :P *devil horns* I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25