Sorry...I couldn't come up with anything cool for a title of this all you have is the blog number and the fact that the Random Game: Part Three is continuing and I can't come up with a title. :P I just thought of a good title...and it makes no sense so it would freak you all out. :twisted: :P Hmmmmm.....I shall change it. :twisted: :P Hopefully I'll be allowed to change it. :P And the third part of the title (if I changed it and it worked) is the name of one of GWAR's albums...actually my favorite one by them. :twisted: :P Oh, and this is random but today I learned about this cool religion thingy called really looks cool...not as cool as Satanism but pretty cool. :twisted: :P They use Satanic pentagrams! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Oh, can you listen to "Zombies March"by GWAR? :P It's epic and my favorite song by them. :D :P Here's the link for it: favorite part is the introduction with the epicly cynical "Welcome once again to the bloody pit my friends. We're so glad you could attend. Come and die...come and die..."! :twisted: :P This band actually dresses up like monsters when they're on tour and play in concerts and stuff. :P If I were in a metal band I'd wear a black hooded robe and a silver pentagram necklace and I'd dye my hair black and red. :twisted: :P I'd also get two of the Satanic pentagram on my back, and one of the number 666 on my left arm! :twisted: :P And when I wasn't playing I'd be walking around with a pitchfork! :twisted: :P Oh Zeus...get me in a metal band NOW!!! :P Kidding. :P I'd rather just listen to metal. :P In this blog I don't have much to talk about since I just made a blog yesterday so I'll just get to all the Random Game: Part Three stuff and then talk about my life. :P
First I shall tell you the answer to the question in my previous blog and criticize all the incorrect answers. :P Here it is... :P
A.) A sword (This isn't a mythological weapon so even if you could hit Satan with wouldn't do this weapon sucks and is worthless in a fight against Satan. :P Therefore, this answer is wrong! :P )
B.) MightyBFan25's pitchfork (I don't think you'll be able to kill Satan with this. :P And I doubt MightyBFan25 would even part with her pitchfork...she seems to really like that thing. :P And I doubt you even know how to use a pitchfork! :P )
C.) A gun and some silver bullets (Now...this would be great if you were trying to kill a werewolf...NOT SATAN!!! :P )
D.) A crucifix (WHAT?! :P Hell no! :P First of's probably not a real's probably the Satanic cross because if MightyBFan25 even touched a religious artifact she'd probably burn or something. :P And...even if it were the real thing...MightyBFan25 would immediately burn it with her pitchfork, leaving you absolutely defenseless. :P )
E.) None of the above (This is the right answer actually. :P You were SUPPOSED to take MightyBFan25's spellbook, duh! :P If you chose E you got a point but if you also said you'd take the spellbook instead you got 5 more points...which made this question worth 6 points. :P )
So E was the right answer but no one got it right. :P Here's the scoreboard thingy again. :P
Girlygirl24: 12 Points
Larxenerabbit: 11 Points
Speckledorfed:10 Points
Spongegirl1029:3 Points
FZeroBoyo: 1 Point
Katywishing100: 1 Point
And now here are my two EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTIONS. :P PLEASE answer them...or at least try to guess the answer to the second one! :P Here they are... :P
EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is my favorite New Vestroia Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll get 10 points added to your score. :P I'll give you a hint...Mylene has used this Bakugan before in a brawl. :P Okay...fine...I'll give you an easier Epicly Cynical Question as well... :P
SECOND EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: This is another Bakugan related question but this one is multiple choice.:P What's my favorite attribute of Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll score 6 points...not 10...this one is easier...and it's 6 because 6 is an evil number and there are 6 choices. :twisted: :P
A.) Pyrus
B.) Sub-Terra
C.) Haos
D.) Darkus
E.) Aquos
F.) Ventus
Now it's time for Part Twelve of Sixteen (We're getting to the end! :D :P ) of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P Here it is... :P
You decide that none of the weapons MightyBFan25 has offered you would work so you tell her, "MightyBFan25, I don't want any of these weapons. I want your spellbook!"
MightyBFan25 hands you her spellbook and says, "Good luck using it, it's all in Latin, which you don't know! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
MightyBFan25 takes her pitchfork and destroys the other weapons, laughing demonically. Then she bows down before Satan and walks to the edge of Cocytus, saying to herself, "I'm bored at the moment. Maybe I should beat up some of the pathetic shades partially encased in ice here! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
Then a female demon named Jamie walks past MightyBFan25 and says, "What are you doing here? You're not a're not supposed to be here."
MightyBFan25 turns around and notices that this demon looks like the one on the cover of Iced Earth's album Days of Purgatory. She responds, "In case you didn't know...I AM supposed to be here! I'm the Antichrist."
Jamie says, "Wow...I knew the Antichrist was coming but...I didn't think it was a teenage girl."
MightyBFan25 responds, "I know. It's one would ever suspect it. Now...if you don't believe me I can show you the Mark of the Beast on my left arm."
Jamie says, "No...I believe you. I can sense the one can fake that."
MightyBFan25 says, "Okay. Wait...why are you here? There is no need for any demons in Cocytus."
Jamie answers, "Well...I'm usually in the Malebowges torturing the panderers and seducers...but I'm on break at the moment."
MightyBFan25 asks, "And you're here...why...?"
Jamie says, "I feel like it...just like you feel like being here at the moment. Now...I already know something about you without you even mentioning you like to go on a date?"
MightyBFan25 says, " already knew that...? That's wierd. So're a lesbian and want to go out with me? I accept this offer...I like this idea. Wait...I have a better about you come back to Earth with me?"
Jamie says, "I've never seen Earth...I was up in Heaven for a while but then I followed Satan down here and I've been here for the longest time."
MightyBFan25 says, "Don't worry...I can show you around Earth quite well. There's not much to really see anymore. And I have total control of Earth...I'm Emperor Of Ze World there and I'm the Antichrist here! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
Jamie asks, "Why the horizontal rod through the vertical shaft of your pitchfork?"
MightyBFan25 responds, "It represents the Satanic cross and devides the vertical shaft at a ratio of one to phi, which is the physical manefestation of Satan."
Jamie says, "So you're smart as well?"
MightyBFan25 says, "Hell yes! I'm smarter than everyone on Earth...that's why I'm Emperor Of Ze World!"
You have MightyBFan25's spellbook and you came up with the idea to just encase Satan in his icy chamber once more. You flip wildly through the book, looking for ice spells. Then you find an ice spell that works specifically on Satan! You say the Latin spell, encasing Satan in his icy chamber once more. MightyBFan25 notices what you have just did and walks to the center of Cocytus. Jamie follows her. You hand MightyBFan25 her spellbook.
MightyBFan25 says, "Good work. You may be useful to me in some way."
MightyBFan25 mumbles something in Latin and snaps her fingers. Suddenly, you are out of Hell and back on Earth, in front of City Hall! MightyBFan25 says, "I want you to come into my office so we can talk for a while. Be in there in a few moments."
MightyBFan25 and Jamie go into City Hall and enter MightyBFan25's office. Meanwhile, you are outside of City Hall, not knowing what to do next. Should you talk to MightyBFan25? Could this be another trap? Maybe you can use this opportunity to stop MightyBFan25. Well...what will you do?
A.) This is a trap! I'm gonna stay outside and ask MightyBFan25 to talk to me out here!
B.) I'm gonna run away and tell everyone what MightyBFan25's up to!
C.) I accept this offer. Maybe I can use this opportunity to find out about MightyBFan25's master plan!
D.) I accept this offer. I want to kill Jamie...MightyBFan25 will be so devasted after she sees that happen!
So...choose the best answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P Now I shall talk about my life. :P
Well...I just made a blog yesterday so there's not much to really talk about. :P Yesterday Jenna and I went on a date...we saw a movie and then we got some coffee and went back to her place to see the new Degrassi episode. :D It was pretty fun and I'm glad I could spend more time with Jenna. :D Today I don't really have any plans. :P I might call Jenna in a few hours and ask her if she wants to come over my place and translate some more Pliny. :D And in the meantime I'm gonna take a shower, practice the flute, pack up my clothes, and watch some TV. :P In a few days Dan will be in control...not forever...just for a few days to help my figure things out better. :D I'm actually somewhat excited about it. :D Next week I need to go shopping for back to school crap with my mom...that will be fun. :P I'm being sarcastic. :P And I'm not going over my dad's place next weekend...I persuaded my mom not to make me go next weekend because I'm smarticle like that! :twisted: :P Now I really wanna go play in the's nice outside...I think I will once I'm done making this blog. :twisted: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (I still can't put in one name... :P )