Well...getting to the third part of this blog's title...I honestly can't wait until tomorrow...I'm excited but also somewhat nervous at the same time. :D I mean...it's hard to explain. :P I might as well say WHY I'm feeling excited but nervous. :P Well...starting tomorrow night I'm letting Dan be in control for a few days just to see how things go...hopefully this will help me figure things out better. :D I mean...it's onlyfor a few days so it's not like I'm saying farewell to Alicia...and I doubt I ever really would...Alicia is half of me...and Dan is the other half. :D And...from what I've read on this site it seems like everyone is fine with Dan taking over for a few days for the most part so as Dan I will continue to make my blogs. :D I actually can't wait for tomorrow night...I actually feel a little guilty about this though...I almost feel like I'm cheating society to a certain extent and that feels wrong...but...then I'm thinking that this isn't about anyone else...even though it sounds selfish (Satanism values selfishness...I should be a Satanist! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P )...this whole thing really is about myself at the moment...I need to do this to figure things out and I need to be happy. I know it sounds rather selfish of me to think like that but it really is true...and I don't really care what society thinks...if the people I care about hated it then I would really feel bad but they're all fine with it so I shouldn't worry too much. :P So...I'll keep making my blogs as Dan and tell you how things go. :D In this blog I just wanna do all the Random Game: Part Three crap and then talk about my life for a little while and that's about it...there's not much else to really talk about...I just made a blog yesterday. :P
Now I shall tell you the correct answer to the question in my previous blog and criticize all the incorrect answers. :P Here it is... :P
A.) This is a trap! I'm gonna stay outside and ask MightyBFan25 to talk to me out here! (If you don't visit MightyBFan25 she'll probably think you're plotting against you and kill you. :P So...this isn't the right answer...if you die the story ends and we still have four parts left. :P )
B.) I'm gonna run away and tell everyone what MightyBFan25's up to! (If MightyBFan25 catches you doing this she'll obviously kill you. :P Oh, and no one will believe you because you have no proof so they'll just think you're crazy or something and lock you up in an insane asylum. :P )
C.) I accept this offer. Maybe I can use this opportunity to find out about MightyBFan25's master plan! (This is the correct answer. :P It shoulda been obvious. :P You won't make MightyBFan25 suspicious and if you catch her off guard maybe you can find out what she's up to. :P
D.) I accept this offer. I want to kill Jamie...MightyBFan25 will be so devasted after she sees that happen! (Uh...no...MightyBFan25 is still not over Jenna...if you kill the demon she's in love with at the moment she'll be devastated and kill you. :P )
So...C was the correct answer to this question and I believe everyone who answered this question got it right. :P Here's the updated scoreboard thingy... :P
Girlygirl24: 13 Points
Larxenerabbit: 12 Points
Speckledorfed:10 Points
Spongegirl1029:4 Points
FZeroBoyo: 1 Point
Katywishing100: 1 Point
If you ask me the scores are STILL to close for my liking and there's only four parts left. :P Here are my two Epicly Cynical Questions that no one has answered yet... :P
EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is my favorite New Vestroia Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll get 10 points added to your score.:P I'll give you a hint...Mylene has used this Bakugan before in a brawl.:P Okay...fine...I'll give you an easier Epicly Cynical Question as well... :P
SECOND EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: This is another Bakugan related question but this one is multiple choice. :P What's my favorite attribute of Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll score 6 points...not 10...this one is easier...and it's 6 because 6 is an evil number and there are 6 choices. :twisted: :P
A.) Pyrus
B.) Sub-Terra
C.) Haos
D.) Darkus
E.) Aquos
F.) Ventus
There. :P Now someone PLEASE answer these Epicly Cynical Questions...or at least try to answer the second one! :P Okay...that hasn't worked so answer the questions...OR PERISH!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P You dare question the authority of the Emperor Of Ze World?! :twisted: :P We'll see about that! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Okay...here's part Thirteen of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P
You stand outside of City Hall and think for a little while. You eventually decide to accept MightyBFan25's offer and walk into City Hall towards her office. You knock on her office door.
MightyBFan25 hears you knocking on the door and says, "Come in...if you dare! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
You are somewhat scared for a moment but realize that MightyBFan25 is more than likely just trying to scare you. You open her office door and walk inside, unsure if this is a trap or not. You find MightyBFan25 sitting in a black and red chair covered with spikes. She is looking at her computer monitors, maybe blueprints of some sort.
You ask MightyBFan25, "Why do you want me here?"
MightyBFan25 answers, "Oh...I just wanted to talk to you for a while. I feel that you might be of some use to me but I know you would refuse to work for the Almighty Satan so I just want to talk to you."
You ask, "What about Jamie?"
MightyBFan25 responds, "Oh...I really like her...but I feel like talking to you at the moment. Jamie is looking around City Hall...she's never seen a place like it before. Now...I just wish to talk to you...you don't even need to say anything to me...just listen."
MightyBFan25 begins to ramble on and on about useless stuff. You realize that this is getting you absolutely no where and she just wants to annoy you. You tune out what MightyBFan25 is talking about and begin looking at some of the computer monitors behind her. MightyBFan25 doesn't seem to notice. As you continue looking at the computer monitors...you see the blueprints for a giant bomb implanted in the Earth's core that will blow up the entire planet! You are absolutely shocked by this and you know that you need to get these blueprints and warn everyone of MightyBFan25's plan before it's too late!
After a while, MightyBFan25 stops rambling on about useless stuff and says, "You know...now I'm rather bored. Is it okay with you if I go into the mud pit in my office? Oh...I take that back. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks...I'm Emperor Of Ze World! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
MightyBFan25 puts down her pitchfork and puts her silver pentagram necklace on a shelf and says, "Oh...before I do that I wish to listen to GWAR music! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
MightyBFan25 takes the CD Bloody Pit Of Horror by GWAR and puts in her radio. She turns up the volume and suddenly GWAR music is blaring. You really hate this horrible music and want to leave soon just so you can get some peace and quiet. MightyBFan25 then goes into the mud pit and says, "You know...that reminds me. YOU'RE the fool who made me Emperor Of Ze World! you're the one who gave the Antichrist this position of absolute power! Wouldn't that make you the False Prophet, the third part of the Satanic trinity?! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Of course...I know you would fail to realize this...you're too good to admit that you gave the Antichrist total power over the entire planet!"
Ignoring this, you say, "MightyBFan25, you're such a sick and twisted freak! What pleasure are you getting out of this?!"
MightyBFan25 answers, "Oh...I know I'm sick and twisted! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! That's why God rejected me...Satan was the only one who would accept me! And I'm getting much more pleasure out of this than you can ever imagine! Oh, that reminds me...that song by GWAR "Sick and Twisted" is on this CD! How convenient! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
Very disturbed by this you say, "You're such a freak! The only reason Jamie likes you is because you're the Antichrist! And why do you need to be in the mud as you talk to me?!"
MightyBFan25 answers, "I know I'm a freak! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! And Jamie likes me for who I am...being the Antichrist is just a bonus! Oh, and I don't need to be in the mud as I talk to you...I just want to be in the mud pit at the moment. Why? Let's just say that if cleanliness is next to godliness...I want to be a far away from "God" as possible! I would rather be filthy! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Besides...what do you care?! I'm the Emperor Of Ze World...I can do whatever the heck I want to! Now...would you stop bothering me? I wish to close my eyes for a while and relax."
You feel that MightyBFan25 might be trying to trick you but you think that this might be your only chance to get the blueprints of her evil plan! What will you do?
A.) I'm just going to leave and go back home...this is obviously a trick and there's nothing for me to gain by staying here.
B.) I'm going to stay here until MightyBFan25 leaves her office so I can take the CD with the blueprints on it!
C.) I'm leaving RIGHT NOW...this metal that this freak is blaring is HORRIBLE!!!
D.) I'm going to take the CD right now...this could be my only chance to get it and stop MightyBFan25!
So...choose the best answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P
Now I shall talk about my life. :P I jsut made a blog yesterday so there's not much to really talk about. :P I haven't really done much today besides watch TV, go online, take a shower, and practice the flute. :P Later today I'll probably go on this site for a little while and I feel like blaring metal. :twisted: :P Oh, and right now I'm listening to "Sick and Twisted" by GWAR...it's such an epic song! :twisted: :P *devil horns* PLEASE listen to it! :P Here's the link for it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kc2fRERqiTM&feature=relatedBloody Pit Of Horror is one of my favorite metal albums EVER...maybe even second to only Burnt Offerings! :twisted: :P Oh, later today I'm gonna call Jenna and we'll probably end up talking for a while if she's not busy. :P During this upcoming week I need to go shopping with my mom for back to school crap...that's gonna be a ton of fun...and I'm being sarcastic. :P Anyways, as for this whole Dan thing...he's taking over for a few days starting on Sunday night and I actually am excited about it. :D Oh, and I can easily accept Dan as a part of me and I honestly think that if he were to take over someday I wouldn't really mind it too much. :D I'm glad I can cope with this much better now...a few weeks ago I was cutting myself, thinking that THAT was the answer to my problems. :P So...right now things are going quite well. :D I don't really have much else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (I know I really can't put a name at the moment but I want to and I probably will be able to soon. :D )