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Blog #313 / RG3 Continues / Today Dan Shall Start Being In Control... :D

Yes...the third part of the title is correct. :D Dan shall start being in control later today...probably a little bit before 5, which is the time when I'll be leaving to go back to my mom's place. :D Why a little before 5? :P Well...I want my dad to meet Dan...and hopefully that will go well...I mean...I've talked to this with him before and he seemed fine with it...and if he could accept Alicia being a lesbian hopefully he can accept Dan as the other half of myself that might take control someday. :D Why on Earth am I doing this? :P I dunno...I just feel that this might help me figure things out better and even if it doesn't it will probably at least help me cope with the fact that Dan might completely take over someday. :D So...I feel that this will help me out and that's why I'm doing this...and I had a dream where I met Dan and he asked me to let him take over for a few days to see how things would go a few days if the dream means does have a little something to do with this decision. :D :P To a certain degree I feel somewhat guilty about this because I feel as though Iam cheating society but...the people I care about don't think that and I shouldn't care about what society thinks...this is about me and how I this guilt will wear off. :D Oh, and I feel that I should be very open about this...I mean...I shouldn't just tell random people that I'm possibly a transgender (that would be stupid. :P )...but I want to tell the people I know about this...even though they seem very accepting and understanding I just hope that this could somehow help people not have as much fear of transgenders and stuff like that...and even though none of you seem to have anything against transgenders or are homophobs or anything like that...I still feel like being open about it and talking about how things are going as Dan might help. :D And it might help people realize what we go through mentally and realize how difficult it is. :D I mean...I guess those are some high expectations and they probably won't come true's something to hope for. :D :P Oh, and I don't want anyone to really treat this like it's a big deal...I you it might seem like a big deal but it really isn't. :P I mean...Dan's not taking over forever...only for a few days or a week at the very's not like Alicia is going farewell forever...and even if Dan ever did take over forever...Alicia would never completely disappear. :D And...Dan is basically the male version of's not like you're meeting a new're just meeting the other half of myself if that makes sense...I'm still MightyBFan25...I'm still myself...I'll just be going by the name of Dan for the next few days and I'll be dressing somewhat differently and stuff like that. :D :P to summarize all of this...? :P Well...Dan's taking over for a few days and it seems like everyone's fine with it. Hopefully if I'm open about this it could help some people, including myself. And nothing will really change...I'm still myself. :D :P So...Dan will still make ridiculously long blogs and still like girls and still play in the mud and still continue the Random Game: Part Three and make you all listen to metal and stuff! :twisted: :P Oh, and Dan will also be obsessed with GWAR! :twisted: ...And laugh evilly! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Okay...I think this is a long enough intro paragraph. :P In this blog I just wanna do all the Random Game: Part Three crap and then I wanna talk about my life a little and talk about this scary lucid dream I had last night. :P TRUST ME...I was scared...I woke up at 3 in the morning and then I couldn't get back to sleep after that dream! :P I shall tell you the correct answer to the question in my previous blog and criticize all the incorrect answers. :P Here it is... :P

A.) I'm just going to leave and go back home...this is obviously a trick and there's nothing for me to gain by staying here. (This might seem like a smart thing to do...but...uh...dude...if you do absolutely nothing...MightyBFan25 is going to get away with blowing up the entire freaking planet! :P Yeah...we can't have that happen, now can we? :P )

B.) I'm going to stay here until MightyBFan25 leaves her office so I can take the CD with the blueprints on it! (This would be a safe thing to do...if MightyBFan25 was actually planning on leaving her office anytime soon! :P She's in the mud pit in her office and she's probably taking a nap or something...I doubt she'll be leaving her office anytime soon. :P )

C.) I'm leaving RIGHT NOW...this metal that this freak is blaring is HORRIBLE!!! (WHAT?! :P What do you have against metal?! :P Oh, and if you leave MightyBFan25 will get away with blowing up the planet...which is BAD!!! :P )

D.) I'm going to take the CD right now...this could be my only chance to get it and stop MightyBFan25! (This might not seem like a smart thing to do but this is the correct answer. :P Why? :P Well...this is the only one that will actually manage to get you the CD with MightyBFan25's blueprints for blowing up the planet on it. :P You might get killed in the process if this is a trap...but it's worth a shot...if she blows up the planet you're gonna die anyways. :P )

So...D was the correct answer to this question. :P Now I shall update the scoreboard thingy. :P Here it is... :P

Girlygirl24: 14 Points

Larxenerabbit: 13 Points

Speckledorfed:10 Points

Spongegirl1029:4 Points

FZeroBoyo: 1 Point

Katywishing100: 1 Point

If you ask me this is still too close for my liking. :P Here are THREE Epicly Cynical Questions...PLEASE at least try to guess the second one and if you just give me a response to the third one you'll get 6 points...mainly because there's no right answer. :P Here they are... :P

EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is my favorite New Vestroia Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll get 10 points added to your score. :P I'll give you a hint...Mylene has used this Bakugan before in a brawl. :POkay...fine...I'll give you an easier Epicly Cynical Question as well... :P

SECOND EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: This is another Bakugan related question but this one is multiple choice.:P What's my favorite attribute of Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll score 6 points...not 10...this one is easier...and it's 6 because 6 is an evil number and there are 6 choices. :twisted: :P

A.) Pyrus

B.) Sub-Terra

C.) Haos

D.) Darkus

E.) Aquos

F.) Ventus

THIRD EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: Since no one is answering my Bakugan Epicly Cynical Questions I'll add another one. :P There's no real right answer to it so if you just give me a response to this you'll get 6 points...I don't really care...I just want to see bigger numbers on the scoreboard thingy. :P Okay...what do you think of MightyBFan25 as the villian in the Random Game: Part Three plotline? Just give me a response and you score 6 points. :P

So there are my Epicly Cynical Questions...PLEASE just answer the third one and guess the second one! :P I want to see bigger scores! :P Oh, and now it's time for Part Fourteen of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!! :D :P Here it is... :P

You decide to steal the CD that has MightyBFan25's cynical blueprints on it. You press a button on one of the computers and it silently releases the CD. You take it and put it in it's case. You then put the CD stored in its case in your pocket. Then you approach MightyBFan25 and ask, "MightyBFan25, do you need me to stay here any longer? If not I have some work I need to do."

MightyBFan25 opens her eyes and looks at you for a moment. Then she responds, "I don't need you here any longer...I have no need for you now. You may leave if you wish to do so. Before you do though, I wish for you to find Jamie and tell her to come back to my office."

You agree to this and start searching around City Hall for Jamie. You finally find her and say, "Jamie, MightyBFan25 wants you to come back to her office."

Jamie responds, "Okay. I'll be in her office in a few moments."

Jamie starts walking towards MightyBFan25's office. After seeing this, you leave City Hall and run home with the CD. Then you lock your house door and put the CD into your computer and look over the blueprints. You discover everything about MightyBFan25's master plan to blow up the planet! The master plan willtake place tomorrow at 6:00 PM! You decide it would be best not to warn everyone about this, knowing that it would lead to total panic and then MightyBFan25 would know that you took her CD and probably kill you. You decide to wait until tomorrow to stop her. It is starting to get late outside. You decide to go to bed, but you cannot manage to fall asleep, so you stay awake and begin to wonder what MightyBFan25 is up to at the moment and how you will stop her.


Jamie comes into MightyBFan25's office. MightyBFan25 gets out of the mud pit in her office and gets cleaned up. MightyBFan25 and Jamie start making out shortly after that. Later that night, before MightyBFan25 goes to bed, she says, "Jamie, I don't want you to come when I give my speech tomorrow. If something goes wrong I want you to be safe. And even though I'll die from the bomb, you need to stay here and then right before the bomb goes off you need to go back to Hell. Tell Satan that I gave up my life to destroy all of humanity."

Jamie responds, "I really don't want to lose you...but you are the Antichrist...I can't tell you what to do. I hope you'll be okay and I'll tell Satan what you just told me."

MightyBFan25 says, "Thank you, Jamie."

Shortly after that MightyBFan25 and Jamie go to sleep...

The next afternoon, MightyBFan25 has scheduled a speech that she will give to the public. She is scheduled to give this speech at 5:00 PM. At 5, she walks up to a black podium with a red pentagram drawn on it on stage. She is wearing a black hooded robe, her silver pentagram necklace, and holding a pitchfork. Her eyes are glowing bright red, and the Mark of the Beast on her left arm is glowing bright red as well, the thousands of people watching her speech can notice it glowing even through her black hooded robe and begin to grow somewhat suspicious. Her six tigers are also on stage with her, three on each side, and their eyes are glowing bright red as well. You are watching MightyBFan25 give her speech on TV at home because you fear what she plans to do as she gives this speech. You even notice that she is hiding the detonator for the bomb implanted in theEarth's core in her black hooded robe!For the first 30 minutes, MightyBFan25 just stands at the podium, not saying anything at all. Power metal is blaring, however. After 30 minutes the power metal stops. Then MightyBFan25 walks down from the stage and finds one of the cameramen and says to him, "I want you to stand on this stage with me for a moment. Do not ask why, just do it!"

The cameraman obeys MightyBFan25 and walks on the stage and stands off to the side, away from her six tigers. MightyBFan25 then bangs her pitchfork on the ground, which creates violent tremors. Suddenly the ground underneath the thousands of spectators watching MightyBFan25 collapses, forming a giant pit that no one can get out of. MightyBFan25 says a Latin spell to put a titanium cage over the giant pit trapping the thousands of spectators. Then she makes an odd hand motion with her left hand. A few moments later the entire pit is engulfed in flames! In a few minutes all of these spectators have turned into ashes! MightyBFan25 laughs demonically! Then she looks into the one remaining cameraman's camera and says, "Yes! I have just really killed all of those people! Since no one can really kill me anyways I might as well say that I work for Satan...I am evil...I am a freak...I am sick and twisted! I have am full of nothing but pure evil and malicious intent! I AM THE ANTICHRIST!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! And the world shall blow up at exactly 6:00 PM today...enjoy your last moments, foolish mortals! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

Then MightyBFan25 stabs the cameraman with her pitchfork, killing him! The camera falls to the ground, and now the viewers at home cannot see anything! Some people are walking to where MightyBFan25 is giving her speech just to see what will happen next. You are one of these people. You know you need to stop MightyBFan25 and make sure that bomb doesn't go over! It's all up to you're the only one who can stop MightyBFan25...everyone else is too scared of her to do anything! What will you do?!

A.) I'm going to organize a mob that will attack MightyBFan25 and kill her!

B.) I'm going to sneak up behind MightyBFan25 and tackle her. It seems stupid because she could stab me with her pitchfork or her tigers could kill's worth a shot, right...?

C.) Screw this! I'm just going to kill MightyBFan25 and I'll probably be able to figure out how to defuse the bomb on my own!

D.) I'm going to try to talk MightyBFan25 out of blowing up the planet. Maybe I can guilt-trip her...I mean...she just killed thousands of innocent people!

E.) None of the above.

So...choose the right answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P And if you choose E you need to say what you would choose instead of the other 4 options. :P Now I guess I shall talk about my life. :P There's not much for me to really talk about...I just made a blog yesterday. :P So far today I've just watched some TV, went online, practiced the flute, studied Latin vocabulary, and that's about it. :P Later today I should probably take a shower. :P Oh...but aside from that not so special stuff...Dan shall be taking over later today which I'm really excited's only a matter of hours! :D I'm excited but nervous at the same time if that's possible. :P Wait...wouldn't that just mean that I'm feeling anxious? :P I think so. :P Now I feel stupid...this is why I get A-'s in English and not A+'s! :lol: :P I'm still addicted to GWAR as well...this band is so epic...I LOVE the album Bloody Pit Of Horror! :twisted: :P This band is just epic...they're so good...and every song is different but just as epic as if not more epic than the song before! :twisted: :P And this band uses swear words in their lyrics but I really don't care...they just sound so epic and...well...the lyrics are just so cynical and I love it! :twisted: :P The heavier the metal and the more sick and twisted the lyrics the more I love it! :twisted: :P Yeah...I probably sound like a freak saying that...oh well. :P That reminds me...what should be the first thing I do as Dan? :P I honestly don't know. :P I'll think of something. :P I don't really have much else to say about my life at the moment. :P Now I shall talk about my dream. :P

Well...last night I had a really scary dream...I don't remember too much of it so there won't be a ridiculously long description like you get with some of my dreams. :P All I remember was that I was travelling through the nine circles of Hell to visit Satan himself...I dunno the dream I just felt compelled to do so. :P So...I made it to Judecca in Cocytus and then I saw Satan. He had somehow managed to free himself from the ice in Cocytus and he asked me to work for him. He wanted me to be the Antichrist. I agreed to it. First before he let me go back to Earth he let me enjoy myself in Hell for a little while. :twisted: :P I won't say HOW he let me enjoy myself...but let's just say that in the dream he knew that I was a lesbian and strangely attracted to demon ladies. :twisted: :P Then he told me that he wanted me to free him from Hell but only I could do it! So I went back to Earth and started studying black magic and stuff and then I was eventually powerful enough to use a spell that would release Satan from Hell and he came back to Earth! Then I remember him coming to greet me and he said that he had no more need for me and was going to kill me! Then I woke up in the dream, but I was still dreaming, and I thought I was really awake because it was a lucid dream! So I thought I was awake, but Satan was there and had his pitchfork against my throat and I could've sworn that I could smell sulfur (apparently it smells like sulfur in Hell or something. :P )...and then I really woke up! Oh Zeus...when I had woken up in the dream I was scared out of my freaking mind! :P I thought Satan was really there and was going to kill me and all of that had really just happened! :P I feel like such an idiot for thinking that now but I'm sure you woulda been freaked out too. :P I don't have anything else to really say in this blog so I'll just end it. :P The next time I make one of these ridiculously long blogs I'll be Dan! :D Vale. -MightyBFan25

EDIT: the moment I'm somewhat bored so I feel like making an edit. :P I might as well come right out and say that at the moment I am Dan and I will remain Dan for the next few days or a week at most if I'm really enjoying myself. :D So...Alicia isn't gone forever...just for a few days...and Dan is here. :D I'm actually really glad about this and I'm in a really good mood at the moment. :D's not a big deal...Dan is basically the male version of Alicia so there's not much that's really changed...and I'm still myself no matter what. :D Oh, and this is what I really wanted to talk about. :P Okay...well...when I got back to my mom's place I went onto the back porch and got my radio and the CD Bloody Pit Of Horror by GWAR and was blaring GWAR music for about an hour! :twisted: :P Oh was HILARIOUS...some of my neighbours were SO P*SSED OFF at me! :lol: :P ESPECIALLY if they bothered to listen to one of the songs that I was blaring ridiculously loud and heard all the swear words ands stuff! :lol: :P Oh, and it was just epic to blare GWAR at ridiculously high volumes! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P During the entire time I was ridiculously happy and after just a few minutes I caught myself headbanging...I don't headbang on's just that whenever I listen to metal I just start headbanging. :twisted: :P I dunno why...I think it's just a metalhead wouldn't understand. :lol: :P After that hour of blaring metal I went back inside so no one called the police who could give me a fine for disturbing the peace or something. :lol: :P I think I should call Jenna later tonight and tell her about this...she might find it amusing. :P Oh...I just realized something...I admitted to being a headbanger...oh Zeus...don't judge me. :P Kidding...I don't really care. :P Fine...judge me...I WANT to hear your opinions about me! :lol: :P I don't really have much else to say in this edit. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (I really shouldn't be putting in a name but at the moment I know that I'm Dan so I guess I can put down a name. Dan. )