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Blog #326 / I Just Watched All The Twilight Movies...

Yeah...well...I didn't just finish watching them...I finished watching all the Twilight movies yesterday. :P be honest...I really liked them...the Twilight movies are the AWETHUMEST movies ever...better than the freaking Saw movies. :D I don't get all the crap that peoples said about them...I mean...I admit...the whole vampires sparkle in the sunlight was kinda stupid...but Bella wasn't that shallow like people might say and she wasn't a total idiot. And honestly...I learned something from watching the movies...the whole vampire thing is a chick magnet. :P So...yeah...I hate to admit it but I really liked all the Twilight movies and I watched the first one on Saturday night and the other two yesterday. :P So...yeah...I really hope you don't hate me for thinking that. :P I know Jenna's gonna slap me once I tell her this... :P Oh, and uh...just because I made a new blog doesn't mean that the blog party is over...the blog party won't be over until this Friday at 9:00 PM you can still post on the blog's still under my recent blog posts on my profile page thingy. :D :P Now I guess I should get on with this blog... :P

Before anything else though...I might as well say that the only reason I just watched all the Twilight movies and told you that I liked them is because I was dared to do so. :lol: :P I doubt you believed that I'd actually ever like Twilight though. :P Seriously...Twilight sucks...and I can say that even more now that I've seen the movies for myself. :P I bet they destroyed some of my brain cells or something. :lol: :P Now...I haveta tell a few other peoples what I just told you and I'll be done with Twilight. :P I think Jenna's gonna slap me or something...she hates Twilight. :P I'm NOT looking forward to that. :P Oh well...I'm sure she hits like a girl. :lol: :P I'm sorry...I had to say that. :P Now...uh...I might as well get on with this blog. :P I last made a blog on Friday I I have some stuff to talk about. :P Next paragraph. :P

Well...on Saturday I didn't do anything too special. :P I did want to go on a date with Jenna and asked her if she would if she wasn't too busy but...she was kinda busy with stuff (I didn't bother to ask what at the time). :P So it was just a pretty normal day and I just did stuff that I'd normally do...I practiced the flute, studied Latin vocabulary, watched TV, went on this site, went on Urban Rivals, blared metal, and watched the first Twilight movie. :P I guess that was kinda abnormal behavior for myself though...I shouldn't be watching Twilight. :P Yesterday was pretty much the same. :P Although I watched the other two Twilight movies (How? :P Well...let's just say drinking coffee during both movies helped me NOT fall asleep. :P )...and Jenna called me to apologize about the day before. I said it was fine and I understood that she was busy...and honestly...I was fine with it...I see her a lot anyways and I know I can be busy at times as well. :D But...she did say that we need to go on a date before school starts and she's not gonna be busy today so...I have a date withmy girlfriend tonight which should be fun. :D Maybe I should ask Jenna why she was kinda busy...maybe I could help with whatever it is if it's not completely taken care of... :P Yeah...I'll ask. :P So far today I haven't done anything too special either...I'm still at my dad's place and I go back in a few hours and then I have a date with Jenna...I should start getting ready soon. :P Oh Zeus...what should I wear? :P I give a crap. :lol: :P I don't really have much else to say in this paragraph...nothing special has really been going on. :P

Oh, but I am going back to school this Thursday (yeah yeah...I know it's late...but I didn't get out until June 28th. :P ) and I already know my homeroon. :P I won't get my schedule until the first day of school though. :P I'm gonna be in homeroom 208...I have no idea who the teacher in room 208 is...hopefully no one crazy or mean. :lol: :P And...don't worry...I'll be sure to tell you all about my first day back to school. :D :P I'm hoping Jenna is in my homeroom or at least has a homeroom close to mine so I can see her in the morning every schoolday. :D Oh, and I found out something about's kinda serious actually...I hope you don't hate me for this. I am a transgender. Now...before you say anything...just read this. :P It's not serious...I was just kidding. :P I found out the definition of a "transgender" doesn't just haveta be someone who passes off as the opposite gender for their entire lives 24/7 and undergoes gender reassignment're apparently considered a transgender just for dressing up as the opposite'm technically a transgender...I've dressed up as a guy and passed off as a guy who goes by the name of Dan from time to time I'm a transgender...but knowing this changes nothing. :P Wow...I'm a lesbian and a transgender...that's wierd anyone else on the face of the Earth like me in that sense? :P I really doubt just seems really wierd. :P Oh well...I'm wierd...I wouldn't expect anything less from myself. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)