Before I say anything else in this can still post on the blog party if you wanna. :P It's the third most recent blog on my profile page now. :P And you can post on that blog until Friday night at 9:00 PM EST...then you can't post on it anymore...the party's over then. :P Why? :P Because it's my bedtime, duh! :P Yeah...I'm 15 and I have a bedtime, deal with it! :P Kidding. :P I don't like having a bedtime but...I guess it's good...I need sleep or I can't function...I can barely function as it is. :lol: :P can still post on the blog party if you wanna. :P And before I get to the second part of the title...I was on YouTube a few minutes ago (sometimes I go on there to blare music in the computer if I don't have it on my iPod yet. :P ) and I was listening to some GWAR music and I found out that GWAR will be playing at The Palladium in Worcester on October 21st...and...guess what? :D :P Worcester is in Massachusetts...and I'm not too good with geography but I think it's kinda sorta close to Boston. :P Oh Zeus...that's just freaking epic! :twisted: :P *devil horns* I haveta ask my mom if she'll let me go with a few of my metalhead friends! :D :P Hopefully she'll say yes...and even if she doesn't at first...a little persuasion never hurt anyone. :twisted: :P And I need to convert one of my metalhead friends to GWAR if my mom says I can go...I only have a few friends who are metalheads and one of them has never listened to GWAR from what I know. :P I've made all my other metalhead friends listen to GWAR and of course they loved them...what metalhead doesn't love GWAR?! :twisted: :P Oh Zeus...I hope my mom says I can go...and if so that's something to look forward to. :D If not I'm gonna go on a massive killing spree. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...I'd never do that...for now! :twisted: :P Kidding...I doubt I could ever kill anyone even if it was someone I hated and I had the perfect opportunity to do so and could easily get away with conscience would be nagging me like mad. :P I don't have anything else to say in this paragraph. :P Next paragraph. :P
Well...I last made a blog on Monday so there's not too much to really talk about. :P Yesterday I didn't really do anything too special...I just did stuff that I would normally do. :P The only thing that was annoying was that it was rainy outside so I couldn't leave the house...well...I guess I could have if I wanted to...but I didn't wanna go outside...I hate being outside when the weather sucks...I don't mind the rain...I just hate how dark it is when it rains and it makes me somewhat depressed...kinda like the winter always makes me somewhat depressed after my birthday and Christmas come around. :P Oh well... :P Today I'm not really doing anything too special either. :P So far I've gotten all my stuff ready for when I start school tomorrow, watched TV, did some UR tourneys, went on this site, practiced the flute, went over Latin vocabulary, and that's about it really. :P I've had the entire place to myself so far today and it's been pretty nice...I could blare metal without anyone yelling at me. :lol: :P Later today I might do another UR tourney or two (Why all the UR tourneys? :P Well...I've gotten bored because since most of you are already at school I don't have anyone to really talk to on this site during the day so I've moved to UR during the day when I'm online. :P And...I'm busy saving up Clintz to get Ghumbo...I already have Glorg. :P I'm getting kinda close actually. :P And...then MUCH later when I buy more credits I'll get Kolos. :P My mom won't let me get credits at the moment...she doesn't want more stuff charged on her credit card. :P Oh well... :P ) and I should take a shower. :P And of course before I go to bed I need to call Jenna so we can talk for a while. :D I'm kinda nervous about going back to school...I think she might be too...talking for a while might help both of us...and if least we had a pointless conversation before going back to school. :P That's all I really haveta say about today. :P
I will admit that even though I'm a ridiculously smarticle nerd and academics is my forte...I am somewhat nervous about going back to school. :P I know I shouldn't be and I know that everything will be fine but I can't help but worry...I'm only gonna have one study every six days...that one less than last year because of stupid health class (Why must we take health class? :P Honestly...all I learned in health class in the eigth grade is that you shouldn't do drugs. :P )...and I'm taking advanced geometry and Latin prose.So...this year will be harder than last year and I'm kinda nervous...but I know I'll do fine. :D I just hope I don't get Dr. Neary for World History 2...if that's the case I won't be able to transfer out of the class because I have a wierd schedule with advanced classes, Band, and Italian. :P But...I know that everything will be fine and I'll manage. :D Besides...the first few days are never that stressful or BLS the first term isn't that bad. :P All the other ones are freaking crazy though. :lol: :P Oh, and after I get home and do all my homework and get my syllabi signed by my mom and all that stuff I'll be sure to make a blog and tell you my teachers and all about my day and how it went and stuff. :D I don't really have much else to say in this blog. :P Oh's gonna be so terrible to going back to waking up at 6. :P I hate that so much...the only time I'll get to sleep in now will be on the weekends. :P So...I guess this is farewell to tons of sleep and relaxation and back to sleep deprivation and tons and tons of stress! :P How fun! :D :P I'm being sarcastic! :D :P Well...I've dealt with it for three years...I think I can deal with it for three more years. :D Besides...sixie year was the worst schoolyear ever. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)