You wanna know why I didn't make a blog yesterday? Well...I'll tell you why! I'm stressed out of my freaking mind! I have the WORST possible teachers in the ENTIRE SCHOOL! Oh Zeus...I'm SO SCREWED...and I have two advanced classes and band and I'm gonna be so freaking busy with work...this is gonna be by far my hardest year yet. Oh...and you wanna know something else? I JUST TRICKED YOU!!! :lol: :P I'm sorry...I HAD to do that. :lol: :P Everything's fine...aside from my evil Chem teacher...but that's no real problem...I've dealt with evil teachers before. :P So...everything's fine and I enjoyed my first two days of school. :D I will admit that I didn't make a blog yesterday though because I was really busy doing homework and signing my syllabi and crap. :P Now...I guess before I get into detail about all that crap I'll tell you about my teachers for everything. :P Oh, and the blog party's over now. :P Thanks for all your comments. :D :P
College English 10 (I have no idea what's up with the course title...I'm a sophomore in high school. :P ): I have a new teacher named Mr. Beyer and oh Zeus...he seems so nice. :D I really like his class...we don't have assigned seats and a ton of my friends are there which is AWETHUM!!! :D :P Oh, and this is the first English class ever where I don't need a binder...which I LOVE...I hate carrying around binders...they take up too much space in my backpack. :P So...I like this class already and love my teacher. :D
Latin Prose (Go super smarticle nerdy peoples in Prose! :D :P We don't have Mr. Fo-fo! :P Hahahahahah! :P ): I have Ms. Hausey for this class...I'm so surprised I dodged a HUGE Latin Prose bullet and didn't get Ms. LeDang...Ms. Hausey is apparently easy...she's just annoying from what I've heard. :P I don't really care...I can deal with annoying peoples...I mean...I'm annoying after all. :lol: :P I noticed that a few of my ridiculously smarticle friends arethere and some people who I've never met before...but some are in Advanced Geo with me. :P Oh...and get this...along with a bunch of random peoples I don't know and a lot of my ridiculously smarticle ridiculously smarticle girlfriend is there! :D Yeah...JENNA'S IN PROSE WITH ME!!!!! :D WOO HOO!!! :D I was so hoping we'd have at least oneperiod together and it would be Latin! :D We can help each other out with the work too...we work quite well together at translating Latin and stuff...oh Zeus...I hope we do projects where we can work with a partner or something! :D So...I LOVE this's gonna be fun, challenging (but fair), and I'm gonna get to see the love of my life. :D Sounds pretty good... :P
Italian 3 (I feel special...I'm in the only Italian 3 class. :P ): And...I DIDN'T GET MR. FO-FO!!! :D :P Yeah...I dodged Mr. Forina. :D :P I have some new teacher named Mr. Tillmanns. :P He seems really nice and I like him. :D Oh, and he sounds like the Terminator when he talks in English. :lol: :P I like the Terminator. :P I should watch that movie... :P And Yu-Gi-Oh! tomorrow morning...if I actually wake up. :lol: :P Anyways...same Italianpeoples as last year and I don't like most of the people in that class but a few of my closest friends arethere and I like Italian and have a good teacher so it's worth it. :D Besides...all the kids who I don't get along with are stupid anyways. :P And by stupid I mean not as smarticle as me. :P Hahah! :P Screw you, can torture my friends in REGULARS LATIN!!! :lol: :P Hahahahahah! :P
Chemistry: (Kill me... :P ) Oh crap...I got the one Chem teacher I was dreading: MS. MARKOWICZ (or however you spell it. :P ) and I've heard stuff like she's evil and has made some kids who have had her cry and stuff like that. :P Yeah...I've had evil teachers like that before...but I've never cried at school...the last time I cried over something real was the thing with Dan and I was cutting myself...and before that was after Jessica found out that I was Dan and I got beat up...I didn't cry until I got home though. Well...let's forget about's in the past after all and I don't give a crap about History because I suck at it. :P Anyways...the teacher actually seems pretty nice and apparently we do a lot of group work and stuff which sounds fun. :D be honest...she seems challenging but fair...I mean...I feel that if I try hard and do all my work and stay on top of crap I'll be fine. :D :P So...yeah...I got unlucky and wound up in her only Chem period but...whatever...I can take it...I have a mind wired for science anyways. :P
Advanced Geometry (I feel so smarticle right now! :P I'm in advanced maths now. :P ): I got the teacher I didn't want for Advanced Geo. :P I have Mr. of the "three amigops". :P Wonderful...just wonderful! :P Kidding...he's the least bad of them and honestly...he doesn't seem that bad...he has an accent but I can understand it pretty well and he seems pretty laid back for an honors teacher and Geo is easy. :D Also...we have an old book and I think that means we might get away without learning proofs...which are apparently the hardest part of Geo. :P I can't wait for this...I love math and some of my friends are in this class and it just seems like I'm gonna enjoy myself. :D Yeah...I'm SUCH a math geek. :P
World History Two: (Oh Zeus...please don't get Neary...please don't get Neary...) OH ZEUS...I GOT NEARY...I'M DEAD!!! Kidding. :lol: :P I got one of the easiest teachers for History in the entire freaking school: Ms. Gomez! :P I'm SO HAPPY about this...I can deal with two advanced classes, band, and a harder Chem Italian, English, and History teachers are all easy. :P So...I'm gonna be focusing on the subjects I love...which is what I want. :D I love this period...a few of my best friends are there and I just met a new friend there as well. :D So...I'm so glad I dodged the big freaking Neary bullet...I was SO SCARED that I would get him...History is my worst subject and he's the hardest History teacher in the entire freaking I'd fail him. :P One of my friends who's really smart but has a mind wired like mine almost failed him.
Band: Yeah yeah...nothing special...still Ms. Dougherty and still Junior Band until I'm a Junior. :P Need I say more? :P
PE: I don't really care about this but I have Ms. Jamal and she's really nice. :P I had her when I was a sixie and actually kinda sorta liked I just absolutely hate it. :lol: :P Sorry...I'm a nerd...can't help it. :P Need I say anything else? :P
So...aside from Chem I have pretty good teachers who I like...and even then...I can deal with Markowicz. :P She's evil...I'm evil...we'll probably get together and form an evil alliance or something. :twisted: :P I should work on my evil laughs. :P Oh wait...I don't need to! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P But I do think I'll get along with her...I get her...she's not evil...just strict and has high expectations for us. :D :P Would you ever expect less from BLS? :P Oh, and she's getting nationally certified this year or something. :P Yeah...I forget to mention that before. :lol: :P Ms. Stone is too. :P Uh...I doubt you care though...I'm probably boring you...this is only interesting to a BLS student. :lol: :P first day of school was pretty good but I didn't make a blog because I was really busy doing homework until about my bedtime...and then I had to have dinner and take a shower and stuff and then I just passed out. :P Sorry about that. :P Today I wasn't so busy and I was only doing work until about 5:30. :D And...on the train ride home I took the train home with Jenna and she didn't have that much homework either and she told me about her day and her teachers and stuff (she has pretty good teachers actually and I'm glad for her...she has no horror-story teachers. :D ) and I liked hearing about it. :D And...I asked her if she would like to go on a date with me that night...she said she would love to but she'd rather we do that on Saturday because she wants to anti-procrastinate and get all her work done that night. :D I love her so much...and she has a type-A personality too. :D So...before we went our separate ways we did kiss (I'm sure some people hated to see that. :P Oh well...straight couples make out in public too. :P If they didn't we wouldn't either...but...we should and can do whatever we want and we's not like we're embarrassed about our relationship. :D ) and we made some plans for tomorrow. :D I can't wait to just spend a lot of time with her. :D And I wanna play in the mud sometime tomorrow...I've worked my butt off this week...I deserve a break to go play in the mud and get filthy. :P Oh, and I will say one thing (I guess I can since none of you know this person in real don't even know his name)...earlier today one of my friends since sixie year, AC, saw me after school (our lockers are pretty close so we can talk at the end of the day and before homeroom. :P ) and told me that he is gay and I'm honestly perfectly fine with that...I should be...I'm a lesbian and a transgender after all. :D :P So...yeah...I'm happy for him that he managed to figure that out already and he has come out to his parents who are both fine with it. :D I know that coming out is the scariest thing that I ever did...I was so worried that people would hate me and reject me and my parents would want nothing to do with me and I'd lose a lot of my friends and you'd all hate me and I'd haveta leave this site and stuff...that was luckily not even close to the way things turned out. :D I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Oh, and don't listen to this if you're easily offended by dirty song lyrics but... LOVE this song...I'm getting this on my iPod NOW!!! :P It's freaking epic! :twisted: :P HAIL GWAR!!! :twisted: :P *devil horns* Oh yeah...that reminds mom is gonna let me go to the Palladium with some of my friends to see the GWAR concert as long as it's not on a school night and she's gonna work things out and stuff but she's letting us go! :D I'm SO FREAKING HAPPY!!! :D HAIL GWAR!!! :twisted: :P *devil horns* They are my freaking gods of thrash metal and dirty lyrics! :twisted: :P And...Satan's like the pope...and Barlow is somewhere in that madness. :P Kidding. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)