Okay...before anything else...I'm sorry...I know I said I wouldn't talk about metal as much in my blogs anymore and I made that promise. I'm working on it...but I stopped talking about Satanism...kinda...maybe some comments have just kinda slipped. :P I will admit why I did that (if you actually care) and why I felt that there was no point in me being good anymore. Well...I while ago even though I don't believe any religion I felt that since I'm a lesbian...no matter what I do or how well I behave myself I'll go to "Hell"...or whatever the name for the place where all the "evil souls" go...and if that place doesn't exist...neither does a "Heaven" probably...so then there's no point...you don't get rewarded for being good...so...I just felt that no matter what I do it wouldn't matter and well...I was being an idiot and felt that if me acting good won't get me anywhere...I might as well just jump off the cliff completely...by that I mean that I might as well just be completely evil. :P It was stupid and there was no logic in that thought...and I realize that even if me acting somewhat good might not get me anywhere in the afterlife (if there is one)...I shouldn't just be a total jerk...the least I can do is enjoy my time and not be a total jerk to the peoples I care about. :P So...that's why I'm not talking about that stuff as much anymore...especially Satanism...it still interests me but...no one else probably cares about it and I don't feel like being a jerk. :P It is part of who I am though and I'm proud of it...and if I someday am a Satanist...I don't give a crap. :D As for metal...I can't help but talk about it from time to time...especially when my friends and I are going to a GWAR concert at the Palladium on October 21st!!! :D HAIL GWAR, you are my freaking gods of metal!!! :twisted: :P *devil horns* Wait...what was I talking about? :P Oh...I was apologizing and explaining all that crap because I wanted you to listen to this song as you read the rest of this blog or whenever you have the time or something. :P Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytLDNxLPWnIThis song is called "Escape From the Moose Lodge" by GWAR. :P I love how on this album cover it says "Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics". :lol: :P Like that'll stop me from listening to metal. :lol: :P And my mom can't even decipher the lyrics to any of the metal songs I listen to that have explicit lyrics. :P Thank Zeus too. :lol: :P Anyways...tell me what you think about the song if you listen to it. :P Now I guess I should get on with this blog... :P Next paragraph... :P
Today was pretty good. :D I got to actually relax for the first time in a few days which felt really nice. :D And I got to see Yu-Gi-Oh!...I can't believe 5D's beat team New World...that was epic! :P Sorry...I'm addicted to Yu-Gi-Oh! now...the old ones and the new one. :P Other than that my morning was pretty normal...I organized all my school stuff (like my binders and stuff...I didn't have time for that during my first two days of school. :P ) and now I'm ready to get to some real work on Monday. :P How fun! :P And I went on this site, listened to GWAR music (I'm already pumped for GWAR...even though it's about six weeks away! :twisted: :P *devil horns* Already got the tickets online! :twisted: :P ), watched some TV, and then I got ready for my date that I had today. :D To be honest...it was AWETHUM!!! :D And...I honestly haveta say that I love it when Jenna takes charge (sometimes in my mind I feel like I shouldtake chargeall the time...but that might be Dan talking. :P Besides...someone with no common sense shouldn't be in the driver's seat too often. :P Bad analogy though...I'm 15...I can't drive. :P About 4 more months and I can start learning though. :P )...on the train ride home yesterday she came up with all the plans for our date (like where we'd go and when and all that stuff. :P )...and she wanted to pick me up at my place (I honestly would have rather met her at her place...I can't help it...I guess I have more of a guy's mindset in the fact that I wanna kinda protect Jenna and take care of her...but I know that mindset is wrong and I shouldn't listen to my mind when it comes to that. :P Especially when I know Jenna probably feels that the same way about me at times. :P ) and walk me home...which was really nice of her and it was a nice change. :D It's slightly more often the other way around (Jenna has walked me home before and picked me up before a date...a bunch of times actually... :P )...but that's usually just because I insist. :P Anyways...the date was really nice and we had a good time. :D And...even though we already knew each other's schedules and stuff...it was nice to REALLY catch up with each other about our first two days of school. :D And...after Jenna walked me home before she left, we did make out...which was also quite enjoyable. :P I got home a little while ago and I felt like making a blog. :P I'll probably call Jenna tonight if she hasn't already called me so we can talk for a while. :D I really love Jenna so much...I can't describe it but it's just that whenever I'm around her everything is perfect...words can't describe it...even though I'm ridiculously smart, none of my fancy English vocabulary can describe my feelings for her. :D I think we've been dating for almost 6 months...we started dating in the middle of March if I remember correctly...we should do something special to celebrate that...most high school relationships don't last longer than a few months. :D :P I'm hoping ours can last for a long time...if that's what Jenna wants, of course...if she wasn't happy being with me for some odd reason anymore then even though I'd be upset I would haveta end the relationship...I would never want Jenna to be unhappy...even if it meant that my heart would be broken. Well...let's stop with this...nothing's gonna happen...everything is perfect. :D
I don't have much else to say in this blog but before I end it I will say something that you might find interesting. :P Okay, have any of you ever watched that show Codename: Kids Next Door (when it still aired on CN)? :P Well...there was one episode called "Operation F.O.O.D.F.I.T.E" and there were two songs in that episode that were both originally written and sung by none other than GWAR! :P Yeah...I'm serious...Google it or something. :P When the songs were made for KND the lyrics were changed so they would fit the episode and NOT be innaproperiate...because GWAR's song lyrics are about crack and prostitution. :lol: :P The two original songs are "The Private Pain of Techno Destructo" and "Gor-Gor"...I like Techno Destructo slightly better...Gor-Gor's a little too repetitive for my liking. :P So...GWAR is even in children's cartoons. :lol: :P Yeah...Google it if you don't believe me. :lol: :P That reminds me...the weather is getting nicer...it's in the 60's in MA...I love this kinda weather...that's why I love early Spring and anytime during Autumn. :D :P I like cooler weather...I dunno why...it just feels better...and during the Spring everything just feels new andit just makes me feel happy...and during the Autumn I just love the weather...and playing in the leaves after someone rakes up a giant pile of them. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)
EDIT: I know it's only the morning where I live and I just made a blog last night so I shouldn't have anything to talk about but...something happened last night that I'm really embarrassed about. I hardly ever get embarrassed...and I absolutely hate the feeling. I'll tell you what happened...but please don't judge me or laugh. If you will do that I'll just say that it was nothing bad...just something embarrassing that woke me up in the middle of the night. Even though I'm absolutely embarrassed about this...I need to say this and tell Jenna later today or I won't be able to forget about it...and if I don't tell Jenna I won't be able to look at her without getting this feeling of embarrassment again. I know how my mind works...I just need to say it. Okay...please don't laugh or judge me...especially when this is a thing that more commonly happens to guys. Well...last night I had what some people would call a "wet dream" over my girlfriend.I did Google this a little while ago...it happens more often to guys but females can have them too...so at least I'm not completely messed up. I'm so embarrassed because of this...I can't even control my bodily functions...or...I couldn't last night. I need to tell Jenna or else I won't be able to look at her without feeling the way I do right now. I'm so sorry I had to mention this and you probably think I'm a total freak because of this but I won't get over it unless I mention it to some people...then I can forget about it. I hope Jenna doesn't hate me for this... Oh Zeus...I'm such a freak...if she were to break up with me I'd probably deserve it... Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)