Even though I did write a metal song that completely bashed America and I'm not too pleased with the current state America (that's just my personal opinion though...you don't haveta agree with it)...I have not forgotten that this is the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. I was only about 5 years old when that happened...so I don't remember much...all I remember is that my mom seemed pretty scared and we got early dismissal at school. :P I actually had to write a paper for History class this weekend about 9/11...it was pretty easy...and now I actually know what REALLY happened...all the details and numbers and names and stuff...which is wierd...I'm bad with remembering that kinda stuff. In my opinion what happened was horrible...it never should have happened and if I could change it I definately would. I kinda blame religion for this though...apparently this happened because Osama bin Laden wanted revenge on America becausethey interfered with a war in the Middle East...and then bin Laden waged what he called a "holy war" against the US if I remember correctly. He organized this and planned those attacks because of religion...religion is what drove those planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center...religion...nothing more...just the abstract belief in some "god" who might not even exist...2974 people died that day because of religion. It's so stupid and barbaric in my opinion...it never should have happened. I kinda wish people didn't talk about 9/11 so much though...if it's such a bad thing why do you wanna remember it? To me it just makes no sense...I want to forget about all the bad stuff that's happened in my life so far and I usually just have it in the back of my mind and never wanna bring it up. Anyways...I remembered Testament has a song from one of their newer albums about 9/11 called "The Evil has Landed"...if you actually want to listen to it...here's the link...I thought it might be somewhat fitting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9HKLsJ_2jE&feature=relatedI love the way the song sounds...but don't listen to it if you think you might be offended by the lyrics or something. Anyways...let's get on with this blog. I'd rather not spend all day thinking about 9/11...it's too depressing. And it's 10 years in the past anyways. I'm not trying to belittle what happened...it was a huge deal...thousands of people died...that's terrible...but I'd rather not talk about it anymore. Next paragraph...
I did make an edit in my previous blog and if you read that you probably think I'm a freak. If not...I might as well say that last night I had a "wet dream" over my girlfriend and I'm pretty embarrassed about it. I did Google it and it's a thing that guys more commonly have but girls can have it as well so...I guess I'm not a total freak. I'm sorry...but I need to type this and tell a few people...then it will be out of my mind and I can hopefully forget about it. I hate this feeling...I'm so embarrassed because of this...and I hardly ever get embarrassed...I hate this feeling. A little while ago I walked over to Jenna's place (I wanted to tell her...I felt that if I didn't tell her eventually I wouldn't be able to see her without feeling embarrassed and I probably wouldn't be able to think about her without feeling somewhat embarrassed. I know how my mind works. ) and even though I was nervous (REALLY nervous to be honest)...I told her about that...even the fact that the dream I was having was about her. Oh Zeus...she is so nice...she said that it was okay and she wouldn't tell anyone else and that even though it might seem strange...that kinda stuff is perfectly normal. :D I know the third part was just to make me feel better...it isn't normal...but it did make me feel better...and I'm so glad she doesn't hate me for that or break up with me or think that I'm a freak or something...I was expecting that to be honest. :D :P After she said that she said something like: "You know...you had me worried there for a while. I thought that when you came here you wanted to break up with me or something."...so to her it didn't seem like it was a big deal...or maybe it was and she was just saying all this to make me feel better. But it doesn't seem like that...she didn't act any differently around me and she would never do that to me...besides, she did kiss me before I left. :P So...yeah...I'm still pretty embarrassed about this whole thing...but at least nothing with Jenna has changed. :D That's all I really care about...I love her so much. :D I should call her later today... :P Oh Zeus I love her so much...I think any other girl would have been scared and immediately broke up with me probably. :D I guess I am a freak though...that shouldn't happen to females...it's not that common. :P I guess I'm wierd and have a very messed up mind... :P Well...everything's okay so now I'm just gonna forget about this and hopefully it will never happen again. :D :P Oh, and now I can look at and think about Jenna without feeling embarrassed...which is good. :P Next paragraph... :P
Aside from that little issue last night...today's been pretty good so far. :P I haven't done anything too special...I've just watched some TV, went on this site, played UR, practiced the piccolo (I had to turn in my rental flute on Friday...I get a new rental flute on Tuesday though. :P ), studied Latin vocabulary, and that's about it. :P Later today I should probably go over the first lesson in my Advanced Geo book...I have a quiz in Geo tomorrow and I wanna do good and make a good first impression on Mr. Viega. :P Besides...I'm the only white female in my Advanced Geo section...I needs to do well to show that I'm just as good at math. :lol: :P And I should also call Jenna later today...and pack up my stuff...I'm going back to my mom's place at around 5...and then I should get ready for school. :P I should take a shower for that matter... :P Oh, and later today I'm getting creds on UR...can't wait to get Ghumbo. :D :P My last major purchase was Glorg...after Ghumbo...the only card left for my ultimate Type 2 Deathmatch Nightmare deck is Kolos...and even then...I don't really need him that badly...he can wait...unless I get him in a pack or something...then he can't wait. :lol: :P Then I'd haveta immediately unleash the power of Kolos...well...after I level him up that is... :P That could take a while...he's a5 star card after all... :P Okay...enough with my nerdy UR talk... :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I am in a much better mood than I was this morning...I was just really worried about what happened...everything's okay and now I'm in a much better mood. :D Hopefully that won't happen again... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)
EDIT: Well...I want to apologize for what I said at the beginning of this blog. I was reading all your comments and realized that what I said was really offensive and insensitive, considering what happened. I should have actually thought before I typed that paragraph...I should have known that I might have offended some people. That's the last thing I want to do...I don't want to judge anyone based on their beliefs...and I don't want to offend those beliefs either...even if I disagree with them. I guess I don't really understand this whole thing...I don't feel the same way about certain things as most people do...I just don't...I don't know why...if I could change it I probably would so I could understand this better...but I can't...so to me a lot of the stuff going on just seems illogical. I can't understand this...I don't know why people want to remember it...I just think it would be better to forget it and not feel anymore pain and sadness over it. But...I do know that people want to remember it...and that people feel certain ways about certain things. I doubt this makes any sense to you. But the point is that I don't have the same feelings about this that other people do...and I should have known that...I should have realized that people feel strongly about this and I shouldn't have offended anyone's beliefs while discussing that tragic event. So...I'm really sorry about what I said...I do regret it after realizing that it offended others. I didn't mean for that to happen. I doubt the apology means anything to you...the damage is done...but hopefully at least you don't hate me completely for this. Although I would deserve that for what I did. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)
SECOND EDIT: Sorry I'm making another edit to this blog...but I have something I wanna say...and I don't have the time to make a blog...so I'm just making another edit. :P I am in a somewhat better mood that I was a few days ago...I realize that what I said was wrong...and I'm disappointed in myself for saying what I did and for offending some people...but...I'm hoping that since it doesn't seem like anyone completely hates me for what I did...I can forgive myself for what I did and move on. :D I usually have a hard time doing that...forgiving myself is the hardest thing I can do personally...but...hopefully I can do that sometime in the near future and then forget about this. :D Anyways...the last few days of school have been pretty good...I've been somewhat busy but I've enjoyed it and I'm doing perfectly fine. :D :P Oh, and I got some academic award thingy today...I earned it last year for getting all A's as my overall grades in all my subjects or something. :P I'm proud of myself. :D :P Yeah...just what I need...something else to increase my ego. :lol: :P Not much else has really gone on at school yet... :P I guess I'll get into more detail about everything later on...maybe Friday night when I have the time to make a blog... :P Yeah...that works. :P I don't have anything else to say in this edit. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)