Okay...before I say anything else in this blog...if you didn't read the edit in my previous blog...I want to apologize for what I said in my previous blog concerning 9/11. I didn't mean to offend anyone's beliefs and I'm really sorry if I did...I guess I don't really understand how so many lives were effected by this event and how devastating it really was...I thought maybe I did know...but I don't...and I probably never will be able to understand that feeling. My views are different from those of most people...and most people wouldn't agree with my views on certain things...so I should just keep my opinions on certain matters so I don't offend anyone. I did feel very bad about what I said for a while...and I still do to a certain degree...but I have forgiven myself for what I did...and a few people on this site have forgiven me as well...I still don't feel like I truly deserve to be forgiven that easily...but hopefully I can put this behind me soon. But...this isn't about how I feel...it's about the fact that I said some majorly offensive things...and that was wrong...and I'm really sorry about that. I hope you can accept my apology, if it means anything...you don't have to...I would deserve it if any of you hate me for what I said in my previous blog. But...anyways...I really just want to put this all behind me (if that's okay with all of you) and try my best to forget about it. I hate it when I offend other peoples' beliefs...I know it annoys me when people talk about religion and say stuff about religion or quote scriptures or whatever...and it really annoys me when people think negatively of LGBT people...it really bothers me...I know there will always be some people who will hate LGBT people but I just kinda wish they wouldn't make it known. So...I guess it would be best that I keep any of my offensive opinions to myself as well. Well...now I should get on with this blog...
Not much has really happened this week...I've been ridiculously busy with schoolwork. :P And nothing special has really happened...aside from a few things. :P In Band we finally got our instruments and are playing music...and so far it's fun...I'm a first flute...but we needs to play scales for Ms. Dougherty before our seating is final...but I'll be fine...all my scales are pretty solid...and we're not even doing sharp scales...I spent over a month working on those over Summer Break! :P Oh well...it could help with Junior District or something... :P History, English, and Italian have been pretty easy and normal so far. :P In Advanced Geometry...Mr. Veiga is kinda confusing at times...but he is funny...so it's not that bad...and he's pretty easy so far...but I miss Mr. McQuade's class so much...I'm so jealous of all my friends who have him for Adv. Geo...I wanted to have him again. :P In Latin Prose everything is pretty easy so far...although Ms. Hausey is annoying...it's not even her though...she just gives us a ton of random papers on easy crap like how to form the subjunctive...which we learned in the eigth grade. :lol: :P And her voice is annoying as well. :P As for Ms. Markiewicz in Chem...I'm still waiting for my perception of her to change...she's apparently evil from what I've heard but she seems really nice and Chem is really fun and interesting...we got to turn a freaking penny into gold! :lol: :P It doesn't really work...alchemy isn't real...although it is the first chapter in our Chem book. :P And I think Ms. Markiewicz likes me...it seems like all the "evil" teachers like me...it's wierd... :P Oh well...I'm glad I'm on Markiewicz's good side. :P Oh, and we had an assembly on Wednesday...I got an award thingy called the Modern Prize...for getting at least A-'s in all major subjects and B-'s in all minor subjects...I got at least A-'s in ALL my subjects last year. :D :P Yeah...I feel so smarticle... :P No need to applaud me...I got applause at the assembly...along with many other peoples...a lot of them in my Adv. Geo. class... :P Oh, and there's a girl in my Chem class who I find very cute...I can't help it...but I'll try not to stare at her and I'll work on focusing on the teacher so no one kills me. :lol: :P I probably shouldn't tell Jenna...besides...this girl who I find cute isn't even a lesbian from what I know...and Jenna is way cuter than the girl in my Chem class...in my opinion anyways. :P Oh...that reminds me...in English class on Monday we did some stupid activity where we just met a bunch of peoples...I already knew pretty much everyone in my English class. :P For part of the activity thingy I had to meet this one girl in my English class who absolutely hates me...we were supposed to introduce ourselves and then talk about something for a few minutes...the girl immediately said: "I hate you and you're a flaming homosexual."...I hated that remark and at the time I wanted to do something evil...but...now I find it kinda funny...I wish I had said: "Yeah...what was your first clue?"...or something like that. :P I still find it offensive...but...I'm not gonna bother with thinking about that...that girl hates me anyways...she hated me before I had even come out...she hated me since sixie year. :P Oh well... :P I don't have much else to say concerning school... :P Next paragraph... :P
Today I haven't really done anything too special. :P I've watched some TV, been on this site, played UR, studied Latin vocabulary, practiced the flute, took a shower...and that's about it. :P I'm going on a date with Jenna soon and I honestly can't wait...this was Jenna's idea and I have no idea where we're going or what we're doing. :D :P Yeah...that doesn't sound like a good thing...but...I don't really care...I just wanna be with her. :P Oh, and the weather outside is so nice right now...its's in the low 60's and it feels like it's autumn...I love that kinda weather. :D I wanna go play in the mud...maybe later tonight...or tomorrow morning... :P I shouldn't do that before my date with Jenna...she'd probably be ticked off at me. :P Tomorrow I don't really have anything special planned...I think I'm just gonna relax...I deserve some rest...I was working like mad all week. :P Oh, that reminds me...I absolutely love this new metal band I found out about called Phr0zen and I would like to make you listen to my favorite song by them...but...the title of the song is "Hail Satan"...so...I doubt anyone wants to listen to it. :P I don't really have much else to say in this blog. :P I should probably finish getting ready for my date... :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)