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Blog #332 / Kolos Is Destroying Clint City At The Moment... :P

Okay...before you think that there's some major crisis somewhere on the planet called Clint City...sorry if I scared you. :P I couldn't come up with a real title for this blog so I just made a stupid title. :P I was kinda obsessed with UR all weekend...I got Ghumbo during the week and even though I got to occasionally play Urban Rivals and got to use the monster dude...I didn't get to as much playing with the new addition to my deck as I would have I played UR a lot during the weekend. :P I mean...I wasn't in front of the computer all weekend...just a lot of hours...probably an accumulated time of 8 hours or something. :lol: :P Yeah...I should get outside more...for stuff besides playing in the mud. :lol: :P Oh well... :P But...I shall explain the title...Kolos is basically the OHKO master of Urban Rivals (aside from General Cr...but you could argue that it's Kolos...because Kolos doesn't need a clan bonus to OHKO...General Cr does. Besides...Kolos fights for the best clan in the entire game: NIGHTMARE!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Sorry...I love the Nightmare clan...they're me...and they have the coolest monsters in my opinion...and it's such a good clan for beginners and masters of the game. :P I played Nightmares primarily ever since I started playing UR...and then I kept playing them...but got better cards to upgrade my deck. :P I should end this little's turning into a paragraph. :P Sorry about that. :P ) and he's this epicly powerful monster dude that can destroy buildings and eat cars and stuff. :P He was originally some experiment-gone-wrong and was at first an egg...and he fell out of the back of a truck or something...and Ielena took him and then brought him into the Nightmare clan and then he transformed into the almighty Kolos. :P So...yeah...he could destroy Clint City on his own...and I don't think anyone could stop him...maybe Bob Joby. :P Kidding...he's like the worst card in the game...aside from Nobrocybix...and I'm sure there are other sucky one-powered cards that I haven't heard of yet. :lol: :P No one can defeat Kolos! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P He's the only Nightmare card (aside from the Cr's...which I'm not really interested in getting because they're not that good and cost over 100,000 clintz each. :P ) that I'm missing that's good...I have all the other good ones...and all the sucky ones...aside from Dieter and someone else who I can't remember at the moment. :P Okay...I should probably stop talking about UR at the moment because none of you probably know what the hell I'm talking about and probably want me to shut up. :lol: :P Next paragraph... :P If I could have come up with a real blog title this paragraph would have been non-existant. :lol: :P Oh well... :P

I just made a blog yesterday so there's not too much to really talk about. :P But...I should tell you how my date yesterday went. :P I told you that I had no idea where Jenna was taking me or what the heck we were gonna do (I had no idea...Jenna came up with the plans for this date and refused to tell me until we got there...I dunno why. :P )...and I probably should give you a general idea of what the heck we did...if you actually care. :lol: :P It wasn't anything too special...but it still was a pretty interesting night...and I remembered something. :P Well...we went to see a movie (we didn't really pay much attention to the movie...hehe. :P And I shall not explain that any further. :P I prefer using "shall" over "will" sounds more fancy...I even use it in my Latin translations. :P ) and then we went to get something to eat...and after we left and were taking the train home...Jenna mentioned that we've been dating for about 6 months now (neither of us remember the exact date that we started dating...but we did start going out in about the middle of March if I remember correctly) and we should definately do something special for that sometime in the near future. :D Of course I agreed with that...we definately should...I mean...most high-school relationships don't last for more than a few months...six months is a big's so wierd too because neither of us had been in a relationship with anyone before know I might be over-exaggerating or something...but I think that we have something special...and we should definately do something epic to celebrate the fact that we've been dating for about six months. :D Oh's been the best six months of my life. :D We don't really have any ideas for what we'll do though... :P Hopefully I can think of something...or she will...or we can collectively come up with something... :P If I get any ideas I'll mention long as the ideas aren't stupid...I don't want you to laugh at me and my horrible ideas. :lol: :P After I got home I relaxed for a little while, played UR, and then went to sleep. :P Today I haven't done anything too special...just stuff that I normally do with my free time. :P And I did get to play in the mud...which I've wanted to do for a while...a few days is too long of a wait in my opinion...I'm too impulsive with certain things...and playing in the mud happens to be one of those things. :lol: :P That's all I haveta say concerning my life at the moment. :P

Okay...this is completely random and this has NOTHING to do with the six-month anniversary thing...but I definately should ask Jenna if she'd play UR. :P I doubt she will...but that would be nice if she did...we could create our own guild (I'd haveta drop my current guild. :P Oh well... :P ) and whatnot. :P I doubt either of us would have the time for that though. :P Besides...I'm sure she has better stuff to do with her free time besides play an MMO card game. :lol: :P Yeah...bad idea... :P I can't get "School's Out" by GWAR out of my head. :P It's annoying...I love the song but it's not fitting AT ALL...I just went back to school. :P That reminds me...I have an Italian quiz should be easy...I'm not studying for it...I'm gonna get an A+ on it without even trying. :lol: :P Tomorrow I have all my regular classes and Health...great...I'm gonna learn that I shouldn't do drugs. :P I KNOW THAT...Oh Zeus...if I didn't I'd probably be a freaking junkie by now...I AM a metalhead after all. :lol: :P Yeah...I know drugs are bad...and alcohol as well...and smoking. :P I'm never gonna do any of that stuff. :P Oh, I noticed that today I kept coming up with random song lyrics and they're really good but after listening to "Hail Satan" by Phr0zen...they all seem to come out ina way that it almost sounds like rap but with a metal sound...I don't want that...I want a freaking hard-core, bad-*ss metal sound! :P The lyrics are really good...I just need to play them in my head in a way so it doesn't sound like a mix between metal and rap...I hate rap...I'd hate myself if I mixed metal with rap...mixing the best genre of music with one of the worst. :P Well...when I work on that and write the song lyrics...I'll post them in one of my blogs...maybe I can work on them a little bit tonight...or I can play UR...what should I do? :P I think I'm gonna play can wait...I play the flute...that's my contribution to the musical world for now. :lol: :P I should write a song on flute or piccolo... :P Somehow I feel that this might be an idea of some sort...for something important...but what? :P Oh just slipped my mind. :P Kidding...I shall write a song on flute! :D :P Just not now...great music takes time. :P I should go get forms tomorrow morning so I can be a math tutor after school this year...and I wanna join GSA...I gotta figure out when they meet after school...I don't want it to interfere with math tutoring...GSA is more important to me but...if I could do both with no interference...that would be epic. :D I don't have much else to say. :P But I shall leave you with this song..."School's Out" by GWAR...even though it's not fitting at all. :P haveta tell me what you think about this song after you listen to it. :P I don't have anything to say in this blog now. :P Vale. Wait...I have an Italian quiz works. :lol: :P -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)