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Blog #333 / Two Hours Of My Life Have Officially Been Wasted... :P

Before you think I'm in a bad mood...I'm really not. :P I wasted about two hours of my life taking some stupid practice PSAT...which makes no sense because the PSAT is a practice test for the it's like we're taking a practice test to take a practice test. :P That makes no sense whatsoever. :P Well...I haven't made a blog for a week mainly because I've been either ridiculously busy or I've felt like crap. :P I've been busy all week and a few days ago I started to come down with I officially feel sick...I feel like crap at the moment. :P I wouldn't mind it that much if I didn't have the sore throat though...that's the one thing I absolutely hate about being sick. :P Well...I guess there's nothing I can really do... :P This week has been pretty boring and busy and tiring for that matter...probably because I haven't managed to stay asleep for the past few nights...I've kept waking up at like 2 in the morning and not being able to go back to sucks. :P Well...anyways...I guess I'll just get to today and what I plan to do tomorrow since this week was boring and I just took some night time medicine which will knock me out soon enough. :P Let's make this quick...hopefully. :P But that probably won't happen...because all my blogs are ridiculously long. :P

Today I didn't really feel too well so I didn't go outside at all...I just watched some TV, went on this site, listened to metal, practiced the flute a little, played some UR (not as much as I would have liked to. :P ), studied some stupid Italian monologue thing that we need to present on Monday (I have it memorized and I can say it with only a few stumbles and pauses...I'll get it to near perfect by Monday...hopefully... :P Screw you, Tillmanns, you ruined my freaking weekend! :P )...and wasted two hours doing a practice PSAT thingy. :P It wasn't that hard to be honest...and I scored above the average for the PSAT's actually...and that's impressive...considering that I didn't study at all and I'm just beginning my sophomore year. :lol: :P Jenna and I were gonna take the practice PSAT together but I don't feel too well and I really don't want to get her sick so I called her and asked her if it was okay if I just stayed home. She said she would come over my place instead but I insisted that she not see me...I REALLY don't wanna get her sick...I'd feel horrible if I did that. Oh, and as for coming up with a way to celebrate Jenna and I dating for about six months...we're still completely clueless as to what to do. :P It needs to be something epic...something special...six months is a big deal...and I guess to a certain degree it's a good thing that I'm sick and we can't make any plans this gives us more time to come up with something. :D :P Oh Zeus...that reminds me...I should write that idea for a song on flute I've had in my head for the past few days...and I should write down those ideas for metal songs that I've come up with this past week... :P I don't wanna lose those ideas. :P Well...that can wait...I'm about ready to pass out now. :P Maybe I'll actually stay asleep tonight. :lol: :P If not I'll be online at like 3 in the morning playing some dude who lives in Japan on Urban Rivals or something. :lol: :P Oh, and I apologize if this blog is all over the place and I seem more crazy than usual...I haven't gotten much sleep in the past few days and I'm completely out of it...and being kinda stressed out with school work and having an Italian monologue stuck in my head along with GWAR music doesn't help...and the daytime medicine I take makes me crazy...and the nighttime medicine makes me pass out. :P Yeah...sorry if I'm all over the place. :lol: :P I can't seem to focus on one thing for more than 30 minutes actually. :lol: :P I can't wait until I feel better and am no longer so easily distracted from whatever the heck I'm trying to do. :P

I don't have much else to really say in this blog. :P Tomorrow I just really wanna sleep in and do nothing. :P I should call Jenna tomorrow though since I'm not seeing her this weekend...I feel bad that I'm sick...I wish I wasn't and we could do something this weekend. Aside from that I should work on that Italian monologue, practice the flute a little, and I wanna play more UR. :P Oh Zeus...I'm about ready to pass out now. :P I should go to bed. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)