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Blog #354 / I've Noticed A Pattern In My Dreams... :P

Okay...this is a legit title that kinda sorta means something. :P Well...I guess I'll just make this my introduction paragraph thingy. :P seems that I hardly ever have dreams when I'm in school but then when I'm on break I have a ton of dreams...I think it has something to do with how stressed out I am...and even if I do have a dream when I'm in school...I can never dream bend...I can almost always dream bend when I'm on break. :P I find that a little interesting and I'd love to know why but I think it just has something to do with how much sleep I'm getting and my stress level. :P And...during this entire break Jenna has been in all of the dreams that I've had...I dunno why...Jenna's in a lot of my dreams because I love her and I think about her very almost all the time...but she's never in every single dream I've had in a week or something like that...maybe it's because I have more time to think about her when I'm on break. :P Well...I find that rather interesting and I think it's kinda wierd...I wish I could know exactly how the mind works and specifically how dreams work. :P Maybe I'll be able to do that in AP Biology or something... :D :P Well...let's end this little introduction paragraph. :P

Okay...before I get on with this blog I wanna mention something. :P I know I keep saying that when I get to blog #365 I'm gonna do something special with that blog...dunno what yet and I could still use some suggestions...otherwise it shall be a DWTHYW blog. :D :P But...that's not important at the moment. :P I wanna announce something...if you don't already know Girlygirl24 has made 196 blogs and when she gets to Blog #200 she'll be having a blog party...I'm not sure if Girlygirl24 wanted me to mention this...hopefully it's not a bad thing...hehe. :P And if so...sorry about that. :P better come to Girlygirl24's blog party when it happens or I shall destroy you! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...but...I just felt like mentioning that. :P Okay...let's end this paragraph. :P

Yesterday was the first time all break that I haven't made a new blog. :P But...nothing special really happened. :P And the weather outside was REALLY nice so I spent a lot of time outside. :D :P And since it wasn't cold was in the 50's...I went on a really long walk...I went to the park with my little brother and played basketball...and then later on I got to play in the mud...for the first time in what seems like a while because it's been too cold outside. :P So...I enjoyed that. :P I honestly can't explain why I enjoy playing in the mud...well...I guess I could try to...but I'd rather not. :P So...yeah...aside from that my day was pretty normal. :P And now I'm back at my mom's place...making a blog. :P I dunno what I'm gonna do today. :P I guess I should get around to making my bed and taking a shower and getting dressed and whatnot after I make this blog. :P And then since I've won Pokemon Black I'll play Zelda on Wii for a while. :P The game is so freaking cool and it's even easier with the Wii RemotePlus thingy. :D :P So...yeah. :P I love swinging around the remote like it's a legit sword. :P I love swords...I wish I could get a real sword...I have fake a fake pitchfork and I have fake swords and dart guns and whatnot...but I wish I could trade in the fake sword and pitchfork for legit ones. :P I'm fine without a legit gun though. :P Well...I guess I should end this blog now. :P I wanna play a little UR and then I'll get on with my day. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)