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Blog #373 / Sorry For Leaving This Site For A While...

Before anything I just wanna really apologize for not really being on this site too much lately...I haven't done much on here in the past last blog was made on March 25th and now it's April a month. I'm really sorry about that...I've been caught up with a few things and either just haven't had the time, haven't been in too good of a mood, or it just kinda slipped my mind. I'm just really sorry about that and I feel like a probably think I ditched this site or something... But...I hope you can forgive me for basically leaving for like a month...if so I'd really appreciate it...and if not...I probably deserve your hatred toward me. But...I shouldn't be acting like this right now...I'm actually in a good mood even aside from that so I guess I'll get on with this blog and try to put that behind me...

Ooh...before I go on...PLEASE listen to this song! :D :P I've gotten into this strange metal-ish band called Dream Theater recently and I love this one song called "On The Backs Of Angels"'s the link for it: I know what you're thinking...this isn't really the type of music I like...but it's pretty cool in my opinion...Dream Theater is cool...they have a really unique sound...and this is why I love obscure metal bands...I find bands like this...and they still are metal in my opinion...and I like all types of metal music. :D :P *devil horns* MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Did you miss my evil laughter? :P I bet so. :P didn't?! :P I can't believe you! :P Oh...wait...sorry...I was just talking to myself there... :P This happens sometimes... :P Next paragraph. :P

Since it's been like a month since I last made a blog I could basically go on for hours typing this blog and it could be ridiculously long but it's kinda late and I don't feel like being on this site typing this blog for hours and I don't think anyone would care to read a blog that long. :P So I'll just go for the quick general overview of the most important things that have recently happened. :P Here's the list:

ULC: The Unity Leadership Conference (ULC) took place at BLS near the end of March and I was nominated to participate in it so I took up on that and chose to go into the workshop on bullying and LGBTQ issues which I was really excited about. :D I felt like I didn't really learn too much because we only had a few hours so we could only really scratch the surface of these issues but it was enough for people to get the idea of what's going on. :P And I had a lot to contribute to the discussion and I hope a lot of peoples learned something from this discussion that they can share with others and help make BLS a better place. :D

MICCA: On the same day as ULC BLS Junior Band (which I'm in. :P ) entered MICCA festival and last year we scored Bronze which is pretty good...this year we scored Silver which I'm SO HAPPY about...we did better than the freaking Symphonic Band which I'm so happy about! :D :P So...yeah...haha...we're the best band ever! :P

GLSEN: On the following day me and a few of my friends from GSA went to the GLSEN Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network) Conference at MIT and it was really fun...I felt like I learned a how parents feel when LGBTQ kids come out to them which I had no clue about, the legal side of transgender issues, what the Bible REALLY says about homosexuality, etc... And it was really fun to just be with my friends and whatnot...and we had this like two hour long break where we got to do whatever we we could just chill, talk with other people, we had free food there, and there was also a hallway filled with LGBTQ pride buttons, pins, bracelets, etc... and resources and people we could talk to and whatnot. :D I thought it was just so cool. :D :P It was one of those things that made you feel truly proud to be out and proud. :D It's hard to describe the's wierd though...a few years ago I had strong suspicions that I was a lesbian but I was almost embarrassed about it and didn't wanna express my feelings...and now I'm perfectly fine with who I am as a person...I know that I'm a lesbian and I'm out of the closet and I have a girlfriend and I'm just really happy with things the way they are. :D was really fun. :D :P

Family Issues: Well...recently my dad was in the hospital for about a week because he had this thing called an arthiritic attack...and there's no real cause of's the kinda thing that you can't prevent and it just randomly's not the cause of anything like smoking of drinking and it's not genetics or anything like He's perfectly fine now and he's back home...but this did stir up some emotion in me...the wierd thing was that at first when I heard about this I didn't feel upset but as I continued to think about it I began to feel REALLY upset...and I didn't wanna tell anyone this except for I invited her over to my place and explained to her how I felt and how I didn't wanna tell anyone else because I don't really like my dad too much and I felt almost like a traitor to myself for feeling that way over someone I hate. Jenna did make me feel a lot better...and it was good to get those feelings off my chest...I'm the type who wants to come off as being tough so I supress certain feelings of mine until I can't take it anymore and then I just need to tell someone or else it'll be a disaster for me...I remember with coming out to my mom I waited until the night when it was driving me crazy to the point where I couldn't get to sleep at all and I spent most of the night crying or worrying like mad. :P I really need to work on that...I need to be more open about my feelings to prevent stuff like that... :P Anyways...ever since that the wierd thing is that I feel like my dad seems to care about me more even though I haven't changed my feelings toward him at all...and he's seemed WAY more accepting of the idea of me being a lesbian...I dunno why though...maybe he had some big revelation when he was in the hospital or something...but since then our relationship has kinda improved which I guess is pretty good...I still am angry with him for his initial feelings toward me when I came out to him and how he has wronged me in the past though...and I probably always will be though... Oh well... :P

Schoolwork: Oh Zeus...I go to's been freaking HELL! :lol: :P I've been so busy with schoolwork lately...not fun. :P

One Year Anniversary: Jenna and I celebrated our one-year anniversary on the last day of March...after the GLSEN Confernece that day we went on a really nice date and then we went go Jenna's place which is where we gave each other our gifts (nothing too crazy. :P ) and then we began to reflect on what happened to us in the year that we've been together and it was kinda sappy but I thought it was pretty nice. :D :P And I think it's really wierd that I've been able to even have a girlfriend in high school...let alone stay in a relationship with the love of my life for over a's insane. :D :P was a super nice day. :P

Day of Silence: Yesterday was the national Day of Silence and I chose to participate in it for my own sake...the one at BLS is more to get across the message but I wanted to do the one yesterday for my own sake. :D Not talking is really hard but I managed and I'm really proud of myself for being able to do that. :D :P

So that's all the important stuff that I can really think about. :P I've been on Spring Break this week and I haven't really done anything too special...but it has been really nice outside so I have spent a lot of time outside and I got to play in the mud a few times...once with Jenna (we kinda planned that we both know that we enjoy's something to do if we ever get bored...hehe. :P )...and that was really nice in my opinion. :D :P No...I don't have a not a fetish for mud. :lol: :P That's sarcasm in case you're wondering. :P And no I'm not crazy...salirophilia is a pretty common fetish. :P (Yep...there's a fancy word for it. :P ) ...And I think mysophilia falls into kinda sorta the same category... :P Okay...enough of this... :P I probably sound crazy right now... :lol: :P I don't really have any plans for tomorrow but I'm going back to school on Monday which I'm upset about...I don't wanna go back to school! :lol: :P I have my Declamation on Friday though which I'm excited about. :D :P And this upcoming Saturday I'm going to the Devil's Carnival with a few of my friends which is gonna be really fun...I was invited to go by my friend, MH, and she said Jenna could come too so I invited Jenna but she said she doesn't wanna go to it...I don't blame her though...I'm sure she wants some alone time on the weekend and she is kinda religious so...yeah. :P I guess I should end this blog's getting kinda long...actually...REALLY long. :P Okay...I'll shut up now. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)