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Christmas Eve!!! :D

YAY!!! It's Christmas Eve and also my first day of my break from school!!! :D I have nothing to really do with myself and I have the house to myself for a few hours cuz my mom's at work and my little brother went to my dad's place this morning. I'm kinda glad that I don't haveta babysit. Later tonight, my dad and little brother are gonna come over and we're gonna have a Christmas Eve dinner. This is one of the VERY FEW times that I'll ever get to see both my parents together in the same room so I might as well enjoy that. :D That'll be good. :)

I got a bunch of pranks played on my yesterday between home, school, and from Girlygirl24. :P And I always get a bunch of pranks played on my every b-day that I have so...I usually get even with everyone on Christmas Eve. :P I have a bunch of AWETHUM pranks in store for everyone that played one on me yesterday. :P

Now, Girlygirl24, YOU BETTER READ THIS: If you are reading this... *throws pie at your face* That's payback for yesterday. :lol: :P Mwahahahaha!!! :twisted: :P Although I like getting pranked, if someone pranks me, I prank them back. :P

Now that that's been taken care of...I have a few more things to type. :P My day's been pretty unproductive so far. I've slept in, went online, watched TV, read comic books, and played video games. That's all I've done all day and that's all I plan to do for the rest of it. :P

Uh...that's about it! I can't wait for Christmas tomorrow. :D Have an AWETHUM Christmas Eve!!! :D Ciao! -MightyBFan25