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Did Anyone Know That Yesterday Was GroundHog Day? :P

Sorry about the title but honestly, NO ONE at my school knew that yesterday was Groundhog Day and I was sorta taken back by that. :P I mean...I don't know what happened cuz I didn't watch the news or anything last night but at least I knew it was actually Groundhog Day yesterday. :P I'm just curious but how many of you actually knew that? :P I did but I was like the only person who did and I didn't wanna title my blog about that cuz well...I find that day sorta unimportant. :P

Anyways, my day was good and normal and I surprisingly had no homework when I got home so I've done nothing since I've been home besides watch TV and organize my new Bakugan Haos deck, trying to incorporate two of my new Haos Abis Omegas that I got yesterday from Hong Kong in it and it's going AWETHUMLY!!! :D Nothing was special about my day really except that I had health class but that was boring. :P And we took a Math test and it was really easy and I know I got at least a 95 on it. :D And that's about it. :P

I'm still playing pranks on my mom and troublemaking and all that but if you actually wanna know what I did today than you can ask when you leave a comment cuz I'm not gonna type it up if you don't even care. :P Those Italian lessons with my mom are going pretty good and I think it's HILARIOUS that she thinks that she's so good at Italian and all she knows is basic pronounciation, the alphabet, the numbers from zero to twenty, and some common words and phrases. I just find it amusing. :P That's about it for other things going on at the moment in my life... :P

Okay, ANYONE WHO GOES ON THE MIGHTY B! FORUMS SHOULD PROBABLY READ THIS: One thing that I've been thinking about doing on The Mighty B! forums for about two days now is maybe like once a month or something we could all go on at some set time and talk about something that's some sorta hot topic that's Mighty B! related and do it for a while. I dunno though cuz I'm not sure if it's a good idea but I think it sounds fun. Whaddya think? I don't have any details yet cuz it's still just a random thought but I'm thinking about how everything might work out. I just wanna know what any of you think about it. :)

And uh...that's about all that I haveta say. :P Bye bye. :D -MightyBFan25