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Finally A Day When It's Not Raining, Snowing, Sleeting, or Hailing... :P

Okay, I'm not sure if the last few words in my title or real words but anyways...the weather's been kinda sucky all week so it's AWETHUM because the weather's pretty nice today. :D It's just kinda cloudy but I don't really mind that too much, but I would prefer some sunny weather or even if it was just partially cloudy. But ah well...I'm not the person who controls the weather. :P I wish I had a weather machine though... :P That'd be cool. :P I just really want it to be spring time soon. :PAh well...I should stop day-dreaming and get on with this blog before I bore you to death. :P

And I know I've probably said this like a bajillion times already but my blog party is gonna be tomorrow because this is my 99th blog. :D So just don't forget to come...unless you plan on trashing my place and torturing me...but even long as you don't do anything ridiculously bad I don't care. :P'll be at my mom's place so I don't care, trash the place and do whatever you want at my blog party. :twisted: :PThe only people who are not invited are the following: Satan, a wizard who plans to destroy the world, Portia Gibbons, Ms. Gibbons, my mom, my stupid evil math teacher from last year who absolutely hated me, and any of the peoples who used to pick on and bully me at my old school. But...none of you peoples on this site are any of those just come. :D :P

So far my day's been pretty unproductive. All I did was sleep until about 9, go online, watch TV, and uh...that's about it. :P I'm just glad that it's the first day of March and I hope spring comes soon because I wanna have some AWETHUM weather really soon. And...then I can go to the park every day. :P Anyways, I'm probably gonna do nothing for the rest of my day. :P And I didn't have any wierd dreams that I can remember last night so I don't need to talk about any of my dreams in this blog. :P I don't have much else to say about today. :P

And so ends another boring ridiculously long blog made by yours truly. :P Happy March first! :D :PBye bye! -MightyBFan25 (who by the way doesn't wanna go back to school tomorrow. :P )