Yep...the title's correct. :D I finally reached 10,000 posts which is just AWETHUM!!! :D I's so wierd though...I've managed to do this in less than a year. :P But ah...who cares?! :P I got to 10,000 posts between all my blogging and forum-posting and what-not so I'm really happy about that! :D Quintuple digits in my post count...hehe...that's AWETHUM!!! :D :P Five and any multiple of five are my favorite numbers anyway...but I especially like multiples of 25 cuz they're AWETHUM! :D :P Anyways...enough of this...I just wanted to mention that. :P My next goal is to get to Level 22 as quickly as possible because I like that level even though I haven't gotten to it I wanna get there now. :P
One other thing that I forgot to do in my last blog was thank everyone for posting on my DWTHYW blog. :D So uh...yeah...thanks. :P I never really regretted making that blog though...some of you ( I won't use names. :P ) did kinda annoy me on that blog...but ah...I don't really care...I annoy peoples all the time and it was fun. :D :P So...yeah...that's about it. :P Why are you still reading this crap?! :lol: :P Aren't you supposed to be absent reading this and looking for when the Random Game Two part of this blog begins?! :P Kidding. :P
So far my day's been pretty AWETHUM actually! :D First of all though...I wanna say that I've been feeling a lot better...I've been trying to do some fun stuff to keep my mind off of my Nana's cat and so far I haven't felt that bad about it anymore which is good. :) I mean...I'll remember her cat...but I shouldn't be upset about it. :) So...I feel a lot you can probably tell by my emoticons in this blog. :D :P So uh...those Bakugan drawings that I've been doing are looking pretty good. I did the Darkus one last night so now all I have left are the Haos and Sub-Terra ones...but then again...I'm kinda thinking of redoing the Ventus's not my best work. :P Ah...maybe some other time. :P And today's been AWETHUM so far! :D My mom took the day off from work so she could take us to see a movie which was AWETHUM!!! :D Me, my little brother, and my mom went to see that movie Dinner For Schmucks and it was really funny and I enjoyed seeing it. :D :P You know...I think my productive troublemaking finally got my message across to my mom. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P But uh...the next step in my evil mission is to get my mom to play in the mud. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P But ha! :P Like that'll ever happen! :lol: :P
I don't have much else to talk about for now so I should get on with The Random Game Two now. :P's everything involving that if you actually give a crap about it:
So...if I remember right the last question was which gun and ammunition do you take's all the possible answers and why each one is wrong...and why one of them is right:
A.) A shotgun and some normal ammunition for it. (This answer's the correct one actually. First of all...I remember saying that all the guns were NORMAL guns...not high-pressure guns so you needs to have normal ammunition for it. And second...I said that you know how to handle and take care of a gun and how to load one...but you DON'T know how to aim a gun...and you don't aim a point a shotgun which is why it's only used at close range. So...yeah...that's why this answer's right. :P )
B.) A sniper rifle and some normal ammunition for it. (This answer's wrong because even though you're using normal need to know how to aim a sniper rifle and according to the don't know how to aim a gun. :P )
C.) A revolver and some normal ammunition for it. (This answer's wrong for the same reason that answer B is wrong...only this answer's even worse because a revolver is a type of pistol and pistols are the hardest type of gun to shoot from what I've been told. :P )
D.) A machine gun and some normal ammunition for it. (This answer's also wrong. I dunno if you aim a machine gun but I don't think you do. :P And even if you didn't...a machine gun fires really fast and you'd waste ammunition really fast and you can only carry some ammunition with you and you should use it wisely. )
E.) Screw that! I'm taking all those guns! Lock and load the +P+ ammunition! I dunno what it is but it should be better! (Now...if you see all those guns lying around you probably should take all of them but according to the question you can only take one. :P And all the guns are normal guns, NOT high-pressure guns and you can only use +P+ ammunition with a high-pressure gun or it could cause the gun to malfunction or backfire or something like that and it just isn't's stupid. :P )
So...the correct answer was A.) A shotgun and some normal ammuntion for it. (By the way...I know all this crap about guns because I had to read a book about it cuz my dad's gonna teach me how to shoot a gun later this summer. :P So...don't worry...I'm not a bad person who blows peoples' heads off. :P I'm just a dork who you happen to talk to online. :P ) And after I say the correct answer to the last question I'll give you an update on the scores to see who wins by the time the Random Game Two's over. :D :P By the win ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! :D :P Isn't that AWETHUM?! :D :P Kidding. :P So...if your name's not up here that means you didn't get a point...I'm not gonna put your name up on the scoreboard thingy until you get a point. :P That'll make less work for me. :lol: :P And better get at least one point or you'll be doomed to rot in the Doom Dimension for all of eternity! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Yeah...I've been watching Bakugan a little too much lately. :P's the scoreboard thingy:
Spongegirl1029: 1 point
Girlygirl24: 1 point
(Lucky guess by the way! :P I'm sure you just guessed when you picked A! :P doesn't matter cuz if you guessed you guessed correctly and you already gots a point. :P )
Now here's the next part of the story:
So you take a shotgun and some normal ammunition for it. You load some shotgun ammunition into the shotgun and put the rest in your pockets. Then you continue your journey for nothing in particular. You continue walking for miles and miles, with the sun beating down on you, and no trees are there to provide you with any shade because they have all been burnt and all that remains of them are piles and piles of ashes stretching for miles and miles. You begin feeling very tired but you press on, hoping that eventually you'll see something besides the burnt remains of what used to be the place where you lived a comfortable, happy life. Eventually you see a small grassy area up ahead. You question how it survived and how it managed to survive all the wildfires but immediately forget about it and run to that area. You sit under the tree and relax in the shade. Then you find some food and water there and begin to eat and drink. Then you're just about ready to take a nap but all of a sudden, the evil wizard and Apollonir come out of no where. You stare at them for a few seconds, thinking of something to do about this. So...what do you do?
A.) Shoot 'em with the shotgun!
B.) Climb up the tree and hide.
C.) Get up and talk to them...maybe they want something.
D.) Shoot the evil wizard with the shotgun and then tackle Apollonir and take his wallet.
So...yeah...that's pretty much it. :P Just leave your answer when you comment on this blog and uh...that's about it. :P I don't have much else to talk about in this blog so I guess I'm gonna end this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)