Well...I'll get to the title later on but I just wanna tell you right now that this blog's probably gonna be ridiculously long so uh...READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!! :lol: :P Yeah...I warned you right off the bat so if you read the whole thing don't get ticked off at me because I'll just say I told you so. :P Okay...let's get on with this blog... :P
Well...yesterday the weather finally cleared up and it's a lot better outside and I can finally go outside and do some stuff and act stupid but the sucky thing is that yesterday...and today for that matter...I've felt absolutely horrible. I feel like I'm getting kinda sick but I dunno how I coulda possibly gotten sick. And to make matters even worse...there's something else going on at the moment that just makes things a hell of a lot worse butI just shouldn't mention. :P So...I'm probably not gonna go outside today because I still feel horrible and if I do go outside it'll probably be for just like a 30 minute walk or something. :P Oh well...hopefully I'll feel better soon. Later today I'm going back to my dad's place which should be good. I don't have much else to say about my day...nothing special's happened and nothing special's gonna happen. :P
Now I wanna talk about this really wierd but AWETHUM AWETHUM AWETHUM dream I had last night. :D :P At least one good thing happened yesterday. :P So...here's all of that dream that I can remember: So...I remember I had my own television station...it was channel 25 because 25 is my favorite number. (I wish I really did have a TV channel...that'd be AWETHUM!!! :D :P ) And my TV channel would air for 12 hours and the other 12 hours of the day would just be repeats of the stuff that aired earlier that day in case you missed it. So...for those 12 hours I remember I had 5 hours of cartoons and it would be one hour of five of my favorite cartoons airing. One hour of Bakugan, one hour of Dragonball Z Kai, one hour of Adventure Time, one hour of Making Fiends, and one hour of the AWETHUMEST cartoon ever: The Mighty B!. I also had my own talk show that aired for an hour and had a bunch of different segments and that was the show on my channel that got the best ratings. I would air a movie for two hours...just some random movie that I either loved or hated. I had a game show that aired for an hour...I forget what it was called though... Another hour was dedicated to some radio show/TV show that I had. Another hour was showed a bunch of battles from a Bakugan tournament that I organized every week and I would give some Bakugan brawling tips at the end of the episode. And the final hour was where I would be an absolute nerd and talk about a ton of school stuff...no one liked that show...but ah...I liked it. :P Anyways...my channel was AWETHUM...ESPECIALLY my talk show...that was my best show on the whole channel! But then VD made her own TV channel and it was channel 36 and I knew that she was doing this just to mess with me in the dream! But I was like: Ah...whatever...her channel will never be as good as mine. :P But then in the dream I remember she was stealing all my AWETHUM ideas and making them better...and in the place of the hour where I would talk about school stuff...she'd use her hour at the time to make fun of me! But other than that she was doing everything that I was doing and even acting like me to get better ratings and crap and I knew that she was faking it and stealing my thunder so one night I called her on her radio show and challenged herto a series of challenges to show everyone that she was lying and faking the whole thing. And of course the next day my evil plan worked, her TV channel got cancelled, and everything was back to normal. So...at least for once I finally had a nice dream that didn't involve the end of the world. :D :P Then I woke up. :P I'm glad I at least had one nice dream that I can rememeber this summer that didn't involve the end of the world or getting beat up for once. :D :P So...uh...yeah...that's all I haveta say about that dream. :P Why are you still reading this crap...? :P
Now...before I get on with the Random Game Two...I haveta post something because I commented on Speckledorfed's last blog. :P It was kinda interesting actually and since I'm kinda bored I think I might as well do that in my next blog...not this blog though...it's WAY too long...but my next one. :P So...here was the stuff Speckledorfed would do if I commented on that blog...which I did:
1. Respond with something random about you.
2. Tell you which colour you remind me of.
3. Tell you my first memory of you.
4. Tell you what animal you remind me of.
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you.
6. Tell you my favourite thing about you.
7. Tell you my least favourite thing about you.
8. Challenge you to post this on your blog.
And here's what she said: 1. You Like the Mighty B! (ZOMGWUTISTHIS) 2. Red, for some reason. 3. You posted a helluvalot on the MF forums (you stil do.) 4. CHICKEN. Iunno why. 5. Subs or Dubs? 6. Your semi-evilness 7. VENDETTA IS BETTER THAN CHARLOTTE ALWAYS. 8. Do it nao!
By the way...with that question you asked me...that's easy. :P I can't stand reading subtitles with anything because I'll be too busy reading the subtitles that I won't even be watching whatever I'm supposed to be watching so I'd rather go with dubs. It might not be the original thing but I HATE reading subtitles. :P I really should do this in my next blog to get rid of my absolute boredom. :P
RANDOM QUESTION: I'm just wondering but what's your favorite emoticon? :P Mines is the one that looks like a devil. :twisted: And the goofy face...but I use that one ALL THE TIME so ah...it's not as special. :P
Okay...let's finally get back to the RANDOM GAME TWO!!!!! :D MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P So...here's the correct answer to the last question I asked:
A.) Pyrus
B.) Sub-Terra
C.) Haos
D.) Darkus
E.) Aquos
F.) Ventus
Okay...guess what? :P There is no right or wrong answer to this question because it's really just a personal preference! :D :P YAY!!!!! :P So...basically...if you just answered this question...you gets a point. :P By the way...if you chose Pyrus...that's my favorite attribute of Bakugan to battle with...the attribute of fire. :twisted: :PItactually suits my personality perfectly. :D :P So...if you chose Pyrus...back off the red Bakugan unless you're as the same brawling level as me, King Zenoheld (Or as I like to call him: King Zerohead. :P ), Spectra, Chan Lee, and of course,Dan Kuso. :P Kidding...I don't really care. :PSo...here's an update of the scoreboard as of right now:
Girlygirl24: 5 points
FZeroBoyo: 2 points
Spongegirl1029: 2 points
By the way...two other peoples did comment on that blog but didn't answer my question and they really shoulda. :P Oh well...hopefully the evil wizard won't win. :lol: :P Kidding. :P So...here's the next part of the story:
So you choose your attribute of Bakugan to battle with. MightyBFan25 gives you a jacket that matches the color of the attribute of Bakugan you chose to battle with. Then she begins to teach you everything there is to know about Bakugan for the next month. She teaches you the story of how the Bakugan came to earth in the first place and of Vestroia and all that sorta stuff. Then she spends some time teaching you about each and every attribute of Bakugan and how to battle with each one. She shows you how Pyrus and Sub-Terra Bakugan like to rely on shutting down their opponents and then relying on sheer power and frontal assault to win, how Haos and Darkus Bakugan combine strategy along with power, and how Aquos and Ventus rely more on tricks and ability card boosts than just raw power. Then MightyBFan25 teaches you all the ways to win with your attribute of Bakugan that you chose. Now you know about the origins of Bakugan and just how strategic Bakugan is and all the strategies that go along with your attribute. Then she shows you all of her Bakugan stuff and hands you a gauntlet and wrist launcher and Bakuclip that are the same color of the attribute of Bakugan you are using and tells you to design the Bakugan deck for your attribute that will be able to defeat Apollonir and The Evil Wizard. A few hours later, you are finally done and show MightyBFan25 the Bakugan deck you made and explain how it works and all your strategies and combos. MightyBFan25 thinks that your deck is ready and lets you borrow all her Bakugan stuff that's now part of your deck. Then she hands you some gloves and a pair of goggles and decides to have a battle with you to test how good your deck is. You deck is strong enough to beat MightyBFan25. So you get all your Bakugan stuff and get ready for battle. The battle is about to begin and you know everything there is to know about Bakugan now. So...what are you gonna do in battle?
A.) Well...I can beat that nerd but I dunno...I think I'll let her win because I know she's going easy on me.
B.) I know I can beat MightyBFan25 but I'll let her win because I know she still has that stupid revolver.
C.) I'm not gonna battle anyone! I quit! This whole thing is stupid! I'd rather sit around and do nothing and die! (Please don't. :P )
D.) I know I can beat MightyBFan25 and even though she's going easy on me with her backup Pyrus deck...I'm gonna do everything in my power to win!
So...just post the correct answer to this question when you leave a comment on this blog. :P I don't have much else to talk about. :P Sorry this blog is so long and useless. :lol: :P Bye...wait...forget that...I haveta say farewell in Latin...so...uh...uh...uh...Vale...yeah...that's better...Vale. :P -MightyBFan25