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Finally Watched Saw 7 Today!!! :D

Yeah...the title's correct...I finally saw Saw 7 today and it was AWETHUM!!!!! :D But I'll get to that later. :P The past few days have been pretty good...and I just wanted to mention that term one has finally ended at my school so grades are closed and I think I did pretty good. I know I got an A in everything except History...I know I got a B in that which is disappointing...I REALLY wanna get Approbation With Distinction at least once this year. :P Oh, and Friday at my school we kinda sorta celebrated Halloween. A few peoples dressed up (I didn't...I don't dress up on Halloween anymore...I stopped in the sixth grade...I dunno why. :P ) and it was Sixie Rush Day...not as bad as it was in years past...teachers really are cracking down on that now... :P Too bad it wasn't on the year that I was a sixie!!!!! :lol: :P Well...other than that nothing too exciting happened for the past few days. Now onto today... :P

Today was pretty good. :D Uh...I had to go to the dentist though to get my teeth cleaned and stuff...that wasn't too bad...and for the first teeth haven't hurt after leaving the dentist's place. :D :P Wierd, huh? :P Oh well...I'm not complaining. :P And then later on I had to go to the clinic to get my flu shot (same goes for my dad and little brother)...and the wierd thing is that usually when I get the flu shot I feel kinda sick after a few hours but right now I feel fine...and my arm doesn't hurt either. :P I mean...I have no explanation as to why my arm doesn't feel stiff or anything but I know that I'm probably not sick because I either have a strong immune system OR I'm already kinda sorta immune to the flu because I already had it about two weeks ago. :P So...technically I should feel like crap right now but I don't cuz I'm AWETHUM and stuff. :D :P Later on today me, my dad, and my little brother went to see Saw 7 in 3D!!! :D It was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I won't say what happened though just in case anyone else actually plans on seeing it. :P But it was really good in my opinion and it was in 3D so it's all the blood and guts you'd expect but in 3D which is AWETHUM!!! :P And even though they said it was the "final" Saw movie...they can make a few more movies if you ask me...the ending was open to interpretation but they can make more movies. I mean...that doctor guy from Saw 1 and his accomplices are still on the loose and a few of those envelopes containing plans that Jigsaw still had that he gave to Jill Tuck in his will still have not been fulfilled. Anyways...after that we went home and I've done pretty much nothing for the rest of the day. :P

Oh, and as of right now my mom probably wants to kill me because I "unintentionally" played a prank on her and she probably knows I did it on purpose now. :P I don't wanna get into any of the scientifical stuff but basically if you put an egg in vinegar for a few days you dissolve the shell off of it. Then if you put that same egg in soda for a few days, if you then try to pick up the egg, the slightest movement will cause it to explode. :twisted: :P So Itold my mom that this was for a Biology experiment and that she had to put them itin this other container tonight.He he he! :twisted: :P I'm gonna be in trouble when I get home...that is...if my mom is even smart enough to remember what the heck I did. :lol: :P But was worth it...I just wish I was there to see the look on her face! :twisted: :P Forget throwing eggs at my mom...I'll just make them explode in her face. :lol: :P I'm such a wonderful kid, huh? :P Kidding. :P

That's about all I haveta say. :P It's gonna suck that tomorrow's Halloween and I have school on Monday...that means that I can't stay up all night and watch movies and stuff. :P Oh well...they're trying to pass a law that Halloween will be the last Saturday in October I think... :P Hopefully that's in effect by next year. :D Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)