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Finally...Today Was My Last Day Of School!!!!! :D / More Online Stupidity...

Well...before I get to all the nice happy stuff that I planned on talking about in this blog...I have some serious business to discuss in this blog before I get to my usual random crap that no one cares about. :P I'm serious. today when I came on this site...first thing I notice...two messages in my message box on this site. And it turns out that some stupid person called aaaaaaaaqqw (stupid username, huh? :P ) is now tracking me and sent me some stupid, annoying, offensive PM as well. I deleted that PM and I denied being that person's friend without even thinking about it for half of a second. Anyways...I'm pretty sure that it's the same person that's been doing that to a bunch of other people...that person probably just got banned or something and made another new account with a different email address. I honestly think that this aaaaaaaaaqqw person needs to get a life and stop annoying people. And you know what...what this person is saying doesn't even bother me at's annoying but I don't really care at all yet. Besides...if you seem annoyed with someone they'll just keep doing it. And I'm not gonna even really talk to this person...I'll just ignore this person and report him...which I've already done by the way.And to be honest...I don't care if this aaaaaaaaaqqw person reads this blog...this person isn't a friend of mine and I don't even know this person. to put that aside and get on with the rest of this blog...and for that matter...the rest of my life. to get on with the rest of this blog...which will put me in a much better mood. :P So...TODAY WAS MY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (By the way...I put exactly 25 exclamation points at the end of that last sentence...and 25 just so happens to be my favorite number...or any multiple of 25 for that matter. :P ) So...the day was completely unproductive. It was a half day in case you're wondering. Italian class all we did was talk and play random card games. Then in my study all me and my friends did was get passes to go buy some freeze-pops on the third floor (Don't ask why people were selling freeze-pops on the third floor though...I honestly have no idea. :P ) and then we played more random card games. And finally in History last class ever as an eigth grader at Boston Latin School...I played some more random card games with my friends and then me and some of my friends left the room to say good-bye to all our friends and teachers. And then me and 5 of my other friends went to the ISGM after school to do a screwed up version of a VTS to make fun of them. :P And after about one and a half hours of doing htat we went and got some ice-cream and then we said good-bye and went home. And now I'm at home doing nothing productive for the first time in what seems like forever. :D I've been so busy these past few weeks getting ready for finals and starting my summer work and being really stressed out and now the school year's just kinda...well...over...and now I can finally relax for two months! :D I'm so glad! :D I mean...after like 9 months at BLS and getting stressed out to the max...being on summer break just feels like heaven. :D :P Oh...and by the way...I'm gonna get my final report card for this year mailed to my dad's place sometime in the near future and then I'll tell you my grades for term five and for the year and then I'll calculate my GPA and tell you that as well because I love showing off my grades. :P And they might not be straight A's...but TRUST ME...BLS is really hard and I always got straight A's at my old school and I'd be getting straight A's easily at any other school without even trying just to let you know. :P Anyways...I have some work to do over the summer but it's not that bad and I have two months to do it and I've already started some of it. So...I haveta get my Writing Folder together (I did that already), I have 25 math problems to do and review (I did that already as well), I haveta get a copy of my last physical for the first day of school (which is really something that my mom has to do...not me. :P ), I have my summer reading to do (And I just finished my third book today and I'll do all the stupid one page, double spaced papers all on one day), and then I haveta practice my flute which I wanted to do so I don't lose my mad flute-playing skillz (Yeah...that's right...I spelled skills with a "z" because I'm AWETHUM like that. :lol: :P Kidding. :P ), and then that's really about it. :P

One thing that's wierd right now is that it doesn't feel like I'm on Summer Break yet. I wish it did feel like that but it just doesn't. But I'm sure it's no real'll probably feel much better when I wake up tomorrow and realize that I can sleep until noon. :P Besides...I've been feeling kinda sick lately so thatmight be it as well. Either way I'm sure I'll be fine soon. :P And just to let you thing that I hate about the summer is that it's always wicked hot so I can't go outside that much...and one other thing...once I finish all my work that I haveta do over the summer...I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with myself so then I get bored and then I start doing random stuff...which isn't good at all...because to me random stuff is stuff that just jumps into my mind and then I do it on impulse without thinking about anything else (Like the time last summer when I tried to cut a Gobstopper in half with a pocket knife and I accidentally cut myself because I wasn't thinking. :P ). And it seems that when I'm on summer break when I'm done with all my work I just seem to act more stupid than usual because all that I'm doing is random stuff and I'm not doing anything academic-related to keep my mind sharp. :P But ah well...I don't care at's fun to just do random stuff and put my smart, hard-working mind to rest for about two months and just not think logically. :P But of course...with me...that's gonna spell disaster...and I know that for a fact! He he he! :twisted: :P

Anyways...that's about all that I haveta say in this blog. :P I don't have any real plans for the summer because during the school I was too busy to plan ahead but don't worry...I'll find some thing to do with myself...I always do. :P I'm just so glad that I'm finally on summer break! :D I'm gonna go take a nap now for like four hours. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25 (Who is officially now on Summer Break!!!!! :D )