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First Day Back To School And It Wasn't Completely Bad... :D

The title says it all. :P My first day back to school didn't completely suck like I thought it would and it was actually pretty good aside from...well...I'd rather not say. Hehe. :P Figure it out on your own people cuz I don't wanna say it. :P But uh...overall, AWETHUM day!!! :D Wierd huh? I mean, I thought that the day was gonna suck, but I am very rarely wrong and I guess I was this time. :P I just wanna talk a little bit about my day cuz my friends know what happened, my mom doesn't care, and my dad doesn't get home for another few hours so I can't call him and I'm dying to tell someone about my day. And this was the first day of the third term at my schoom by the way. :)

So...I had Band first period and that was good. :D I got to try out my new tuner and cleaning rod in band for the first time. Both were AWETHUM. :D And we played some of the old music that we still have and we nailed it. We're just practicing dynamics and stuff now to make everything sound even AWETHUMER!!! :D It's pretty easy. With the flute, it's all posture, breathing, and armiture. And although I am a sloucher, I sit up straight when I play the flute, and that's the only time I do. :P

Then I had math class. We're starting a new chapter and we covered the first lesson today. It was all about identifying monomials and multiplying them. It's pretty easy. I did my math homework in a study and I filled two full pages with work and numbers and variables and when I was done I looked at all the work and I felt sorta dizzy and wondered how I did it all. :P Oh, and we got back our term tests from before the vacation and I got an 88% on it. I'm happy with that, but I wish I got an A. :P Don't we all. :P

Then I had Italian class. It was pretty good, but sorta boring if you ask me. :P All we did was talk for a little while, finish watching Ladri Di Biciclette, and got back our Italian quizzes from before the break. I got a 100% on it. It was really easy. :P It was just conjugating verbs, regular are and ere ones and all the irregulars that we've learned so far. :D We didn't get any Italian homework either. :D

Then I had a study. I did my Math homework and I had nothing else to do so I talked to my friends and annoyed them a little and then they told me to shut up cuz they had work to do so I left them alone and drew a picture or a bunch of coatis playing poker. :P Don't ask why! :P

Then I had Latin. All we did was work in class on translating this short Latin story. I got pretty far in it. I almost finishes two thirds of it. That became our homework. So when I got home, finished my translation and vocabulary sheet and made and drilled some Latin flash cards that I've made.

Then I had History. One of the workers from ISGM came to do some more VTS's with us. I HATE THOSE STUPID THINGS!!!!! :twisted: :P All you do is look at a picture and talk about it. I mean, I contributed to the conversation, but I honestly didn't care. :P And for homework we had 8.3 notes which I did WAY in advance like two weeks ago.

Then finally I had ELA. We got new seats in ELA class. I'm friends with one of the people who I sit near, but the other is one of my arch-enemies. :twisted: Not good! :lol: We're starting to read Farenheight 451 and I like it cuz I'm into all that Sci-Fi stuff cuz I'm a nerd. :P And we did our Free Write, talked about the book a little, and we read a bibliography on Ray Bradbury, the author of the book. Then when we finished that...we had some time left in class so we talked about random things with Ms. Wenz. And I don't know how but we started talking about black holes and then monolithic obeliscs. (I know what it is and I've seen them in random Sci-Fi crap that nerds like me do and watch but it's sorta hard to explain. :P ) And my arch enemy who I now sit next to, HG (her initials), knows that I love that sorta stuff and kept bothing me about it. Revenge is never the answer for anything, but me and my friend were torturing her a little bit to get even. :twisted: :P And we had to start reading the book for homework and take notes. We also got back our essays from like November and I got a 90% on it. :D

So...overall, AWETHUM day!!!!! :D I only had Latin and ELA homework when I got home and it only took me 2 and a half hours. :D I actually enjoyed this day at school and I felt like talking about it. :P One thing that made this day really good though was I broke out all my remedies to make Mondays better. I have a bunch of those. :P Some of them are wierd ones so I'd rather not say any of them cuz then you'll ask about the wierd ones and Girlygirl24 will conjure up more evil kitty cats to attack me avoid that...I'll just keep my mouth shut about something for once. :P

I'm not gonna really bother with my mom today. Although I'm feeling much better now that I've gotten through one day at school...I'm not ready to play any pranks yet. I'm usually pretty happy and optimistic, and I am, but not as much as I usually am. Well...maybe I will. I can't help myself. :P I've had this evil plan for a prank that's not really a prank to play on my mom. :twisted: :P I think I'll start it tonight. It's basically this whole set of mind tricks to get her freaked out and think that I'm up to something and while she's thinking that, I'm not gonna do anything. I've never done this but I know how my mom's mind works for the most part and I have everything planned out like a good little dork. :P I'm planning on basically saying that on Friday when I get home from school I'm gonna bring some of my friends over and have a party and trash the place. :P Then when the leave I'm gonna go outside, get filthy, and get mud all over the house and she won't be home so there's nothing she can do about it. I'll fake a few cell phone calls to my friends about the "party" and talk about my plan all week long and it'll be believable for sure. :D I'm just such an evil mastermind, aren't I? :P

That's about all I haveta say. I hope I didn't bore you to death talking about my day. :P I feel that now that I've gotten through Monday, I can get through the entire week no problem. :D And I'm putting my evil game of mind tricks to a start tonight. He he he! :twisted: :P Don't tell my mom don't know how to contact her anyways so ha ha if you were gonna do that. :P Ciao! -MightyBFan25

P.S.- Thanks everyone for making me feel a little better yesterday. I really appreciate it. So thanks for caring...and for not punching me (directed at Girlygirl24). :P