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First Day Back To School/Continuation Of The Random Game... was my first day back from school after Spring Break but it didn't feel like the Monday after a long felt pretty normal and actually nice...probably cuz I'm well rested now. :D :P day was pretty good actually. Nothing special really happened today aside from doing VTS's in History today.:P It was Day One so I had Music Sectionals and a Study which was pretty good. I didn't have much homework when I got home...just Latin which took me about an hour...and then I practiced my flute and Declamation. This week's gonna be a little stressful cuz tomorrow I have Declamation and on Friday I have the Spring Concert. But after that forth term's pretty much over and fifth term's wicked easy cuz there's no concerts, no declamations, and it's mainly just reviewing after a month of wicked easy stuff to get ready for finals. Once finals are over the rest of the year's pretty laid back if you ask me. :P Anyways...I have Declamation tomorrow and I'm a little nervous but I know that I'm gonna do AWETHUM because I've been practicing all over my break and it's AWETHUM!!! :D I'm so gonna nail it tomorrow and I know that I can do just as good on Juror #10's Rant as I did on Mark Antony's Speech At Caesar's Funeral! :D Maybe better... :P Wish me luck. I just hate dressing up all nice and since I don't have PE tomorrow I'm gonna haveta wear my stupid nice declamation clothes all day. Ah well...I don't really mind it too's only one day. :P After all my homework was taken care of and my mom came was kinda wierd but my mom actually said that I could go to the park if I wanted of course I did and I got absolutely filthy again. :twisted: :P When I got home my mom didn't seem ticked off at me like she usually does. I dunno why but over the break at my dad's place...I think she missed me and my craziness a little. :P So then all I did was take a shower and get changed and now I'm just typing this. :P Nothing much else to say about today... :P

Not getting back to THE RANDOM GAME: So...the question was what do you do while waiting for the wizard to stop taking a crap basically. :P Well...killing yourself was stupid so that's wrong. :P Killing Ms. Gibbons would be funny but guess already killed her when you killed everyone in the world. :P Taking a nap is also terrible cuz what if the wizard's bluffing and he might kill you in your sleep. :twisted: :P So the only right answer was Wait for the Evil Wizard to come out and keep your guard up at all times.

Not getting back to the story: So you wait for the Evil Wizard to quit his little potty break and keep your guard up. Then he eventually comes out and says that he will finally fight you in a one-on-one magical duel to the death! You each grab your magic wands and prepare to fight. Then you begin fighting each other and you're doing pretty good but it's too close to call a winner at this point. You keep fighting until both of you are pretty beat up. Then you realize that you can't keep this up for much longer so you talk to the wizard to stall for some time. You ask him what he hates the most and he says stupid vampire movies. (Hint) Then you ask him what he likes to do in his spare time and all kinds of random stupid junk. :P Then once you're feeling a little better you decide to continue fighting. But what will be your next...and possibly last...move?

A) Shoot The Evil Wizard with a magical lightning bolt.

B) Shoot The Evil Wizard with a magical fire-ball.

C) Run away because fighting doesn't solve anything.

D) Force The Evil Wizard to watch The Twilight Movies! :twisted: :P

So uh...just choose the right answer and that's about it. :P Thanks for reading my useless blog. :P Vale! -MightyBFan25