I'm sure you're annoyed that I'm making another blog and you're saying to yourself: "Come on! Enough with the blogs already! You just made one yesterday!"...but...ah...I just felt like making a blog for the sole purpose of annoying you today. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I'm seriously just kidding...I'm just making this blog because I can for once because I have the day off from school. :P And even though I now despise Christopher Columbus...I'm glad that I have the day off from school because this is the first day that I've had off from school (not counting weekends. :P ) that I've had in five weeks! :P That might not seem like a long time but uh...it is to me especially when I've been tired lately or I've felt sick or I'm just ridiculously busy and stressed out...so today was a nice little break from that. :P So uh...yeah...now I'm gonna get on with this blog. :P
THIS IS IMPORTANT AND YOU MUST READ THIS: This is actually the last blog that I will ever be making on tv.com. I will be leaving this site for good and never come back. I know yesterday I mentioned that I was thinking about leaving but decided against it...well...I decided against that decision. I'm just too busy to come on this site anymore. I'd rather focus on my school work. So...before I leave...I just wanted to let you know this... And this will officially be the last blog I ever make on tv.com.........................
CONTINUE TO READ THIS: Yeah...I had you going there for a second...I'm seriously leaving...there's nothing anyone can say or do to make me change my mind. Haha...probably the last little prank that I'll play on you on this site before I leave... I just suggest that you continue to read this entire blog before you comment though...you know...to let the though of me leaving sink into your mind for a little while and stuff...
I just wanna talk about my day now... Everything went pretty good. And I didn't just sit around all day and play computer games and stuff. :P I actually did some reasearch for this Latin project thingy that isn't due until about January but it's a big project and I don't want it to cut into my time for almost-due-and-must-seriously-focus-on projects...and I don't want it to cut into the time that I'd be using to do my homework or practice the flute so I decided that I'll work on that project a little but whenever I have a day off from school and by the time January comes around...I'll be all set! :D So...today I started my reasearch for it. Then I just spent the rest of my day online, taking a nap, watching TV, or outside for a walk. I woulda went to the park but I'm still a little sick and I wanna get better. And even though the weather's nice outside...I don't wanna risk being sick again...I can't stand being sick and I've gotten sick twice in the past month. That never happens to me. But the second I get better I know what I'm doing in my spare time. :twisted: :P Anyways...my day was pretty good and I really enjoyed having the day off. I had this really wierd dream last night too. I don't wanna get into too many details but basically what happened was I was at school and while I was in the music wing, assembling my flute for Band...the fire alarm went off and BLS was legit on fire! And it wasn't a stupid little fire in the Chem lab either...it was a huge fire on the second floor! So then me and all my friends left the music wing and tried to get outta the building but all the exits were blocked by the flames...and then I randomly saw this evil wizard who said that he set the school on fire and then I woke up. I HATED that dream so much! I'm just glad it never happened! :P That would be HORRIBLE!!!!! And even if I did live...the music wing would get burnt and then Junior Band would probably be cut! And that would suck because I love band and it's like my little 45 minute escape from the stress and work of Boston Latin School. So uh...yeah...that's all I haveta say about my day...
YOU BETTER STILL BE READING THIS BLOG: And you wanna know why.....? I just pranked you! :twisted: :P Ha ha ha! :P I'm sure you fell for it! :P I'm sorry but I HAD to do this...I haven't been able to go outside and do anything evil for about a week cuz I've been sick so to not go crazy I've been keeping myself busy by pranking pretty much everyone I know. No epic pranks...but just a few minor ones so I don't go insane. :P So...uh...yeah...I'm NOT sorry for that! :twisted: :P I'm kidding. :P To make it up to you I'll give you the link for this random game that I've wasted two hours playing... :P
Here's the link for the game: http://www.onemorelevel.com/game/amorphous
I hope you play this game when you have the time. :P It's somewhat addicting but if you ever have about two hours that you just wanna waste doing nothing productive...I suggest you spend it playing this game. :P You might not like it...but to me...it's AWETHUM and addicting. :P I'm probably gonna play it when I'm done typing this blog. :P
That's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P Sorry about the prank again...hehe. Uh...yeah...that's about it. :P And PLAY THAT GAME so you can waste two hours of your life. :lol: :P And just to clarify...I'm NOT leaving this site...I already mentally sorted that out a few days ago and I'm staying until I get banned again...and even then...if I wanna I can just make another account with a different email address of mine! :twisted: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)