I got my report card at school...and since I'm a's technically my first high-school report card...but I don't really care because I've already been at BLS for two years so it's not too special. :P But...anyways...I'll probably just talk about my day in this blog and then I'll get to my grades. :D So...might as well get started with that and stop rambling on and on about nothing. :P enjoy reading that, right? :twisted: :P I bet you do, huh?! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P
Today was pretty good. :D Nothing too special really happened and all I had for homework when I got home today was was a pretty laid back day actually so I used my extra time to get ahead in my reading for English. Oh, and I have this Thursday off because of Veterans' Day which should be nice...I needs a break and a day to just do absolutely nothing...but I actually will be doing some work...I'll take the day to work on this Latin project that I have, read a book, practice the flute, and study for this huge Geography test in History next week. So...uh...yeah...not much else to say about my day. :P I do just wanna mention one thing though before I end this paragraph. I finally realized that stereotype of all flute players today. (I'm in Band at my school and I play the flute in case you've forgotten. :P And I'm hoping to start playing the piccolo soon as well. ) You know...that stereotype that all flute players are girly-girls. might think that that stereotype is true...but I beg to differ. :P I completely ruined that stereotype...I play the flute and I can't stand girly-girls...I find them quite irritating...I'm a tomboy. So...if you've heard that stereotype...don't ever mention it around me or I'll probably be somewhat ticked off. :lol: :P Now onto my grades...
Physical Education: A ( does a nerd get an A in PE?! :P Geez...that just...isn't supposed to happen...okay! :P But...basically at my school all you haveta do to get an A in PE is just show up. Yeah...that takes a lot of work! :P )
Conduct: A (Wow...I'm always shocked when I see an A in Conduct on my report card...I can be so horribly behaved at's awonder that I can manage to behave myself at school...but ah...I guess I save all my troublemaking for home. :P )
Band: A- (Okay...I know it's only an A- but honestly...Ms. Dougherty hates us woodwind players and I guess we're good enough that no matter how much she hated us she felt that we deserve an A-! :D Pretty much everyone else in Band except for the second and third clarinet players got A-'s. So...I guess she considers us flute players at the same level as the brass section...and wether I should take that as a complement or an insult...I dunno and I don't least I got a good grade. :P )
History: B+ (Come on! A's in everything else and then this eyesore! A B+ in History! :P I's a good grade and I'm glad that I at least managed a B+ in my absolute worst subject but I KNOW that I can manage an A- with more work and if I can do that...I'll get Approbation with Distinction next term! :D )
English: A- (Pretty good grade...I wouldn't say that I'm necessarily proud of it...but I'll take it. I'm gonna haveta keep an eye out to make sure that this grade doesn't drop at all while trying to bring up my History grade. :P )
Italian: A (Hahahah! :P And they said Mr. Forina's class was gonna be ridiculously hard! :P As long as you do all the work and study and pay can get an A easily! :D But I am proud of this might not show that I'm an absolute genius like a few of my other grades...but it shows that I'm dedicated,a hard-worker, and above all,a good student and I feel like I truly earned this grade. :D )
Latin: A+ (Thank you Mr. Chavero! Honestly...last year I could only manage a B in Latin because my teacher was so hard and this year I'm like a Latin genius compared to everyone else in my class and I got an A+ and I'm just so proud of this grade...all my hard work this term and all of last year in Latin class finally payed off. :D )
Biology: A (Ah...I'm not pleased with anything but an A+...not even at a science class. It's a good grade...but I know that I can do much better in Biology...well...maybe not much better...but I know that I can get an A+...but that's not gonna be my main's gonna be getting up that dreaded History grade of mine for this term. :P )
Math: A+ (You know...a lot of peoples have told me that Algebra 2 is pretty much the hardest math course that you'll ever take aside from Calculus...but uh...I don't think so. :P An A+ just kinda speaks for itself and although I SHOULD be proud of this grade...ah...I'm just indifferent to it...I've always been good at math and I know that for a knew I'd get this grade before the year even started and before I even knew who the heck my teacher was. :P )
So...those are all my grades and not counting Physical Education, Conduct, and Band, my overall GPA was a 3.95 which is pretty much equivalent to an A which I personally think is AWETHUM!!!!! :D And I KNOW that I'm gonna get Approbation With Distinction next term (I only got Approbation this term)!!! :D I'm more motivated than ever now because it just barely eluded me and I know that it's within reach. I will get it next term. :D And I will learn how to play the piccolo soon hopefully...I really wanna... :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. Just don't ever stereotype me when it comes to me playing the flute! :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)