's St. Patrick's Day and Evacuation Day. :D I'm sure you all know about St. Patrick's Day but I think Evacuation Day is only celebrated in Massachusetts...but I could be wrong. :P Evacuation Day is basically just celebrating when the British left Boston...which is kinda cool cuz I do live in Boston, MA. :P So...I don't have school today and so far my day's been pretty good. I haven't really done much so far. :P I've just slept, watched TV, and went online. The only productive thing I did was practice the flute so I can get better at playing Normandy Beach which is going pretty well. I's not perfect but it's getting much better and since it's such a fast-paced march, the audience won't notice a small difference like playing an F instead of an F Sharp or something like that. That's about all I've done so far today and probably all that I will do for the rest of my day. :P I don't have much to say about today...
I'm still pretty proud of all my grades and I really wanna tell my dad about them but my mom doesn't hardly ever let me talk to my dad during the week cuz she hates my dad and I guess she doesn't want me or my little brother to talk to him.'s okay I guess...I can tell him about my grades on Friday night when I get to my dad's place. :D It's just a little annoying but I guess it's okay. I can't do anything about that I guess. And I had fun at the park yesterday and my mom wanted to kill me but she hates my playing pranks on her even more so she's lucky that I'm just going to the park and getting dirty and messing up the house. :P Well...she'd be more lucky to have a different kid but...that's her problem. :twisted: :P My mom's been kinda ticked off at me lately though. I think it's just cuz we haven't been getting along at all...I mean...most of the time we can just kinda ignore each other but my mom's just been evil lately so of course I'm gonna say something about that. And I got my mom really ticked off this morning just by being kinda annoying and she says that when she gets home from work today (which will probably be around 5) she's gonna punish me. I don't really care though. :P I mean...some of you might think that I'm a horrible kid and I can't behave myself to save my life but I can...when I wanna...which is always at school in my classes, which is why I have an A in Conduct...but when I get home I'm just horribly behaved cuz I don't feel the need to behave myself as much. :P And I hate my mom and she thinks that I'm just a rebellious teenager even when I'm not doing anything so I just like to give her a reason for thinking that. :twisted: :P So...I'm just horribly behaved at home...but if I wanted to...I could easily control myself. :P But...anyways...I'm just on my mom's bad side lately but who cares?! :P I honestly don't. :P I don't have anything else to really say. :P
That's about it for this blog. :P I'm just saying that if I don't come on this site later it's cuz I'm being punished by my mom so don't panic...I'm not leaving the site...and I probably won't for a very long time. Bye bye! :D -MightyBFan25 (who you hopefully won't miss tonight :P )