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How My Day Was/What's Been Going On At My Mom's Place For The Past Few Days...

As the title this blog I wanna talk about how my day was and what's been going on at my mom's place for the last few days. I'll start with how my day was first though cuz...I kinda wanna procrastinate on typing about what's been going on at my mom's place...I know I don't haveta but I might as well. If you've read my blogs you already kinda sorta know about how I behave at home and how my parents are. :P

Anyways, my day was pretty good today. It was just a normal Day 5 at my school which means that I had PE and a study which was good. I had two substitute teachers today for Math and ELA cuz Ms. Wenz and Ms. Gribaudo were out today for some odd reason that I have no clue about. :P And our substitute teachers were the Franklin Twins. TRUST ME...if you go to know who they are. They're the worst substitute teachers ever but they're AWETHUM cuz you can do whatever the heck you wanna and they try to teach you but it's pathetic cuz all of us know more than her (I mean...most of us know much more that all our teachers actually but with them it's so pathetic. :P ) so it's so funny when they try to teach us anything. :P I math class we had this practice MCAS packet to do which was so easy and Ms. Franklin had no clue how to do like problem number 1. :lol: :P The class was a disaster so I just did the whole packet while she was trying to "teach" the class how to do problem number 1 which took like 15 minutes. :lol: :P It was so pathetic but I enjoyed watching it. :P And in ELA class the other Ms. Franklin had us read aloud for the entire class from the book"Les Miserables" which I already finished like two weeks ago. :P And I kinda had to be a teacher's pet in that class though cuz no one was even paying attention to her cuz they were doing their homework and I already read the book and did my homework so I had nothing do to except pay attention and I volunteered to read a lot and she actually liked having me read cuz she said that I was a great reader or something like that but c'mon, that's easy...just speak up, articulate, pause when you need to, don't read ridiculously slow like you have autism (no offense to anyone) and just put in some emotion. But...I guess she liked that and complemented me on that like a bajillion times. :P Ah well...I don't care...I guess that's a good thing that I'm never recognized for. :P Other than that my day was pretty good and normal. I didn't have any homework when I got home either which was AWETHUM!!! :D My dad already came to pick me up and I'm typing this at my dad's place, and now I have the rest of the day to enjoy this near-perfect weather outside in MA. :D Really...the weather's AWETHUM!!! :D It's like 70 degrees, and it's sunny and kinda windy which I like, and it's not humid at all. It's like perfect my opinion anyways. :P I dunno what I'll do outside's kinda a toss up at the moment. :P Ah well...I'll probably think of something. :P

Now I wanna talk about what's been going on at my mom's place for the last few days, Tuesday to today to be more exact. So...I'll just do a small paragraph for every day. :P (This blog is gonna be ridiculously long...I know...sorry about this. Reading my blogs must really torture you peoples, huh? :P Well...who cares?! :P Kidding. :P )

On Tuesday- Not much really happened but I was getting into some arguments with my mom and I could kinda tell that I was getting her ticked off but at the time I didn't really care and just kinda ignored it.

On Wednesday- I had the day off and I got into a fight with my mom before she went to work which put me in a bad mood. Then when she called our house at like 11 I just got so ticked off at her (I don't even know why...I was just ticked off at her) and I said some things to her that I really shouldn't repeat for the rest of my life...including on this site cuz I don't want the evil mods to ban me again! :P And my mom got really angry at me and said that she'd punish me when I got home (which is why I said I wouldn't be on later that day). And then when she got home she said she'd put me in my room at 6:30 and I got into another fight with her and then she sent me into my room right then and there so I went to my room and she said that I was banned from the computer for a week. I played my flute for about an hour cuz I was bored and had nothing better to do with my life at the time. Then my mom came in at about 7:30, yelled at me, and told me to put away my flute so I cleaned it, put it in it's case, and put away my concert music. Then I sat down on my bed for a while doing nothing...still kinda ticked off at my mom cuz I couldn't even play my flute! Really...that's just the most ridiculous thing ever! Then at about 8 my mom came back into my room and said that she'd basically un-punish me if I apologized but I refused to just cuz...I'm kinda stubborn and I'm always set in whatever mind-set I have and well...I felt that my actions were justified at the time ( was stupid...and I'm not just kidding either...what I did was stupid...especially cuz I'm a nerd...I should know better...being stubborn just really gets in the way sometimes.) So then I just went to bed. I was really ticked off at my mom after what she did and I really just didn't care about even trying to behave. Then I kinda went to bed.

On Thursday- Throughout the day I was still ticked off at my mom and just kinda holding a grudge against her (which is wierd cuz I'm not one to hold grudges against peoples and I find it stupid...but it's really hard not to when that person is your mom and you live with her five out of seven days of the week and then you think about how stupid she is and all the problems that she's caused in my life...mainly the divorce.) and I was just acting like a jerk around her for the rest of the day until about 6 when she kinda left to go to the store down the street from her place and then to do some laundry (and the washing machine and dryer are down in the basement so well...didn't haveta see her for about an hour) so I just kinda watched TV and finally got an opportunity to just kinda zone out and calm down...which I didn't have for the past few days...and it's kinda hard for me to calm down cuz I do have a quick temper sometimes and with my mom...I definately have a quick temper. Then at about 7 or something she wanted to talk to me and I was just saying to myself: "Oh great, not another one of her stupid lectures about something stupid that I don't care about." But for once...she actually sat down next to me (which is wierd cuz well...whenever she talks to me...she's always standing up like she's all high and mighty and crap and she hardly ever actually goes down to my level to talk to me) and she was talking in a calm voice to me...not she normally does and that time I had calmed down and I was listening to what she was saying and then she gave me like ten minutes to think about some things. And then I realized that I should probably apologize for what I did cuz what I did was wrong and I was acting like a complete jerk...which is kinda hard for me to admit cuz well...I'm very stubborn, hard to be persuaded,a good debater/persuader, and I hate to admit that I'm wrong cuz I'm almost always right...except in History class... :P But I was kinda weighing the pros and cons for apologizing or not...but from what I gathered the pros outweighed the cons...I actually couldn't think of any cons... So...I actually did apologize to my mom (first time I can remember doing that in a long time) and I did get un-punishedand I'm un-banned from the computer at my mom's place and it just doesn't feel as awkward being around my mom as it did a few days ago. I will try to behave somewhat better when it comes to arguments and that kinda stuff but...I'm still not gonna quit troublemaking. :twisted: :P I'll still troublemake but I won't give my mom as hard a time as I do with getting into verbal arguments with her...I'll try not to at least. :P And I do honestly mean that...not for my mom...but mainly for me and to be a good role model for my little brother. I'm just glad that I did apologize makes me feel a little better. :)

I don't have much else to say. Sorry this blog is so long. :P I hope at least one or two people/wizards read the entire blog though. :P But no zombies...zombies are evil and wanna eat my brain cuz I'm smarticle and give me nightmares. :P But...I shouldn't talk about zombies anymore...I'm still paranoid of them cuz of that dream. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25