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How The Holiday Concert Went...

I was meaning to make this blog on Saturday or on Friday night but by the time I got home on Friday I was exhausted from the concert and on Saturday I was too lazy to really do anything. :P But...anyways...the Holiday Concert was on Friday and all the bands at BLS preform along with some of the chorus groups and it went pretty good. The Band I'm in (Junior Band) played The First Noel, An Irish Rhapsody, and The Magnificent Seven Theme. We did really good I guess and I'm so happy because we worked so hard with all those rehearsals and all that practicing and that takes a lot of comitment. :D AND...for the Magnificent Seven theme Mr. Harper (Our old music teacher) came to watch us preform and the concert was dedicated to him. :D AND...he came up and conducted our last song...and he took it slightly above normal tempo but we did really good and we played it at that tempo with no problem. :D I was so happy to see Mr. Harper again because I really missed him...along with pretty much everyone else in band. :P And the head of the music department even gave Mr. Harper a silver baton to conduct us with but he didn't use it at all...he never did conduct us with a baton. :P It was a little sad though because that'll probably be the last time that we'll ever see him and it's the last time that I'll havea good band conductor until I'm a Junior and I'll be in the Symphonic Band. :P But...overall it went really good and I was pleased with the results. :D I can only imagine how good we'll be come time for the Spring Concert... :D And it's even better because us Woodwind players did reallygood despite everything with Mr. Dougherty hating woodwind players. :D So...we showed her that we're just as good as everyone else and that we care just as much as everyone else. :D So...haha...we showed her! :twisted: :P Oh, and when the music from the concert gets uploaded to I'll put the links for it on one of my blogs so you can see how good we really are. :D And uh...yeah...that's about it. :P

Everything at school and at home's been going pretty good now. :P With school all I haveta worry about now are a few term tests, my Biology presentation about Osteogenesis Imperfecta, and my Declamation and then I get outta school on Thursday (my birthday) and then I can enjoy my Christmas Break! :D So...I'm almost there. :P And so far everything today's been pretty good. I haven't really done much besides go online, watch TV, read some comics, and do a little writing. :P In about two hours I'm going home to my mom's place but I'm not too upset and I don't dread it anymore like I used to because lately my mom's been kinda sorta nice to me and well...there's no fighting or anything and I'm hoping that it stays that way. :P I'm not planning on doing much else for the rest of my day. :P I just can't wait for my birthday, Christmas, and Christmas all comes at once so it really is epic. :D That's about all I haveta say in this paragraph... :P

PLEASE READ THIS PART IF YOU PLAN ON IGNORING EVERYTHING ELSE IN THIS BLOG: Okay...I will be having a blog party starting on December 23rd. :P Why...? :P Because it's my birthday. And it'll last for about a week (maybe a few days extra...I dunno... :P ) and it'll be for the purpose of celebrating my birthday (I'll be turning 15), Christmas Eve, Christmas, and Christmas break. :D So...yeah...just show up even if you don't normally comment on my blogs. :P Just remember to not forget about that. :P And bring destructive are free to trash my place and cause as much destruction as possible as long as you don't break my Bakugans. :twisted: :P

By the way...I think I mentioned this in my last blog but for that time that I was depressed because of the issue with my dad (this was a few weeks ago) I realized that I didn't play in the mud at all and that I probably could live without it for a certain amount of time so after that I decided to see just how long I can last without playing in the mud. :P It's actually been going pretty well...I've lasted about two weeks but I know that I'm probably gonna snap before my birthday...I honestly feel like I'm gonna snap today. :P Later today when I get back to my mom's place I probably will end up playing in the mud (I've technically lasted a month without that...the two weeks that I was depressed and did nothing evil and then two more weeks where I've actually had to fight off this urge. :P ) later today...and then I'll start thinking of evil ways to get back at my older cousin on Christmas. :twisted: :P If you care I'll make and EDIT in this blog and tell you what happened...but I'm sure you know what's gonna happen. :lol: :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)