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I Can't Come Up With A Title For This Blog... :P

Sorry...I can't come up with a title for this blog so my excuse is the title of this blog. :P I just wanna talk about my day and hopefully not bore you all to death. :P

My day's been pretty good so far. It was pretty unproductive...all I did was sleep, watch TV, play video games, go online...and go to WalMart to pick out some AWETHUM Bakugan that I'm not gonna get till Easter. :P I want Easter to be here so badly but it isn't at the moment...wish it was though. :P Today the weather is pretty nice so I went to the park toplay in the mud and get absolutely filthy. :P It was fun but then I had to take a shower and at the moment I feel way too clean and my hair looks way too nice...which I don't like too much. :P Ah well...I can mess up my hair all I want when I'm done typing this. :P So far I haven't done much else. :P I have this feeling that I'm gonna get some evil prank played on me later...ah well...I don't care too much and it'll probably be funny and I always play a bajillion evil pranks on everyone I know. :P If that does happen I'll tell you what happened and how that went. :P I'm probably gonna play my Pokemon Emerald game for a few hours later cuz I'm been addicted to it all week and I've gotten all 8 gym badges and I'm going to Ever Grande City next. :D :P I don't really have much else to say. :P

This blog is pretty short...I really didn't have much to say. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25 (who by the way is now very paranoid and just wants a prank played on her to get it over with... :P )