Yeah...I honestly don't know why I'm making this blog. :P I just felt compelled to make yet another blog for some odd reason so you'll just haveta live with it. :P The only reason I probably wanna make this blog is cuz I wanna get to blog #175 really quick. :PYeah...that's probably why. :P Anyways...I don't have much to say in this blog so I doubt it'll be that long...but then again...I think I've said that before at the beginning of some of my longest blogs. :lol: :P So...sorry my blogs are so wicked long. :P
First of all...YOU MUST REMEMBER THIS: My 175th blog will be the do-whatever-the-heck-you-wanna blog so show up or I'll do something...I dunno what though...but it won't be nice. :P You must remember that you're dealing with an evil don't get the evil mastermind won't be good. :P I'll blow you all up with my mind. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Seriously...I won't do anything...but I'd appreciate it if I got a fair amount of comments on that blog. :D :P And in my next blog the title will mention the do-whatever-the-heck-you-wanna blog. :P I was thinking about doing it for this one...but ah...I can't think of a good title at the moment. :P Anyways...just remember to not forget about that and MightyBFan25 will be very happy. :P
By the way...I don't think I mentioned this in my last blog so I might as well keep you updated with my evil plan of productive troublemaking wether you like it or not! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P You're in my world now! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :P a little carried away there. :P So...I doubt anyone read it so I'll say what I plan to do again. :P plan is thatsince I've tried to make my mom act less snobby and uptight before and it's never worked when I've been acting like myself around her...maybe I shouldn't act like myself around my mom... Yeah...that's right! :twisted: :P If my mom won't respond to me acting like myself...maybe she will when I'm NOT acting like myself! :twisted: :P So...don't worry...I'm still gonna be acting like myself on this site and I'm not epic pranking anyone again for a while aside from my mom. :P I'm just gonna act all snobby and uptight around my mom and then she'll eventually see how annoying she really is and hopefully stop! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P So far since I haven't been at my mom's place for a while...I've called her every day and I've been acting that way and she seems to be annoyed with me...more annoyed than she would be with me acting normally. :P And she's trying to get me to stop acting that way already. :P I'm gonna go back to her place later today and then the productive troublemaking will REALLY begin! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Eventually she'll snap and finally act immature...I know that my mom used to be a tom-boy...and I know that that'll work to my advantage! :twisted: :P So...I'm gonna keep you all updated with this. :P And uh...if this doesn't work...the whole thing was an epic fail. :P Yeah...that'll be so AWETHUM, huh? :D :P Seriously...I was being sarcastic so don't answer that question. :P
So far today I haven't done anything that special or anything productive for that matter. :P I don't have much to say about my day. :P I'm just going back to my mom's place later and some of my Bakugan stuff that came in the mail is there so I'm gonna brag about it in my next blog. :D :P Uh...nothing else to say about today. :P I don't have anything planned. :P I should probably go play in the mud one last time before I go back to my mom's place though... :P If I'm gonna continue my productive troublemaking I gotta be convincing with acting all snobby and uptight and snobby uptight peoples don't play in the mud so I can't either during this evil plot of mine around my mom. :P Oh well...I can live without playing in the mud to make my sinister plan work. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P's only around my mom...I won't be ready to lose it like during my epic prank. :P
By the way...I remember I mentioned in one of my blogs near the beginning of the summer that I was gonna learn how to shoot a pistol. :P don't remember...? :P Well...I did so get over it. :P Wait...who am I talking to...? :P Myself...? :P Am I really that pathetic...? :P Oh well...I don't really care. :lol: :P But uh...anyways...I'm gonna learn how to shoot a gun this summer but not at the moment cuz it's been really hot in MA lately and the shooting range where my dad'll be taking me isn't air conditioned on the top floor. So...I'll learn how to shoot a pistol...eventually...just later than expected. :P And then...when I one's gonna wanna mess with MightyBFan25! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P (cocks a machine gun...) Yeah...eventually I'll be able to shoot this thing as well. :P Kidding. :P But seriously...if you can shoot a pistol you can shoot any other type of gun from what I've heard. :D But ah...I'll never shoot anything aside from the targets at the shooting range with proper supervision. :P I'm not violent...just evil. :P
Uh...I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P When I'm done typing this blog I'm probably just gonna either go take a nap or play in the mud...I'll do both...but I'm not sure which one I'll do first. :P (yawns...) Actually...maybe the nap...I am kinda tired. :P Good night...uh...sorry...I mean...bye...for now...wait...I need to say it in Latin so...uh...vale...yeah...that's better. :P -MightyBFan25