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I Feel So Smarticle Right Now!!!!! :D

Don't I always feel smarticle...? :P Don't answer that...the answer's obviously yes because I'm a nerd. :P Anyways...I'll get to the title soon...I just wanted to apologize for not writing a blog for the past few days...I've just been really busy with all my school stuff but tonight I didn't have that much work and I actually have about three hours before I haveta go to bed and I'm using that time to do some stuff online...and this counts as doing stuff online. :P Okay...enough of rambling on and on...let's get on with this blog... :P

Today was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I was a normal day of school and all but it just seems like all my hard work lately is paying off...AGAIN!!! :D It just feels so AWETHUM and I feel so smarticle and I'm so proud of myself. :D I English...when we've been having class discussions about "Not Without Laughter" and I've been making such AWETHUM comments and really contributing to the discussions and I honestly think it's because I've really learned how to analyze literature from last year in ELA. :P In History nothing special's really happened. :P Italian I'm pretty happy because this year I actually feel like I can speak some Italian and I know all the vocab and grammar up to what we've learned so far which makes me really happy. :D In Biology I'm doing AWETHUM!!!!! :D My average in Biology up to this point is legit over 100%! :D It's like 102.7% or something like that and it's actually the third best average in my Biology class which is AWETHUM because in my Biology class there seems to be a ton of other really smarticle when it comes to Biology as of right now...I'm one of the smartest of the smart. :P's AWETHUM but this so proves that I'm a nerd. :P In Math I'm doing really good too and my teacher really likes me and thinks I'm a good student and I also have an average in that class above 100%...I believe it's a 101.5%. :P Yeah...I'm a math geek too... :lol: :P And Latin...Ms. Foley thinks that I'm an AWETHUM student too. :D I mean...she loves how I don't procrastinate on my projects and that I'm a good student and I'm really good at Latin and she loves my AWETHUMLY color-coded structure identification papers and wants me to print out a copy of one of them to keep on display. :D :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I'm SUCH an evil mastermind! :twisted: :P Kidding...I'm just a nerd. :P But far everything's been going pretty good. And I'm doing really good with that new song I got in Band...I can play everything pretty good aside from about 20 measures of pure insanity for woodwinds. :lol: :P I'm working on that... :P Uh...yeah...that's about it. :P

One thing that I've noticed lately though is that this week it's like this giant wave of projects has just randomly came and I've been so busy. :P I mean...for English we haveta make this conversation based on a chapter in the book that we're reading that we were assigned, for History we have this massive group work project that's due on Friday, for Latin we have this term project, for Italian we had to present this dialogue thing to the class a few days ago, for Biology we haveta make a 3D model of a eukaryotic cell, and for Math...uh...I dunno yet...I know it has something to do with scatter plots and statistics and stuff but we haven't been assigned it yet... :P Thank god I'm not a procrastinator though...I'd be so stressed out right now. :P I already have everything set up for my English conversation, me and my partner already presented our Italian dialogue, I already made that cell model for Biology, my group's ALMOST done with the group project for History, and my Latin project's a work in progress. So I only really haveta worry about Latin and History right now...everything else is all set for the most part. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P It just sucks because the weather outside is horrible so I can't go outside and I'm kinda sick now...nothing major...just a sore throat and a kinda sorta bad cough...but that's it. :P I still feel bad for my Bakugan though...they're still second to a bag of cough drops and they deserve better than that... :P Oh well... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)